- Reveille: First Lady of Texas A&M (Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University) by Rusty Burson, Vannessa Burson, 2004-09-17
- First Ladies: From Martha Washington to Michelle Obama by Betty Caroli, 2010-07-15
- George Washington: The First President (Heroes of American History) by Carin T. Ford, 2003-03
- Below the Peacock Fan: First Ladies of the RAJ by Marian Fowler, 1989-01-03
- Ellen and Edith: Woodrow Wilson's First Ladies (Modern First Ladies) by Kristie Miller, 2010-10-15
- First Ladies Of The White House (2005) by Nancy J. Skarmeas, 2005-01-01
- Presidents and First Ladies of the United States (Journeys Into the Past) by Doranne Jacobson, 1998-11-01
- First Ladies of the United States of America by Margaret Klapthor, 2006-08-02
- Celebrating First Lady Michelle Obama in Pictures (The Obama Family Photo Album) by Jane Katirgis, 2009-08-01
- LIFE Michelle Obama: A Portrait of the First Lady (Life (Life Books)) by Editors of Life, 2009-10-06
- The Presidents, First Ladies, and Vice Presidents: White House Biographies, 1789-1997 by Daniel C. Diller, Stephen L. Robertson, 1997-04
- First Governor, First Lady: John and Eliza Routt of Colorado by Joyce B. Lohse, 2002-05-01
- Hillary Rodham Clinton: Polarizing First Lady (Modern First Ladies) by Gil Troy, 2008-03-04
- Modern First Ladies: Their Documentary Legacy