IBM Research | Research Areas | Artificial Intelligence instruction more individualized to the learner. Activities. Seminars.Related Research Areas. computer science. artificial intelligence Links.
Extractions: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of how computer systems can simulate intelligent processes such as learning, reasoning, and understanding symbolic information in context. AI is inherently a multi-disciplinary field. Although it is most commonly viewed as a subfield of computer science, and draws upon work in algorithms, databases, and theoretical computer science, AI also has close connections to the neurosciences, cognitive science and cognitive psychology, mathematical logic, and engineering. AI Research at IBM goes far beyond game-playing programs and is at the forefront of many of the hottest areas of Artificial Intelligence. Research in AI at IBM can be characterized by the AI techniques or methodologies used in a particular project, or by the motivating application for which AI is used. AI techniques and methodologies include learning, Bayesian Reasoning, intelligent agents, knowledge representation, logic programming, and planning. AI applications include electronic commerce, intelligent tutoring systems, knowledge management, performance management, and exploratory vision.
EECS Home Page Department of Electrical Engineering and computer science. B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. Research interests include artificial intelligence, image processing, computer systems performance evaluation, and objectoriented software engineering. On-line research papers available.
Extractions: EECS Search Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Vanderbilt University . We are the largest department in the School of Engineering . We offer Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Master's degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Management of Technology. We also offer accredited Bachelor of Engineering degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Our department is a dynamic and growing community of scholars active in most of the principal areas of our field. Our faculty are diverse and have many interdisciplinary initiatives. As you navigate through these pages, you will see why I am excited about the future of our department. Arthur J. Brodersen, Department Chair Vanderbilt University is located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, and is one of the nation's leading research and teaching institutions. A map of our campus can be found here Nashville is the capital of Tennessee, and is a growing city with a metropolitan population of over one million. Also known as the Country Music Capital, Nashville offers a wide variety of music and other entertainment. A sampling can be found at the
Leslie Pack Kaelbling's Home Page Professor of computer science and Engineering at Department of Electrical Engineering and computer science Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Also associate director of the MIT artificial intelligence Laboratory and Editorin-Chief of the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
Extractions: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Associate director of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Machine Learning Research Member of the Singapore - MIT Alliance Spring 2003: 6.034: Artificial Intelligence Fall 2002: 6.825: Techniques in Artificial Intelligence Spring 2002: 6.891: Learning in Worlds with Objects Fall 2001: 6.825: Techniques in Artificial Intelligence
TUD : FB20 : Welcome.en Department of computer science. Research groups focus on automata theory and formal languages, automated reasoning and inference, computer graphics, computer algebra, distributed systems, database systems, industrial processes, integrated circuits and systems, artificial intelligence, microprogramming and computer architecture, operating systems, software engineering, programming languages and compilers, and systems programming.
Artificial Intelligence - A CompInfo Directory A comprehensive knowledge base, current news, events, publications, manufacturer links, and support links.Category computers artificial intelligence artificial intelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creatingmachines that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent.
Extractions: Artificial Intelligence - Outline "Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Science which deals with helping machines find solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion. This generally involves borrowing characteristics from human intelligence, and applying them as algorithms in a computer friendly way. A more or less flexible or efficient approach can be taken depending on the requirements established, which influences how artificial the intelligent behaviour appears.." Artificial Intelligence Depot Topic Outline KnowledgeBases Newsgroups and FAQs ... Key Training Providers Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge Bases AI on the Web (Stuart Russell) AI Repositories and Resource Lists (CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository) AI resources (Stottler Henke Associates, Inc)
Rice Computer Science: Department Of Computer Science Department of computer science. Research groups Algorithms and Complexity; Bioinformatics; Graphics and Geometric Design; artificial intelligence and Robotics; Parallel Compilers; Programming Languages; Scalar Compilers; Systems. (Houston, TX)
Extractions: DEPARTMENT RESEARCH ACADEMICS PEOPLE ... NEWS Department of Computer Science SEARCH: We welcome your interest in the Department of Computer Science at Rice University, one of the top twenty computer science programs in the country. Our faculty is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and scholarship and has a fundamental belief in the importance of inquiry and education. Our students benefit from a small student-to-faculty ratio and the numerous opportunities for study and research at Rice. Recent News and Events Christian awarded Schlumberger scholarship, CRA-W fellowship Microsoft Research supports peer-to-peer research Rice Building Fastest Academic Supercomputer in Texas, Rice News ... Printable Newsletter
Sebastian Thrun's Homepage Associate Professor of computer science and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, presently on sabbatical at Stanford University. Thrun pursues research in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics.
