AFROCENTRIC NEWS Network frustrated police officials and FBI crime stats aren't The media fetish with crimeand the public's Accodring to the sentencing Project, a Washington DC based
Extractions: The recent FBI report that crime rates have plunged seven years in a row should be cause for great joy. But many police officials instead have expressed frustration that much of the public still doesn't believe they have. He blamed the media for fueling public perceptions that crime still rages and criminals lurk behind every street lamp. But for many who call the shots in TV newsrooms, frustrated police officials and FBI crime stats aren't likely to change how they present crime news. They've spent the past two decades turning TV- crime verite into a sure fire formula for ratings. That formula is ridiculously simple. Just have helicopters and mobile camera crews hover over or roam around city streets looking for police car chases, dead bodies, gang shoot-outs, and drug busts. And most importantly, make sure those city streets are in black and Latino neighborhoods. The formula is bloody, exploitative, and racist. But it is a smash success. It has hooked so many Americans on the murder and mayhem nightly news broadcasts that the networks have spun off a legion of hybrid clones. These shows simulate live-action crime chases and busts and worse they almost always depict blacks and Latinos as violent criminals. This has convinced many white suburbanites that their lives are at grave risk from violence-prone, drugged out Latinos and African-Americans.
Security On Campus Update Vol. 1, No. 19; Nov. 25-Dec. 1, 2001 embezzler sentenced (The Daily Collegian; 11/20/01) Gricar's sentencing criticisms(Centre Daily BYUHawaii Ke Alaka'i; 11/21/01) College crime stats Are Out
Extractions: 1. Penn State Shouldn't Allow Student Convicted Of Sexual Assault To Graduate 2. California Legislator Honored For Authoring New Campus Sex Offender Registration Law 3. U.S. Supreme Court Hears Student Records Case With Possible Impact On Campus Crime Information 4. Campus Crime In The News Penn State Shouldn't Allow Student Convicted Of Sexual Assault To Graduate Security On Campus Calls On Spanier To Bar Former Wrestler University Park, PA- Security On Campus, Inc. this week called on Penn State President Graham Spanier to bar a student recently convicted of sexually assaulting another student from graduating next month. Jean Celestin, a former member of the wrestling team, was convicted in October on charges stemming from an August 1999 sexual assault in an off-campus apartment. A sentence handed down earlier this month allows him to complete his studies and graduate from Penn State before going to jail. The victim of the assault was forced to drop out of school and hasn't resumed her studies. In a letter sent Monday, Howard & Connie Clery SOC's co-founders, argued that there "can be no excuse for allowing someone convicted of this serious a crime, especially against a fellow student, to remain on campus," and asked President Spanier to "do the honorable thing, and not allow this convicted criminal to graduate from Penn State."
Salt Of The Earth: Our Booming Prisons The sentencing Project, meanwhile, notes the flip side Additional resources CriminalJustice stats POV Three Campaign for an Effective crime Policy America
Extractions: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics , if current trends continue, an analysis of 1998 prison population figures indicates that the nation's prison and jail population will reach a total of 2 million inmates in the first year of the new millennium. Last year over 550,000 inmates entered the federal and state prison systems. More stats Capital punishment Environment Homelessness Welfare reform ... Misc. stats The Sentencing Project , meanwhile, notes the "flip side" of the nation's 20-year prison population—a record number of inmates are returning to their families, communities, and society at large, often with little education and job experience.
Soc240notes07 1990s · (of course, official stats soared in probably not due to tougher sentencing recidivism rates for more jails, punishment, even as crime dropping.
Extractions: probably not due to tougher sentencing - recidivism rates not changing interesting phenomenon: were clamoring for more jails, punishment, even as crime dropping reminder that when it comes to crime and deviance, to some degree its a matter of perception, definition. sexual assault is a good example of this
Searchalot Directory For Criminology in alternatives to imprisonment, parole planning, alternative sentencing, ClientSpecific Canadian Statistics Justice and crime stats from Statistics Canada.
Extractions: Home Search News Email Greetings Weather ... Global All the Internet About AltaVista AOL Search Ask Jeeves BBC Search BBC News Business Dictionary Discovery Health Dogpile CheckDomain CNN Corbis eBay Education World Employment Encyclopedia Encarta Excite Fast Search FindLaw FirstGov Google Google Groups Infomine iWon Librarians Index Looksmart Lycos Metacrawler Microsoft Northern Light Open Directory SearchEdu SearchGov Shareware Teoma Thesaurus Thunderstone WayBackMachine Webshots WiseNut Yahoo! Yahoo! Auctions Yahoo! News Yahooligans Zeal Sponsored Links Top Science Social Sciences Sociology : Criminology Related Web Sites American Society of Criminology - International organization embracing scholarly, scientific, and professional knowledge concerning the etiology, prevention, control and treatment of crime and delinquency.
