Biblical Studies Sermons and articles covering eschatology, hermeneutics, soteriology, theology, and ecclesiology.
Absolute Holiness Using a biblical perspective, holiness in a Christian life is defined, asks if it is expected by God and examines if any Christians have stopped sinning.
The Creation Science Association For Mid-America Aimed at educating people regarding the vast amount of scientific evidence that supports biblical Creation as the true account of origins.
Biblical Events Re-Interpreted Ideas about ancient advanced civilizations, and the fate of our civilization, from TV documentary maker Edward Furlong.
Biblical Foundations For Freedom Christian renewal with webdesigned discipleship materials built on the scriptures including subjects like worry, anxiety, lust, fear, marriage, parenting, godly living and moral purity.
Biblical Hebrew This UK based website offers some introductory features on classical Hebrew and information on courses. Links cover both online stores for study materials and interesting areas, like the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Freedom In Christ Ministries UK Helping church leaders free their congregations from the baggage of the past through biblical teachings and studies.
Wicca A Biblical Critique This article examines some of the fundamental doctrines of Wicca, offers a biblical critique of those doctrines, and highlight the differences between Wicca and Christianity.
National Legal Foundation A nonprofit Christian constitutional litigation firm and policy think tank committed to restoring America's biblical foundations.
Catholic Biblical Apologetics A set of lecture notes used since 1985 to teach the basis for key doctrines and dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church.
Politically Correct Or Biblically Correct biblical interpretation of scriptures views on homosexuality and abortion. Site owner welcomes discussion pro or con.
Why Biblical Counseling Is Unbiblical John H. Coe's reply to Jay Adams' and the Bobgans' affirmation of the Bible as the sole source for authority concerning human nature, values and prescriptions for healthy living.