Extractions: AgCal consists of a series of indexes that offer over 1,200 links to WWW pages containing information about mainly scientific meetings of interest to the AgNIC audience. As a rule, the calendar points to pages created and maintained by a meeting's organizers, but in some cases AgCAL will create a simple WWW page, mounted locally, and based on information posted by the organizer to a subject oriented mailing list or USENET newsgroup. Easily the most difficult aspect of maintaining a system such as AgCal is identifying and securing information about the conferences themselves. To deal with this, the project has implemented a five pronged approach: 1) Regular monitoring of subject oriented mailing lists; 2) Regular monitoring of USENET newsgroups; 3) Regular review of calendars maintained by others; 4) E-mail solicitation to conference organizers; and 5) Use of WWW search engines.
Abakumov, Breeding bees for mite resistance. agric. Res. 6166.(Akimov 1993235). alt, A. 1987. Anderson,DL 1990. A consultancy on beekeeping in the Sultanate of Oman. http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/varroa/refs2a.htm
Extractions: Abakumov, A. M., Marchenko, A. 1979. [Zootechnical methods of combating varroatosis.] Pchelovodstvo 1979(11):22. (Akimov 1992, p. 234) Abbas, N. D., Engels, W. 1989. Rearing of Varroa in artificial cells on drones. In: Present Status of Varroatosis in Europe and Progress in the Varroa Mite Control. (Cavalloro, R., ed.) E.C. Publ. Luxembourg, 223-228. Abed, T., Ducos de Lahitte, J. 1993. Détermination de la DL Abivardi, C., Benz, G. 1984. New observations on camphoran old insect repellentas a relatively safe candidate fumigant against nine insect species. Mitt. Schwiz Entomol. Ges. 57: 179-187. Accorti, M., Barbattini, R., Marchetti, S. 1986. La diognosi ed il controllo di Varroa jacobsoni Oud. in campo; proposta di unificazione delle metodologie nella prove sperimentali. Apicoltura 2: 165-185. Adam, Brother 1968. "Isle of Wight" or acarine disease: its historical and practical aspects. Bee Wld. 49 (1): 6-18. Adam, Brother. 1984. The acarine disease menaceshort-term and long-term counter measures. Amer. Bee J. 125:163-165. *Adams, S. 1993. Fighting for survival against bee mites. Agric. Res. March, 1993:14-17.
Index Of /pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/net-resources 49 11k beekeeping.homepage 01Apr-1996 0000 1k beekeeping.www-page 29-Nov-19940000 6k Canada-Ontario.agric.. 19-Mar u.. 14-Mar-1994 0000 2k alt-ag.info http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/net-re
Æåëòûå ñòðàíèöû. ÑÅËÜÑÊÎÅ ÕÎÇßÉÑÒÂÎ bee.html Usenet sci.agriculture.beekeeping Listserv Mailing Usenet alt.agriculture.fruitalt.agriculture.misc sci Mailing List List Name agricl Subscribe to http://www.yellow-pages.narod.ru/s08.htm
Extractions: Êîðîâû î÷åíü ïîëåçíûå æèâîòíûå. Êòî áû ìîã ïîäóìàòü, ÷òî òàêîå íåõèòðîå äåëî, êàê äîéêà, ìîæåò ïðåâðàòèòüñÿ â öåëóþ èíäóñòðèþ? À ìîëî÷íîå õîçÿéñòâî ýòî íå òîëüêî äîéêà, íî è åùå ìíîæåñòâî ðàçíûõ âåùåé.  ýòîì ñïèñêå ðàññûëêè ñïåöèàëèñòû ïî îáðàçîâàíèþ è ïîâûøåíèþ êâàëèôèêàöèè îáñóæäàþò ïðîáëåìû ïîñòàâùèêîâ ìîëîêà, à òàêæå íàãëÿäíûå êîìïüþòåðíûå ñðåäñòâà îáó÷åíèÿ è îáðàçîâàòåëüíûå ïðîãðàììû. Web-ñàéò ñîäåðæèò ìíîæåñòâî ðåñóðñîâ, èìåþùèõ îòíîøåíèå ê ìîëî÷íîìó õîçÿéñòâó.
