Editorial Review Product Description Is Shangri-La a reality?The author reports that at 27, his bio-electric age was 39, but now at 51 calendar years his bio-electric age is 19 -- what's his secret?Find out how to go backward in time. ... Read more Customer Reviews (19)
If you read his book, two things are very apparent:
1. A lot of his health advice is excellent and true (and unconventional).
2. His book is full to the brim with constant advertisements for his products and his products only. If you look at his source packet (product catalog) you will find the products in it are unusually expensive.
I wish to talk about #2. He gives you the impression that only his vitamins will work because they are "racemized". He assures you that only his water purification machine will be ideal for your health because of "energy footprints" and "bond angle restructuring" that his machine does, etc. (which are bogus and unscientific terms). Don't get fooled. He's a good man who has helped a lot of people but his products aren't anything specially exclusive to him. His vitamins are simply made by a company who privately relabels vitamins for whoever wants to resell them under their own personal label. You can get equally good vitamins elsewhere for much cheaper. His water machine is made by Universal Water which relabels it with his private BFRV label. It is simply reverse osmosis, carbon, and deionization. You can get a better machine which is equally BEV water standard (Bio-Electric Vincent) for much cheaper at [...]. Click on the FAQ link at the top of the page and read "How do your systems compare to BFRV(?) systems sold by John Thomas?" for more information. In fact, the above site used to sell the SAME systems John Thomas is selling for much more but due to it having problems, they have created their own version which is better quality.
Why has his products helped others so much in the past? Because they are truly good products! But the key is that you can get them elsewhere for much cheaper.
The second thing I want to say is that he tells many true things in his book. However, he also embellishes them with his own theories. His own theories are unprovable, and in some cases, unscientific. He cannot prove them. They are made up in some cases. For example, he claims his water machine changes the "hydrogen and molecular bond angles". There is quite a substantial amount of scientific evidence which shows that you cannot alter the hydrogen and molecular bond angles except when H20 is bonded to a protein or you can change the bond angle for one billionth of 1 milisecond when the water is subjected to a strong magnetic force. For John Thomas to claim that he can alter the bond angles in a water system and can keep it that way for any length of time is non-scientific and quite simply not possible. So don't believe everything he says.
For another author who tells a lot of the same things as John Thomas and is not in it for the money, I suggest Dr. Lorraine Day (www.drday.com). In fact, the best vitamin supplement you can get to be honest is to use a juicing machine to make juice out of fresh fruits and vegetables directly. Not only is it perfectly absorbable by the body but it contains all of the things inside of vegetables and fruits that our bodies need which we may not have discovered yet (unlike vitamin supplements).
The things John Thomas mentions about fourth dimensions are his personal theories (he happens to be an eastern religion). If you are a Christian, I warn you that it is incompatible with Christianity as he claims Christ was merely a fourth-dimensional being and others can become fourth-dimensional beings too (whereas Christians know that Jesus is God and Man - He is "God Made Man") so be cautious.
I hope this helped. Feel free to read his book as there are a lot of true and good things in it, but be cautious with his products and claims and also do your research on the water system and vitamins.
A must read!
Everyone should read this book and use it to live healthier. The title should be Healthy Again!
"Acne, allergies, constipation and menstrual problems have bothered me since I was 13 years old (I am now 27), but I did not have
anyone to help me. When I called John Thomas, I was desperate. He told me exactly what was wrong and how to fix it So, I did it
and all of my problems went away in just a few months! Now, I am one happy girl! Kara ., Portland, OR
"All of my female friends (including me) are depressed have become so forgetful, and it scares me to death! Seems like everyone is going
senile. I called John. Thomas and asked him why us women are so depressed and losing our minds ? He explained why and told me how
to fix things. I did what he said and what a difference! Everything changed AND my mind 'came back', too! He said Ahheimers is a
'hormone-issue and a HUGE threat for women over men by 3:1, but avoidable and reversable if caught early. I believe him! I think he
knows more than he is telling. He's onto something bigP!" Myrtle L. (age 75), Pittsburg, PA
"Thanks for always being there!" I will never forget how my life was changed by a casual trip to a book store, and buying vour book.
The truth flies just off the pages and the world is a better place [because of it]." Marsna ., Chagrin Falls, OH.
