Extractions: The Sun Fire 280R server supports up to two internal, hot-pluggable Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) disk drives. Drives are 3.5 inches wide and 1 inch high (8.89 cm x 2.54 cm). On the right side of each installed disk drive is a green indicator LED. These LEDs indicate the operating status associated with each disk drive. If the drive is being accessed its LED blinks. Continuous LED lighting indicates the drive is ready for the system to use. The Solstice DiskSuite software supplied with the Solaris server media kit lets you use internal The following rules apply for your system: You must use Sun supported standard 3.5 inch wide and 1 inch high (8.89 cm x 2.5 cm) disk drives that are FC-AL compatible and run at 10,000 revolutions per minute (rpm). The FC-AL IDs for the disks are hardwired on the disk backplanes. There is no need to set any jumpers on the disk drives themselves. The FC-AL target address of each disk drive is determined by the slot location where the drive is connected to its FC-AL backplane. The internal disk drives share the internal FC-AL with the external FC-AL connector.
Extractions: ide 756 7-Apr-2003 conrfeat.zip 34,459 31-Mar-1994 Change interface of Conner HD from CAM to ISA ezdiag.exe 68,224 20-Dec-1994 WD Diagnostic for AT Hard Disk Controllers maxt_fmt.arj 178,817 10-May-1994 Maxtor hard disk low lewel formatter/diag omti8620.txt 3,198 23-Dec-1994 omti8620.zip 14,957 23-Dec-1994 How to make SMS/OMTI 8620 hdd/fdd controller from Apollo stations work in PC sgatfmt3.zip 70,399 25-May-1995 Seagate Format v3.0 - Low level format utility, 286+ req.
Chipdir - Abc Of Electronic Terms: H if you were ever looking for a book on IDE, SCSI or hard disk drives, this is It evencomes with a CD of hard disk diagnostics tools that you'll find hardware. http://www.xs4all.nl/~ganswijk/chipdir/abc/h.htm
Extractions: All the major interfaces are published in this book, which in its 8th edition last time I looked. This book is also good for IT and MIS types who have to do hard disk drive exchanges on computers, as every hard disk drive manufacturer and the model numbers for their products! are published in it. All in all, if you were ever looking for a book on IDE , SCSI or hard disk drives, this is the one book you want the latest edition of. It even comes with a
Hardware disk drives. Your disk drives are located on the front and insideof your CPU and are used to store data and programs permanently. http://www.slcc.edu/comm/complab2/disks5.htm
Extractions: DISK DRIVES Your disk drives are located on the front and inside of your CPU and are used to store data and programs permanently. Unlike memory-type storage, disk storage is not erased when you boot or turn-off your system. Removable disk drives like floppies, diskettes, or ZIP drives. allow insertion of a removable floppy disk or diskette. Hard disk drives (sometimes called "fixed disks") are located inside your CPU and are "fixed"they cannot be physically removed like diskettes can. Your first floppy disk or diskette drive is named Drive A: Your second floppy disk or diskette drive (if you have onel) is named Drive B: Your first fixed disk drive is named Drive C: Subsequent fixed disk drives or optical drives like, CD-Rom drives, are named Drive D:, Drive E:, etc. Note that all drive names end with a colon (:). FLOPPY DISKS: Floppy disks are inch circles of oxide-coated flexible plastic, mounted inside square flexible plastic sleeves. They come in two different capacities. The lower capacity disks will work in any floppy disk drive, but the higher capacity disks work only in AT-level (80286) or higher machines. These disks were once very common but eventualy were replaced by the higher storage capacity, convenience and sturdiness of the inch diskettes.(see bellow)
Howstuffworks "How Hard Disks Work" Main Computer hardware How Hard disks Work. Nearly every desktop computerand server in use today contains one or more harddisk drives. http://howstuffworks.lycoszone.com/hard-disk.htm
Extractions: Nearly every desktop computer and server in use today contains one or more hard-disk drives. Every mainframe and supercomputer is normally connected to hundreds of them. You can even find VCR-type devices and camcorders that use hard disks instead of tape . These billions of hard disks do one thing well they store changing digital information in a relatively permanent form. They give computers the ability to remember things when the power goes out. In this edition of HowStuffWorks , we'll take apart a hard disk so that you can see what's inside, and also discuss how they organize the gigabytes of information they hold in files! Next Page HSW Home Table of Contents:
Talk The Talk: H media. See the related article on hard disk drives. hardware. The electroniccomponents that make up a computer system, network, etc. http://www.spokane.net/pluggedin/talk_h.asp
Extractions: back A B C ... next - H - hacker A computer programmer, especially one who delights in accessing and manipulating other computers on a network or making changes to existing computer programs. hard disk/hard disk drive The type of secondary storage drive incorporated into virtually all computers, named for the multiple rigid platters that serve as the magnetic storage media. See the related article on hard disk drives hardware The electronic components that make up a computer system, network, etc. as compared to software, the programs and files that bring the network to life. head crash Occurs if a read/write head in a hard disk drive comes into contact with the disk (which it doesn't do in normal operation) as a result of a mechanical failure or a physical jolt to the device. True head crashes result in damage to the disk and sometimes the head, and usually result in total failure of the drive and permanent loss of at least some data. Crashed drives may be returned to the manufacturer in an attempt to recover undamaged data. A head crash is just one way (and possibly the worst way) a hard drive can fail. Both dirt in the drive and the corruption of data can also cause failure, neither of which require as drastic measures to retrieve data. Corrupted data might be reparable with a "disk tools" software utility, which does not require the physical removal of the drive.