Subject Index To Literature On Electronic Sources Of Information 155; see also Bees; beekeeping African Commission Agribusiness USA Arragona, 328 agricLagriculture AGRIS; AgriWeb Canada; Agronomy; alt.architecture; Bob's http://library.usask.ca/~dworacze/SUBJIN_A.HTM
Extractions: Interested in the land? Farming? Crops? This category offers all this and more, including dairy sites, links to other ag sites, crop sites, cattle, and more! http://www.erinet.com/carl/alot.html Detailed information on cattle sales, breeding, and advantages of Black Angus by the Arkansas * Louisiana * Oklahoma * Texas (A*L*O*T) Angus Assn. Links to other members, calendar of events, related Black Angus, ranching, and agricultural sites. Up-to-date information on "Mad Cow Disease." http://www.aes.purdue.edu/AgAnswrs/AgAnswers.html Problem-solving information for Ohio and Indiana farmers. Searchable database of questions and answers, event calendar, research information, and agricultural news. Connects to Purdue University and Ohio State University home pages. http://www.agriculture.com/aea.html Devoted to the use of electronics in agriculture. Includes membership information, links to past issues of agINNOVATOR , and council meeting minutes and schedules.
Ethnobotanical Links sustainable agriculture beekeeping World Economic Plants in GRIN (agric.Handb. 505). alt.folklore.herbs newsgroup; American Herbalists Guild. http://home-1.worldonline.nl/growman/gmethlinks.htm
Extractions: Databases Organizations Ethnobotany Foods as Medicines ... Crops [Top] The Society For Economic Botany Centre for Economic Botany, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS) Timber Press, in my opinion a nice web site and lots of great books. ... Floral Home Company is a mailorder source for gardeners and crafters using dried herbs and botanicals for making soaps, lotions, potpourri, handmade paper and more. "We have a very active message board where floral wholesalers, designers and gardeners exchange ideas and techniques." Peppers and Spice Cathleen's South West kitchen. UK Chile-Head pages Dragons' Hearth Botanicals
The_Macedonian_Organization_VMRO-MNM BITNET , AGRAMBagricoltura ed ambiente agric-L@UGA of Legal Studies in BusinessALSB alt@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU L@NERVM.BITNET , Apis Monthly beekeeping Newsletter U http://www.vmro-mnm.com/News_Information_from_the_Macedonian_Organization_VMRO-M
Extractions: TO: Annual Membership Accounts cosmo@lawresearch.com A2020-CSYCAT-L@CLEMSON.EDU AATE@ASUACAD.BITNET ACTNOW-L@BROWNVM.BITNET ... AZPLANTS@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU Information File memberpage@lawresearch.com , Annual Membership Accounts cosmo@lawresearch.com Daily News Service Macedonian Information Centar mic@mt.net.mk " The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Macedonia for the Macedonians-VMRO-MNM Mr. President Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet"
Www.uni-koeln.de/ftp/doc/Bitnet/listserv.lists IT AGRAMB agricoltura ed ambiente agric-L agric-L@UGA Studies in Business (ALSB)Talk alt alt@TAMVM1.TAMU NERDC.UFL.EDU Apis Monthly beekeeping Newsletter, U http://www.uni-koeln.de/ftp/doc/Bitnet/listserv.lists
970 WORLD WIDE WEB SEARCH ENGINES & DIRECTORIES BITNET AGRAMB agricoltura ed ambiente agric-L@UGA of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB)alt@TAMVM1.TAMU L@NERVM.BITNET Apis Monthly beekeeping Newsletter, U of http://www.lawresearch.com/v2/cdwwwa.htm
Untitled agric. genome info system beekeeping agriculture gov. ? Mr Bad Advicebad writing broject Bermuda Triangle alt.peeves ? http://pages.prodigy.net/ckmalmberg/personal/stuff2.html
Extractions: Sitios interesantes relacionados Asociación cultural para la recuperación del bosque (ACREBO). Una asociación para la defensa del medio ambiente, y mas concretamente en la zona de la Sierra de Chiva en Valencia. Secretaría de medio ambiente, recursos naturales y pesca, México. Medio ambiente en Galicia. Instituto nacional de defensa civil prevención de desastres naturales, desastres tecnológicos, preparación, protección, prevención. Proteger la vida, patrimonio y medio ambiente de la nación peruana de los efectos de los desastres. Escuela de agricultura en la región tropical húmeda EARTH. Instituto Interamericano De Cooperación para la Agricultura. Ministerio de Agricultura República de Chile. Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca. Campocom. Genplast plásticos agrícolas e industriales, reciclaje y recuperación de plásticos. Cámara de Comercio, Industrias y Agricultura de Panamá. Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural, México. Ministerio de Agricultura República de Perú. Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y pesca.