"When I called John Thomas, I was 104 years old, very sick, confined to a bed, and dying. Mr. Thomas asked me how bad I wanted to
live and would I do as he asked so I could get my life back. I said yes, even though I had my doubts. But when you are as old as lam, every
new day is a miracle. He had me clean my liver, open my bowels, drink Kombucha tea, fix my hormones, start eating super foods, use the
lymphatic roller, start walking and gently rebounding, and drink theFRV and medical water. In 90 days (I began in March 97) I was
up and going. By summer I was walking 3 miles a day and I had a nice vegetable garden I worked in it all summer "barefooted" ake Mr.
Thomas told me to do. I am now 105 years YOUNG, and I am^here to tell anyone who will listen that you don't have to be sick and suffer.
Before, I thought my days were numbered. Now, 1 only think of how good it feels to be alive and I look forward to many tomorrows. Thank
you God." Jean W., Paradise, California
"I have suffered with female problems since puberty and my problems only got worse as I got older. For me, 'older' started about
age 28. PMS problems, depression, chronic fatigue, fat, my hair started graying and thinning. Finally, the doctor said I had cancer
of the uterus and I was omy 35 years old! I was scarred! A friend gave me a copy of Young Again and I finally understood what had
been happening to me for all these years. I did what John Thomas suggested. Now I look and feel the best I have felt in 23 years! Believe
me when I tell you that life is a whole lot better when a woman is in control other body." Sue J., Dallas, Texas,
"The doctor told me balding was genetic. John Thomas said balding was not genetic. Now that my hair has grown back and I have my
natural color in place of gray, I have to say that Mr. Thomas was right. People think I dye my hair, but I don't and I am 65 years "young!"
He (Mr. Thomas) told me to make and drink Kombucha tea and take GH.+, and to clean out my liver and fix. my hormones. That did it!
I sure am pleased." Jesse B. Portland, Oregon
"They said there was nothing they could do for my fibromyalgia except take a bunch of pills. I went to the library and looked in the
Physicians Desk Reference to see about the pills the doctors gave me. That was enough to convince me something was wrong with
their approach. My friend told me to contact John Thomas to see if he could give me any suggestions. He did better than that, he
explained exactly why I was suffering and exactly what I needed to do to get my life back. I am proud to say that I feel good, my
fibromyalgia (?) is gone." Carole S., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
'^-. ' ..
"f always theaf^hf'fny old age problems were somehow connected to my hormones, but the Dr. just laughed at the idea! A friend gave me
a copy of Young Again to read. What an education I got! I called John Thomas and followed the Female Protocol. In only 3 months I
went from a ^miserable" 82 year old to a very happy, energetic and youthful woman. Everything changed! My skin, hair, muscle, joints,
memory, eyes, hearing, etc. Unbelievable!" Dorothy R., 1 Montana
"Ever since I went to Mexico, and later India, my health deteriorated until I just couldn't face another day. My friend told me I was
probably full of parasites and suggested I read Young Again. Mr. Thomas suggested I clean up my liver and get the parasites out of
my system. He also suggested I address my hormones since I was having some female difficulties. The Young Again program works!
It is worth every dollar I spent and more!" Claire G. Cuba,
"I've had indigestion and gall bladder troubles for years. I did the liver and gallbladder purges, took the digesfive^roducts, fixed up my
hormones and bingo, my Gfe changed for the better. Now I.can eat most anything. I don't get fat, the gas fs^wuh^^wniotsafenerr.