Frontline: Juvenile Justice: Stats: Child Or Adult? - A Century Long View public demanded the conservative get tough approach to crime still widely in adultcriminal courts; 31 states passed laws expanding sentencing options; 47
Extractions: The century old idea in the United States that children and adolescents are less culpable and more able to be rehabilitated than adults who commit crimes has been giving way to a harsher view in recent years. Here's an overview of the evolution of society's attitudes on dealing with juveniles who commit serious crimes. In 18th century America, little distinction was made in the criminal culpability of children versus adults. Juveniles as young as age seven could be tried and sentenced in criminal courts. As psychologists and sociologists began to recognize the emerging notion of adolescence as a developmentally distinct period of life, reformers argued that children should be removed from adult prisons. In 1825, the Society for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency founded the New York House of Refuge, the first institution designed to accommodate juvenile delinquents. Many cities and states soon followed this example and set up similar institutions. Progressive era reformers wanted to attack what they believed were the roots of juvenile delinquencya lack of moral education and standardsand advocated that juvenile institutions include a significant educational and rehabilitative component. For their efforts, the earliest juvenile justice reformers were known as "child savers." During the 1960s, civil libertarians began to raise concerns about the progressive era model of juvenile justice. They argued that despite rhetoric to the contrary, juveniles within the system were not actually being rehabilitated, but rather warehoused in institutions not much different from an adult prisons. If juveniles were going to be treated as adults in the sentencing phase, the advocates argued, they should also be accorded the due process protections afforded to adults in court. They also challenged the broad discretion given to juvenile court judges. In a series of rulings during the 1960s and 1970s, The U.S. Supreme Court agreed; "There is evidence, in fact, that there may be grounds for concern that the child receives the worst of both worlds: that he gets neither the protections accorded to adults nor the solicitous care and regenerative treatment postulated for children," wrote Justice Abe Fortas in
Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "Crime Rate" United States, Law enforcement, Prosecution, Courts and sentencing, Corrections,Justice and Interpretations Dampening Jubilation On crime stats crime Down In Rate
Hate Crimes - Planners From Hell Subject Liars use hate crime stats to advance antidemocratic a hate crime and ahate-motivated crime bear no the latter is a mere sentencing provision for
Bureau Of Justice Statistics Home Page Statistics regarding crimes and victims, drugs, criminal offenders, the justice system, enforcement, Category Society Law Legal Information Criminal Law topics Drugs and crime Homicide trends Firearms and crime Reentry trends local CampusProsecution Federal justice system, Courts sentencing Pretrial release
Bureau Of Justice Statistics International Justice Statistics collection consists of 33 data files containing information on reported crime, policepersonnel and budget, prosecution, conviction, and sentencing for over
Extractions: Justice statistics from the United Nations The United Nations (UN) is the principal source of comparative crime and justice statistics. The UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (ODCCP) promotes research and collaboration, studies new and emerging forms of crime, and produces documents to assist in the global fight against crime and drug abuse.
NZOOM - ONE News - Politics CJ Online (http// offers news and information from The Topeka CapitalJournal, updated daily and as news happens.
Extractions: Questions are being raised about the reliability of provisional crime statistics released by the Labour Party. Labour has taken the unusual step of releasing provisional figures covering the ten months to May this year, rather than waiting for the final full-year results. Police Commissioner Rob Robinson declined to comment, but a spokesperson says police officers frequently log on to the database and change details as necessary, and may still have files on their desks for crimes which have not been fed into the computer. The provisional figures indicate a drop in overall and violent crime, and Labour's justice spokesman Phil Goff says the party put them out to counter suggestions the country is in the grip of a crime wave.
UCSC - Crime Stats 2001 threat to the campus are immediately published in crime Alert Bulletins Specialsentencing provisions apply for possession of crack cocaine, including
NZOOM - ONE News - National crime stats on the rise.,1227,127755-1-7,00.html
Extractions: New police crime statistics show a 2.8% increase in recorded crime. Homicides are up 15.5%, while robberies have increased nearly eight percent, and sexual offences have risen by almost 14 percent. Police Commissioner Rob Robinson says the year to June 30 was extremely busy for police, particularly in the three Auckland districts. He says many high profile cases have increased demands on police. Amphetamine releated drug crime has risen by more than 30%, though there's been a decrease an cannibis related offences. The police targeted 41 clandestine methamphetamine laboratories in the past year.
