Extractions: Welcome to Simtel.Net - A worldwide distribution network for Shareware, Freeware, and Public Domain software. Simtel Spotlight Simtel Spotlight - Where the Hottest Programs SHINE! Currently Featuring... Typing Tutors It seems like just yesterday that I was listening to Alice Cooper screaming "School's out for the summer" on my local radio station, yet it seems to be school time once again for most kids. My own school record was, um, less than sterling, but along came spell check and calculators which made up for a lot of my sleeping in class. I've never run into the situation where Latin or Algebra was all that necessary in my adult life but there is one class that I've never regretted taking...typing. I took it quite by accident. I had an extra class opening one semester that I had to fill and my counselor, wisely sensing that I was destined for a lifetime of typing, tossed me in a typing class. Wow, was that good luck. Who was to know that computers would develop into such an everyday tool and typing skills would come in so handy. I got my first job because I was able to pass a typing test.
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File Transit Inc. - Freeware, Shareware And Demo Software Downloads algebra works in three modes. Work with others over the internet. shareware, Jun18th 2002, KB. IronHeadMathFlash 1.2, Multiple choice Math flashcard freeware http://www.filetransit.com/software/index.php?cat=205
File Transit Inc. - Freeware, Shareware And Demo Software Downloads BaseNow 1.0.0, 37, Database Tools for Windows. Bash HTML Editor 3.1, 63, AdvancedHTML Editors for Windows. Basic algebra ShapeUp 1.2, 11, Mathematics for Windows. http://www.filetransit.com/alphaindex.php?letter=b
Extractions: License: Shareware A completely updated Windows version of our most popular program. It teaches counting, addition and subtraction with animated rewards every step of the way. Not just a drill, but also a tutorial that gives graphic help as needed. This program is for young children - it covers the numbers through 9. The game room can be visited after completing ten questions. Updated versions two of the original games are included - the "build your own rocket" game now has 256 colors and sound, the "Animated Piano" uses a computer image of a piano and 19 animated "singers" each with their own instruments for sound ranging from a grand piano, to a banjo (using sound card MIDI instruments for the correct note sounds). There are also some new games - "Animated Darts" has 8 dartboards with animated colors. There are also two coloring books with 25 dinosaurs (that roar) and 26 animals (one for each letter of the alphabet, with sound).
Shareware And Freeware Categories Linear algebra Performs computations associated with real matrices. more EbizHelpers TM. Home Submit shareware freeware Contact Privacy Policy http://www.2haveit.com/category.php?cat=Education
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Freeware And Shareware - Software Downloads Greatfreeware.com freeware shareware. A mathematical tool that assist studentsstudying algebra, Linear algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics http://www.greatfreeware.com/Business/Enhanced_Calculators/
Extractions: Advantix Calculator A mathematical tool that assist students studying Algebra, Linear Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics, Finance, Engineering, or Discrete and Logic Mathematics. Advantix can compute mathematical expressions involving complex numbers, polynomials, rational functions, vectors and matrices. In addition, Advantix can compute mathematicalexpressions involving binary, octal, hexadecimal and logics (Boolean Algebra). Advantix provides many common mathematical functions such as integration, differentiation, matrix determinant and inversion, special functions, Fourier transforms. Advantix also graph user defined functions in 2D, 3D and polar coordinates.
Freeware And Shareware - Software Downloads Greatfreeware.com freeware shareware. All Free - All Here - All Now. SoftwarePortal Games Educational Games algebra One On One. http://www.greatfreeware.com/Games/Educational_Games/1181.html
Extractions: PRO Prozenttrainer 1.01 Es gibt zu den folgenden Begriffen eine Erläuterung mit ausführlichen Beispielen: Prozentbegriff,p % Prozentsatz), G (Grundwert), W (Prozentwert), bequeme Prozentsätze prozentuale Zu- und Abschläge. Zu jedem Begriff gibt es vielfältige Übungen. Diese sind unterteilt in einfache Berechnungen, d.h. einfache Aufgabenstellungen und komplexe Übungen, d.h. Sachaufgaben. Die Sachaufgaben sind als Textaufgaben gestellt. MAL Maltrainer 3 v 1.21 Dieses Lernprogramm beinhaltet alle möglichen Übungsformen des Lehrplanes der Klassenstufe 3 zu diesem Thema. Man kann mit diesem Programm das kleine Einmaleins erlernen nicht nur üben!!! Möglich sind u.a. das Üben der Malfolgen, der Divisionsreihen, des Zerlegens von Zahlen (Produkte) in Faktoren und das Lösen von Gleichungen.
