- Sweet-potato growing in the cotton belt: March 9, 1915 (United States. Agriculture Dept) by H. C Thompson, 1915
- A new respiration calorimeter for use in the study of problems of vegetable physiology (United States. Agriculture Dept) by C. F Langworthy, 1912
- Raisins, figs and other dried fruits and their use (United States. Agriculture Dept) by C. F Langworthy, 1913
- The chestnut bark disease (United States. Agriculture Dept) by Metcalf Haven, 1913
- Bread and the principles of bread making (United States. Agriculture Department. Farmers' bulletin) by Helen W Atwater, 1906
- The water economy of dry-land crops (United States Agriculture Dept) by Thomas H Kearney, 1912
- Methods and costs of marketing (United States. Agriculture department. Yearbook) by Frank Andrews, 1910
- Diseases of ornamental trees (United States. Agriculture Department) by Haven Metcalf, 1908
- Canned fruit, preserves, and jellies;: Household methods of preparation (United States. Agriculture Department. Farmers' bulletins) by Maria Parloa, 1905
- Winter oats in the cotton belt: November 21, 1914 (United States. Agriculture Dept) by Clyde William Warburton, 1914
- Rotations in the corn belt (United States. Agriculture Dept) by Clarence Beaman Smith, 1912
- Some results obtained in studying ripening bananas with the respiration calorimeter (United States. Agriculture Dept) by C. F Langworthy, 1913
- Bacteria in milk (United States. Agriculture Department) by Lore A Rogers, 1908
- A study of rock decomposition under the action of water (United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of Public Roads. Circular) by Allerton S Cushman, 1905