NZOOM - ONE News - National The Sensible sentencing Trust is fighting for responsible sentencing. Organiser GarthMcVicar says the current levels of crime are unacceptable and police are,1227,117104-1-7,00.html
Extractions: A crowd of demonstrators jeered Justice Minister Phil Goff when he told the crowd his new Sentencing and Parole Act is tougher on the worst offenders. Protests in Auckland and Wellington have drawn close to 1,500 people demanding tougher action against criminals. Politicians from various political parties have been attending the rallies but Prime Minister Helen Clark said she was unaware she had been invited to the anti-crime gathering in Auckland. Opposition parties say the government has ignored a law and order referendum last election which saw 92% of voters wanting tougher penalties for violent crime. A new law came into force this month allowing murder sentences of up to 18 years but allows parole a third of the way through the jail term.
Vera Institute Of Justice | Crime And Victimization Find more crime statistics through Vera's crime stats Locator; In domestic violencecases, defenders and prosecutors need to work together to resolve cases in
Extractions: Women who have been sexually assaulted are highly likely to be assaulted again. With support from the National Institute of Justice, Vera and partners in Seattle and New York are conducting research to better understand the reasons why repeat sexual victimization occurs. Later this spring, they will test a prevention program they are developing to help women protect themselves from future assault. In the annual state of the city address , New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the New York City Police the best in the nation. He cited the city's continuing drop in crime and a Vera study that shows crime victims and community leaders are generally satisfied with NYPD services. Click here to learn more about Vera's study.
Prison Stats Prison stats. a lack of commitment by law makers to endorse alternative sentencingand support slip through the cracks at school age and get sucked into crime.
Extractions: Up For a day by day account of life in the Bermuda Narcotics department, read an official diary: Prison Statistics Why such a high incidence of imprisonment? The following appeared in a Bermuda newspaper, an article by By Tony McWilliam and Don Burgess: Bermuda's a world leader in prison numbers BERMUDA is a world leader when it comes to locking up criminals. The island tops a global league table for imprisonment, beating out even the U.S. and South Africa. Black Bermudian males, however, are far less likely to be in prison than their U.S. counterparts. Figures show there are currently about 280 people incarcerated in Bermuda at Westgate, the Prison Farm and the Co-Ed Facility, including 25 women and some 49 foreigners. That translates to 48 people per 10,000 people in Bermuda's population, compared to 43 in the U.S., 33 in South Africa and 10 in the U.K.. If non-Bermudian inmates are excluded, the figure for Bermuda drops to 39 per 10,000, which puts the island in second place, below the U.S. A cross section of observers yesterday cited flaws in the education and criminal justice systems and a lack of commitment by law makers to endorse alternative sentencing and support families.
Zimmerman's Research Guide At the US ( Web site of the United States SentencingCommission (www State Statistics State crime statistics may be available from
Extractions: New Search There are two major sources for U.S. crime statistics. (1) The National Crime Victimization Survey, which is compiled annually by the Bureau of Justice Statistics based on a survey sent to a random sample of the population. The results are posted on the BOJs Web site ( (2) The FBIs Uniform Crime Report, which is based on crimes reported to the police and posted on the FBI Web site ( Many of the key findings are included in the American Jurisprudence 2 nd Desk Book . In addition, the Bureau of Justice Statistics Web site ( ) posts lots of statistics about U.S. crime, victims, criminals, courts, police, jails and prisons. Links to other crime statistics Web sites are posted by The Corrections Connection ( Detailed statistics on Federal crime enforcement are available from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). Information back to 1992 is available online in the subscription-based FEDPROBE database, but TRAC can compile reports with data back to 1974. You can call TRAC at 315-443-3563 or visit their Web site at
Stats Info Number Crunchers Precision Journalism crime Rates and Ranks; Partnerships SentencingProject; Social Science Information Gateway; Social Statistics Briefing Room
Extractions: Stats Info Home Research Aids [ Stats Info ] Writing Papers General Refs Not too long ago the typical sources for statistics on a specific topic were those cited in books or journal articles on that topic. Sometimes the authors presented statistics gathered as a result of their own research while at other times they provided statistics gleaned from other sources. Because of the time involved in getting books and articles to press, it was not unusual for students especially to rely on what were often dated statistics. Today there is less justification for term papers and other research projects to use anything other than the most current data on particular topics. Instead on relying on the national murder or rape rate provided in your three-year-old text book or a five-year-old journal article, go directly to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report online and get the most current data. Get crime and prison statistics directly from another country's government page. See what data are gathered about firearms from groups and organizations on every side of the issue. The list is obviously endless and that means that whether you are gathering supplementary statistics in conjunction with your own original research or are simply providing a research paper on a particular topic, you likely have direct access to statistics that are more current than any you could find in an already published source.