and best of ail, I didn 't have to haw gallbladder surgery. Now I'm doing the rest of the Young Again program and I mustconfessWSp&a^
my earlier doubts that John Thomas's program and products are for real." ,, Harlin ., Atlanta, Georgia
"My prostate was in terrible trouble. It hurt! It was swollen, I couldn't release my water, sex went bye bye. The doctor wanted to cut
out my prostate. I said, no way! I called John Thomas and followed his program and I'm now a happy man. For me, life is the best
it's been in 30 years and I am almost 75 years of age. Do what Thomas saysit works!. " Wuliam M., Clearwater, Florida
"I thought John Thomas was nuts and I knew I was crazy, but I was in such terrible health that I decided to follow his detox and liver
program. I didn't stop at six liver purges. On number 13 two pounds of'greaS'and gobs of clones came out of me. NaMfJ understand
why my life was slipping away at only 42 years, and what I need to do to avoid menopausal related problems. Hope G., Nampa,
"I knew the poisons in the city water were killing me. I started drinking the BFRV water, making Kombucha tea and doing a few
other things talked about in Young Again and half of my health proUems vanished. Amazing!" Margaret H., Boise,
"I was only 24 years old when I came down with Multiple Sclerosis. By 28,1 was suffering with the aches and pains of a hundred year
old woman. Then, the doctors wanted to do "total" female surgery on me because a/the fibroid tumors. My friend told me about Young
Again and after reading it, I decided to take charge of my life and put my faith in God insteadof the doctors. I followed the program and
lam happy to say that lam a healthy woman now, free or problems and looking forward to getting married and having children. Life sure
looks different now that /feelgood. I don't know how John Thomas figured out -what -was behind my problems, but lam glad I made the
choice to follow his instructions." Julie E., Phoenix, Arizona
<catalyst plus the Limber life and Yucca Blend and I got to tell you, my body stopped hurting in less than a week. After a month, I
was loose and free moving. I am an 83 years old believer in Mr. Thomas!" Charles 0., Brooklyn, NY
"Z took heavy doses of codeine every night for '15years* to ease the burning in my feet and legs. Sometimes, I even had to put them into
a bucket of ice water. The doctor said I had peripheral neuropathy, also called walking legs syndrome. My daughter heard about John
Thomas *s Young Again program and suggested I read his book and contact him. He spent one hour with me, did not charge meaty fee
for his time, and outlined a program for me to follow. In only 3-weeks, all pain Ie ft my feet and body, I got offthe codeine and saw my
blood pressure return to normal. He told me degenerate nerve conditions are caused by liver and hormone problems. I believe it now.
lam 83 years old and I have joined a gym and now walk and exercise with friends. Thanks so much." Gertrude C., Claremont, California
The Fundamentals Of Great Health.....
I have been reading and following John Thomas' books and programs that he outlines for close to ten years... He is a fundamental believer in the body's inherent ability to rejuvinate and heal itself if given the right inputs (food) and toxins are removed. Unlike vaious other books on health he covers the all of the the systems that need to be addressed to achieve lasting good health.He follows in the tradition of other "hygnenic" health experts that emphasize the importance of the basics of good health with a peculiar "John Thomas" twist. I always come back to his work.He has put it together and he is his own laboratory.So everthing he discusses is part ofhis lifestyle... He "walks the walk" as well as "talks the talk".Some people consider him extreme... but if you are into regaining your health and feeling great in a way that you might never have experineced before... this is the book to get.
I have a good friend who was told to put her name on a liver transplant list because of a very advanced case of Hepatitus C... she could barely get out of bed and her viral load was off the charts.She happened to see his book at a used book store and bought it on impulse... called and talked to John and then followed his program religiously...did 9 liver purges over a 12 week period and followed his food, suplement, and exercise guidelines.She went from zero energy and barely making it out of bed... to energy off the charts... her liver enzymes dropped to normal ranges and her viral load went to zero... she looks great... she is in her mid 40's and she looks like she is in her late 20's...
Get his book, (go cheap and get it used) read it... try out the programs and stick with them for at least 6 months and get ready to feel levels of health and wellbeing that you never knew existed... Read this book... you will not be sorry...
Aim High!
The " object" of this book is to provide the reader with ANSWERS to health concerns and improve the quality of the reader's life. Hopefully, these are the reasons you are reading Young Again.
Your author's approach to health and longetivity is total and BASIC! He does NOT believe in band aids or magic bullets. He wants readers to understand how loss of control of the body's terrain occurs and exactly whaat must be done to experience aging reversal.
It is not the author's intent to be absolute or overzealous. Few people will be able to comply 100% with all the suggestions contained in these pages. The reader is encouraged to advance in personal knowledge at his/her own pace. Do not feel doomed because you are unable to follow all the suggestions at once. Please realize, the material presented represents the BEST you can shoot for - the goal - the ideal!
The ideal world of health is a lifestyle that includes wholesome food, pure water, moderate exercise, adequate rest, low stress, a clean body and a strong mind. These things are worth striving for even though the perfect lifestyle is very difficult to "live" in a world where disease and human suffering are the norm.
Hopefully this book will help the reader find a middle ground where enjoyment of good health can be realized and perpetually maintained, consistent with one's circumstances.
We live in an imperfect world, and we fall short of the ideal. Sometimes we are subject to events and circumstances beyond our control. Yet, each day, we DO have the opportunity to make "choices" that effect our lives an health - and the lives of those arounsd us - for good and bad. We must strive to make the BEST choices we can each and every day of our lives.
The reader is reminded that health and disease are cumulated states of being, and the alternative to good health is a sorry existence indeed. Poor health cheats us of happiness and of "life."
Aim high - and do the very best you can. Good health is worth whatever it takes to get it and keep it! -from book's introduction
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