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Extractions: *MACE-Dir Conference Call* May 14, 2001 *Attendees* Bob Morgan (acting chair) - Washington Tom Barton - Memphis Steven Carmody - Brown Tom Fowles - Penn State Tom Dopirak - CMU Todd Piket - Michigan Tech Nate Klingenstein (scribe) - Internet2 *Discussion* The call had difficulty meeting its agenda due to a lack of participants. Keith Hazelton, the group's chair, was in Turkey and unable to dial in at the last moment, leaving Bob Morgan to step in as chair. The first three agenda items had no representatives on the call, so the group addressed the action items, then progressed directly to the fourth. In light of the action items not being posted far in advance of the call, the first suggestion to arise from their review was to post action items within 48 hours, perhaps before the minutes themselves were written. The only action item that could be reviewed was the third action item regarding writeups of schools' experiences with groups. It was unclear to some as to precisely what should be detailed in these writeups. [AI] Tom Barton volunteered to write a message detailing the information that would be useful to have. This would primarily discuss the various schema schools have designed for their purposes, mostly based on a relationship between what kind of object is represented by the groups and the applications relying on them. At Brown, for example, information in groups is used in both communication and authorization applications. Bob Morgan, formerly of Stanford, was asked about the progress of that institution's unconventional approach to groups. Their system is based upon registries, which each contain data for one principal, such as an application, organization or a person. To manage these registries, group-style lists are arising in current implementations of this system. More information on this system is available at http://www.stanford.edu/group/itss-ccs/project/registry/. Discussion next focused on the fourth agenda item, on groups, attributes, and roles. Bob's understanding of the current proceedings on groups, attributes, and roles is that the group had been assessing Todd's writeup on his method for groups and there was some enthusiasm. Review of this document would be helped by analysis of the aforementioned writeups. Additionally, a document written by Michael Gettes of Georgetown was forwarded to the list immediately prior to the call. Bob's initial understanding was that this was a proposal for a specific means of linking directory entries among multiple directories referring to the same object, known as stitched directories. There are some current implementations where information is assembled from queries to assorted databases to supply the necessary data to relying applications. In one such makeshift design at Washington, no administrative boundaries are crossed. Permissions could prove difficult in multiple lookups across organizations or institutions. The necessity for such an application arises in two complimentary situations, as detailed by Bob. A large central directory may not want to contain some attributes it would regard as peripheral, preferring instead to refer the lookup to a local directory. Michael's Directory of Directories (DoD) is one example of such an application. From the other end, a small directory might contain the vast majority of a person's information, but an application may want to call an attribute such as central email address from a major database. An obvious application that could benefit from a system such as stitched directories is the Grid. It was noted on the call that MACE-Dir tends to raise this issue more than the Grid people themselves, which may be telling. [AI] People will read through Michael's stitched directory document thinking of the problem to be solved and how well this proposal addresses it. *Action Items* [AI] Tom Barton will write a message detailing the information that should be included in writeups of schools' experiences with groups. [AI] People will read through Michael's stitched directory document thinking of the problem to be solved and how well this proposal addresses it.
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