Extractions: What is the basic science of autonomous robotics? How can we build software that enables robots to accommodate the uncertainty that arises naturally in real-world domains? What mechanisms can enable robots to learn from interaction with the environment and with people? How can we build robots that learn and improve over their entire lifetime? Questions like these drive my research. I seek effective means for engineering software for complex embedded systems, equipped with sensors and actuators. My group and I have developed statistical algorithms for perception, learning and decision making in robotics (see introductory report ). We have applied these algorithms to various problems in mobile robotics, such as exploration, map learning, human robot interaction, and multi-robot team coordination (see 3D maps ). Two of our mobile robots were deployed as interactive museum tour-guides . At present, I am involved in a multi-university initiative to develop robots that assist elderly people I am equally interested in machine learning. I believe learning and teaching should be seamlessly integrated into mainstream software development. My current research focuses on programming languages that support learning from experience and probabilistic computation (see preliminary report ). In the past, I also worked on lifelong learning algorithms, which enable agents to transfer knowledge among families of related learning tasks (see
TU Berlin --- Dept. Of Computer Science Department of computer science. Research interests include computer graphics, computer vision, real time systems, robotics, computer architecture, logic design, data structures, functional and logic programming, scientific computing, communication, operating systems, neural networks, software engineering, theoretical computer science, formal specification, compiler construction, artificial intelligence, and knowledge based systems.
Extractions: In der neuen gehen die bisherigen Fachbereiche Elektrotechnik und Informatik auf. Das Folgende ist im Wesentlichen ein Informationsangebot des bisherigen Fachbereichs Informatik: Please note that most topics are still in German. ( = Available in English.) The Organization of the Dept. of Computer Science Staff, Students and Projects Dean and Administration of the Department
BSc Single Honours Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) BSc Single Honours computer science (artificial intelligence) UCAS CodeG700 BSc/CSAI. This degree focuses on ways of writing programs
Extractions: UCAS Code: G700 BSc/CSAI This degree focuses on ways of writing programs to do tasks that people need intelligence for. In the first year we introduce the major branches of Artificial Intelligence - in particular heuristic problem solving, expert systems and intelligent agents. Specialist topics in the second and third years include adaptive systems, intelligent problem solving, agents and animats and natural language engineering. In each of the three years there are compulsory modules in general computer science topics and in Artificial Intelligence. First-year Modules The following degrees share a common first year, so students may transfer between these degrees at the end of the first year if they wish: Second-year Modules Second-year options Third-year Modules
School Of Computer Science Homepage Department of computer science. Research areas include algorithms and complexity, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, databases, distributed systems, programming languages, scientific computation, software engineering, symbolic computation, text management, user interfaces, and very large scale integration.
DCS @ Exeter University Research groups Pattern Analysis and Neural Networks; artificial intelligence and Information Engineering.
Artificial Intelligence Center computer modeling of intelligent behavior, including but not limited to modeling the human mind. Topic is viewed as an interdisciplinary field where computer science intersects with philosophy, psychology, linguistics, engineering, and other fields.
Dresden, University Of Technology Department of computer science. Research areas include theoretical computer science, computer engineering, computer systems, software engineering, operating systems, databases, computer networks, artificial intelligence, and information systems.
AAI/AI-ED Links (North America) Index. Lancaster University USA. artificial intelligence Laboratory, computer science Department,University of California at Davis (UCD), USA. Machine Learning
Extractions: A collection of links to related research groups in North America. Cognitive Science Department, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), USA. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Computer Science Department, University of California at Davis (UCD), USA. ... AI Lab, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA. Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. Artificial Intelligence Group.
Concordia University Department of computer science. Research areas include design and analysis of algorithms, computer architecture and VLSI, databases and information systems, mathematics of computation, parallel and distributed computing, artificial intelligence, programming languages and methodology, and theoretical computer science.
Department Of Computer Science, Washington Universtiy In St. Labs Language science Research Group (LSRG). of the modern, more formal, disciplineof artificial intelligence. studies the design of computer programs that