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Extractions: Hard Disk Drives Reviewed by CPU-zilla (23 Nov 99) Hard Disk Specifications Model WD205AA Caviar WD273BA Expert Interface 40-pin EIDE Formatted Capacity 20,520 MB 27,373.7 MB Number of Disks Number of Heads Bytes per Sector (STD) User Sectors per Drive Average Read Seek 9.5 ms (typical) 9.0 ms (typical) Track-to-Track Seek 2.0 ms (typical) 2.2 ms (typical) Full Stroke Read Seek 19 ms (typical) 15.5 ms (typical) Average Latency 5.5 ms 4.17 ms Rotational Speed 5400 RPM 7200 RPM Data Transfer Rate Buffer to Host 66.6 MB/s (Ultra ATA 4)
Hard Disk Drives - A CompInfo Directory Hard disk drives Outline. Hard disk drives - Knowledge Bases. SEE also RelatedTopics. ..Back to Top. Hard disk drives - Newsgroups and FAQs. http://www.compinfo-center.com/tphd10-t.htm
Extractions: Hard Disk Drives - Outline Topic Outline KnowledgeBases Newsgroups and FAQs Magazines and Ezines ... Key Training Providers Hard Disk Drives - Knowledge Bases Drive Definition Database (Chris Hooper) Hard Disk Database (PC Benutzer-Service GmbH,) Hard drive glossary (Maxtor) Hard Drive Specification And Jumper Settings (F. Robert Falbo) High Performance Storage System (HPSS) HPSS provides a scalable parallel storage system for highly parallel computers as well as traditional supercomputers and workstation clusters.
Shawn's Computer Page Hard drives are most often hidden behind cover blanks is indicated by a HDD (harddisk drive) access more info visit Trish's Escape from hardware Hell Copyright http://home.sprynet.com/~shawn_h/computer.htm
Extractions: Return to Shawn's Home Page These pages are basic information about IBM compatible computers. A computer does three things. It takes in data, it processes data and it puts out data. Commonly, a computer takes in data from the keyboard, the mouse, the disk drives, and modem. It processes the data on its motherboard and within its processor. Output goes to the monitor for display, printers for hard copy, disk drives for storage, to the modem for transmission and to other devices for control functions. These are just a few examples. This picture shows the front of a mini-tower IBM compatible computer. At the front there are (top to bottom by layer) a 3 1/2 inch floppy drive, a 5 1/4 inch floppy drive, a CD-ROM drive, two blank 3 1/2 inch device slots, the power button and (left to right) the reset switch, turbo switch, and the keylock. The computer case is the chassis containing the computer devices and power supply. Disk drive media refers to the things that you put inside of a disk drive to record data. Hard drives have magnetic metal oxides deposited on rigid metal disks for recording data. Floppy disks use a flexible vinyl surface covered in magnetic oxides. Disk drives are called non-volatile storage. Information stored on a disk drive remains when the computer shuts down. CD-ROMs record data by etching data onto vinyl disk media. A laser scans across the disk surface and produces reflections that are read by a detector. These reflections can be read by a CD-ROM drive but a only very expensive CD-ROM drives can record data.
Extractions: Buy Hardware Buy Software Application Solutions: Biometric Information PicoDisks are portable driverless USB flash memory hard drives that lets you store up to 512 Mb in a device that is tiny enough to tuck away in a shirt pocket or attach to a key-ring. Despite its miniature size and light weight, once PicoDisk is plugged into a USB port of a PC, it would act like other mass storage disk drives. PicoDisk USB drives can store considerably more information than a normal floppy drives.
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