Editorial Review Product Description The Earth is only a tiny cell within the body of the universe. There are billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars; we call our star – the Sun. One can only wonder what other names were given to the billions of suns out there. One wonders how many billions of planets support life, as we know it, or lives beyond our imagination.
"Where the suns shine there is life" - reads the inscription on a circular bronze object dated 1122 - 1236 BCE (Chou Dynasty). Even though time is the greatest enemy of history, from which a huge chunk is missing, still there is enough information to put the jigsaw puzzle together. The ancient scriptures of many cultures, the artifacts, the paintings, and prehistoric cave art provide an abundance of proof. What about the stories passed on from generation to generation of the ancient tribes? How on Earth did so called primitive people from the Dogon tribe know and worship for thousands of years the visitors from the distant star that was only "discovered" decades ago. All of the above and more open the pages of a book filled with overwhelming evidence, that the planet Earth was visited by super intelligent extraterrestrial races since the beginning of times. The ancients knew it, saw it, and some could even explain it, all those magical encounters, unbelievable technology, amazing and unfamiliar appearances of the visitors, beguiling those who witnessed, they saw a glorious mighty power and worshipped it. The god has arrived! The stories multiplied and changed with the speed of light. Some ancients worshipped the Sun - the life giver, it literally is. I wonder where from they got that accurate information?! Hmm.... It is a fact that the star started it all and sustained it for billions of years. We are all so different; the human people, the alien people, all of the animal and plant kingdom, the planets, the stars, the objects around us, all so different in appearance, yet, all made practically of the same. We are and everything else visible and invisible truly the stardust. We are one.
With all the information that is available, how ignorant it would be to think that the Earth is the only planet in the infinite universe that contains life. If it could happen here, it could and did happen on countless other planets, we just didn't find them yet. They found us instead.
Not so long ago the belief was that Earth is the center of the universe, flat as a pancake supported by giant turtles. It is laughable now, but then, if anyone would try to question that ludicrous theory, one would die by the sadistic and brutal hand of the church. Millions forced to die in agony, in the fire of hate, ignorance and lie. Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), one of the most brilliant and progressive minds of his time, was one of the many to die for the truth. If only a few like Giordano were given a chance to live, think and speak out then... our world would most probably be a better place now.
The humans should learn from history, so not to repeat the same shameful mistakes, but do they?! Instead of creating wonders, the human mind is capable of, they savagely kill each other for money, oil, power, or land, which gets destroyed day by day, polluting the air, flattening the rain forests, contaminating the water etc... And after all this, they call themselves civilized. The human species have yet far to go to earn this title, and then maybe they will be ready for acceptance by an intergalactic community. Yes, the humans are still a primitive species, but one can't be too hard on them, as they are only in their infancy; some only a few hours in life, some weeks or months, in a cosmic scale. The advanced ones don't get burned at the stake anymore, but they suffer for the truth, by being ridiculed and sometimes even silenced. Who knows how long it will take for the human species to face the truth, decades, centuries, millennia, that is, if they don't destroy one other in the mean time.
Maybe with ETs intervention the humans will learn how to live in harmony with each other and nature. After all, everything and everyone is interconnected in the universe. One day, when the humans are fully grown, they will reach the distant worlds and maybe even help some beginners of the cosmic family and become a contributing factor in their development, as we were helped once by our star cousins back in a distant past. Then we will become the gods, but for now the humans are still in their nappies. Well, one has to crawl before one walks, running and flying comes later, much later. Despite it all, look what the humans achieved in only the last 100 years and the possibilities lying ahead.
Imagine other civilizations which are thousand or even millions of years older than ours! What are they capable of? Growing artificial planets? Creating the atmosphere in a world where there's none? Defying gravity? Finding cosmic shortcuts and traveling from star to star which are light-years apart? Living in peace???
So it's best to leave all these questions open and just wonder...
...And that is where this book takes you, the compendium to introduce the others, ET beings, those who came down and have gone, those who came down and stayed and those who are yet to come. This book offers a unique perspective to the wondering ones, those with an open mind, heart and soul. ... Read more Customer Reviews (6)
Very very helpful
I like these subjects and I read a lot of books in this field. This book is very useful, extremely informative.
Many things, many information are given.
I liked it so much.
I wish a great success for the author.