Ingenieur/Technik (Shareware/Freeware-Download) Translate this page auf alle wichtigen Formeln aus den Bereichen algebra, Geometrie und Größe ca1202 KB, shareware (99,70 EUR), 23.08 Größe ca 775 KB, freeware, 28.06.2001. http://deutsche-shareware.de/download/75.htm
Extractions: BUE SimApp-Simulation von Regelungssystemen 2.0 SimApp ist ein Windows-Programm für die Analyse und Synthese von analogen und digitalen Regelkreisen. Die Modellierung der Systeme erfolgt vollständig visuell mit wenigen Mausklicks. SimApp ermöglicht die Simulation im Frequenz- (Bode- und Nyquistdiagramme, Eigenwerte) und Zeitbereich. Die Simulationsergebnisse werden in Form von skalierbaren Diagrammen und Wertetabellen übersichtlich dargestellt. Stab2D-NL 2.0 Programm zur nichtlinearen Schnittgrößenermittlung / Verformungsberechnung von ebenen Rahmensystemen aus Stahlbeton. Nichtlineares Betonverhalten wird mit den im Prg. INCA2 implementierten Effekten berücksichtigt (Tension stiffening, Schwinden, Kriechen, Vorspannung etc.). Außerdem Dehnung der Systemachse, Theorie 3. Ordnung für Seiltragwerke. Ausführliche Hilfe, Beispiele. Reg. der Hochschulversion kostenlos! Wird an der TUHH weiterentwickelt.
Extractions: A Personal Diet Fitness Manager 1.1.2 License: Shareware Our Rating: Price: $18.00 3/31/2003 6:58:45 AM This program is for those who are interested in losing weight and keeping track of nutritional intake on a daily basis. The USDA database with 6,200 food items is used as input and meals can be made for iput ease. Calculators, graphs, printing, more. Size: 7230KB Download Screenshot Full Page
EEIZ FREE ZONE::::::\__/:::::: FREE SOFTWARES-FREEWARES Simtel.Net WorldwideSimtel.Net is a worldwide distribution network for shareware,freeware, and Public Award winning algebra game free trial software. http://eeiz.hypermart.net/free_zone/softwares.html
Nicht Verfügbar Translate this page bei shareware-Pool.de shareware, Download, freeware, Demos, more DIE Community rundum shareware wichtigen Formeln aus den Bereichen algebra, Geometrie und http://www.shareware-pool.de/Downloads_Büroanwendungen_Office.html
HungryFrog.com Mac freeware Mac Demoware Mac shareware . Hungry Frog freeware Arcade MathGame 1.0 (Win95/98/NT 1/19/99 Help kids learn algebra in an entertaining http://www.hungryfrog.com/freeware.htm
Extractions: freeware_algebra_game.exe [1/19/99] Help kids learn algebra in an entertaining way with a multimedia arcade game that's actually a high-quality math learning tool in disguise . The Hungry Frog line of educational games are all based on a scenario where frogs have become endangered species (which isn't far from the truth), and the world is becoming overpopulated by a selection of strange and unusual insects. The frogs' only hope is to eat as many bugs as possible, get healthy and fat, and multiply by making as many tadpoles as possible. Your competition comes in the form of hungry fish who vie for dominance by eating your little tadpoles. This is definitely an entertaining way to tackle algebra problems, with arcade-style graphics, fun sounds, and loads of colors and movement. Frogs are fed by solving the algebra problems on the large bugs that float by.