Skola Pcelarstva Za Pocetnike http//www.sibline.ru/alt/firms/honey web.inter.nl.net/hcc/beenet/bfaq.htm Beekeepingfor Beginners The Beekeeper's year, Costs, etc http//www.agric.gov.ab http://www.pcela.co.yu/linkovi2.htm
Extractions: Povratak na glavnu stranu Return to English page Neki strani sajtovi www.apiservices.com www.beekeeping.orc.ru www.apimondia.org www.apimondia2003.com ... www.beehoo.com Zanimljiv sajt, veoma bogat linkovima http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Beekeeping/ http: //www.interhoney.com www.cebelarska-zveza-slo.si ... www.apitherapy.com Informacije o kontroli varoe http://de.geocities.com/varorizerklaus http://www.members.shaw.ca/orioleln http://www.pchelar.hit.bg www.beeinbg.narod.ru ... www.blessedbee.ca Allen Dick, Kanada www.internode.net/Honeybee Sajt o apiterapiji na italijanskom http://www.eurolink.it/aol/apiterap.htm Apiterapeutski savez SAD www.apitherapy.org http://msa.ars.usda.gov/la/btn/hbb/ Sajt pčelarskog časopisa "Bee Culture" http://bee.airoot.com/beeculture/ www.macedonianfarmers.com www.beekeeper.co.uk www.ibra.org.uk ... www.thiele-und-thiele-consult.de
Extractions: From dhawkins@gate.net Fri Jan 19 21:02:39 1996 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: dhawkins@gate.net (Dennis Hawkins) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.agriculture,sci.agriculture.beekeeping Subject: RFD: sci.agriculture.poultry moderated Followup-To: news.groups Date: 20 Jan 1996 02:02:34 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 102 Sender: tale@uunet.uu.net Approved: newgroups-request@uunet.uu.net Message-ID: References: Dennis Hawkins Kathryn A. Smith Bob Weber Steven Whatley ), currently has around 180 subscribers and averages about 7-10 messages per day. The Canadian list, called Ratite-News (owned by Barry Judson References: Reply-To: poultry-vote@netagw.com NNTP-Posting-Host: rodan.uu.net Archive-Name: sci.agriculture.poultry Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:8331 news.groups:191977 alt.agriculture.misc:6783 alt.sustainable.agriculture:10965 misc.rural:27200 rec.birds:36058 rec.pets.birds:57474 sci.agriculture:9498 sci.agriculture.beekeeping:3909 FIRST CALL FOR VOTES (of 2) unmoderated group sci.agriculture.poultry unmoderated group sci.agriculture.ratites Newsgroups lines: sci.agriculture.poultry Chickens, ducks, geese, and other poultry. sci.agriculture.ratites Ostrich, emu, rhea, or cassowary ranching. Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 22 Mar 1996. This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent. Proponent: Dennis Hawkins