S. Mahdi, Cairo, Egypt
An Important Reference Book with a Metaphysical Perspective
There is a lot that can be said about this book, both good and bad.
The english translation is not great, with numerous instances of odd grammar and usage and occasional spelling errors.The information in the book is stuff I came across during the nineties when I was more actively involved with interviewing abductees/experiencers/contactees, reading the UFO literature (including some channeled information), and researching the UFO contact phenomenon from a variety of perspectives, all in an effort to determine the number of different alien races interacting with out planet, what they look like, and how they relate to each other.Having a book like this fifteen years ago might have saved me some leg work.However, it is important that the information in Waeber's book not be taken too literally, as it contains some internal contradictions, as well as apparent contradictions with established science in subjects such as biology, physics and planetary history.
The source material for the book is varied and that may be part of the reason for the seeming inconsistencies, as many different systems of nomenclature have emerged for trying to classify the intelligences behind UFOs.The book contains references to contact cases described in the UFO literature, such as Riley Martin's "The Coming of Tan" and Phillip H. Krapf's "The Contact Has Begun," but especially noticeable is a heavy reliance on channeled information, which cannot be corroborated, except in the sense that many different channels seem to get similar information, pointing perhaps to a common source, possibly connected with the intelligence behind the physical phenomenon of UFOs, but without offering us a means of determining veracity.
The book contains several nice pieces of artwork by Yeva, but the printing quality is mediocre and only the cover image is in color.I would have liked to see illustrations for the numerous alien races that are briefly described in the text, as well as for the various stories about alien bases, alien homeworlds and galactic history.However, to do a thoroughly illustrated version of this book would have been a much greater undertaking.If you want a similar book (although without the metaphysical bent) with more illustrations, I would recommend Ronald D. Story's "The Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters."
With its metaphysical perspective, this book is in a similar vein to Lyssa Royal's "The Prism of Lyra" and "Visitors From Within."As such, it stimulates thought and is really an essential overview of extraterrestrial races, or at least of the lore that has built up about them.I am grateful that someone has finally taken the time to assemble and publish a book like this.(I know of efforts to do a project like this in the nineties but those did not come to fruition.)I recommend Rolf Waeber's book to any serious student of the UFO phenomenon, but with the caveat that you also consider other approaches to the question of "Who is Who" among our visitors.
Incredible amount of information
I absolutely disagree with the hate review below by NJ Pinney. Without at least some knowledge concerning extraterrestrials ( modern / ancient ) this book might be perceived by a few readers as somewhat science fictional, but its not. It contains an incredible amount of information, some obviously from a metaphysical viewpoint. I don't think this book is meant to be an easy read, after all it is a catalog, all in alphabetical order, refreshingly accompanied by fascinating alien art and poems. If the reader is not familiar with Ezekiels encounter with "god", unfortunately that poem wouldn't make much sense. The whole biblical event from a ufological perspective. Outstanding! "An Overview of Extraterrestrial Races" is simply a must have for any ET enthusiasts, to have an open mind would be helpful.
Sam Dylaney
Chicago, Ill.
Caveat emptor
Be warned about this book. It is a book of lists. It has lists of alien races, starships, mother ships by name, etc. It also includes some radical new ideas about the Bilderbergers and the United States. BUT it does not attach reference sources for any of this information. It leaves much doubt of the authenticity even of the whole book. The author invites feedback so here goes.
When I see something so extreme as this, and if it is scholarly and it covers its bases with reference sources, I am delighted. But with this my hunch says maybe disinformation. Say it's science fiction; then it's okay.
The translation is poor, frequently avoiding idiomatic English. The typesetting is poor with paragraphs neither indented nor line spaced making it a chore to read. The artwork and the poetry is poor. The author uses an arrow at the beginning of some lines with no explanation.
The author is Swiss and I had always thought the Swiss had systematic ways of doing things--but not here. If the author had taken a fraction of his list names and attached references and a bit more of explanatory text and footnotes it might have been a valuable reference--but alas not.
Under the Amazon star rating system, it allows one star as the lowest rating, which I gave it. I would have prefered to give it no star or a black hole instead. This is the first time I have ever thrown a book into the trash. I would not even want to give it away to anyone I respect.
great reference source
A life time of research has created the most comprehensive compilation of ET information I've come across.A must have for all those who think outside the box. Jean O'Hara
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