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81. Domestic Violence Cross Cultural
82. Dangerous Relationships: How to
83. Finally At Peace: A Domestic Violence
84. Growing Free: A Manual for Survivors
85. Evaluating Services for Survivors
86. Breaking Free from Partner Abuse:
87. Restorative Justice for Domestic
88. Women at Risk: Domestic Violence
89. Till Death Do We Part: Domestic
90. Domestic Violence and Maternal
91. Children Living with Domestic
92. A Professional's Guide to Understanding
93. A Safe Place to Live: A Story
94. Defending Our Lives: Getting Away
95. No Place for Abuse: Biblical &
96. Time to Stop Pretending: A Mother's
97. The Murder of Regilla: A Case
98. Recognizing Child Abuse and Domestic
99. Domestic Violence Offenders: Current
100. Domestic Violence, Crime And Victims

81. Domestic Violence Cross Cultural Perspective
by M. Basheer M.D. Ahmed
Hardcover: 110 Pages (2009-08-25)
list price: US$29.99 -- used & new: US$29.14
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1441544739
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

82. Dangerous Relationships: How to Stop Domestic Violence Before It Stops You
by Noelle Nelson
 Hardcover: 312 Pages (1997-06)
list price: US$28.00 -- used & new: US$28.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0756759188
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Dangerous Relationships: How to Stop Domestic Violence before It Stops You takes a preventative approach to domestic violence by answering the question "What can I do to avoid getting into a violent domestic relationship?," yet will also be helpful for those already in the midst of a violent relationship. Domestic violence does not suddenly appear out of a void. The majority of domestic violence incidents emerges from certain types of recognizable relationships. Dr. Noelle Nelson, a noted clinical psychologist and therapist, has helped many clients identify the common characteristics that run through most violent relationships, and thus avoid potentially dangerous heterosexual or same-sex relationships. Knowing what to look for and how to uncover a potentially abusive relationship before it ever gets to the physically violent stage greatly diminishes your chances of becoming a victim of domestic violence. The author clearly describes the seven warning signs attributed to these types of relationships, and advises how to proceed once you recognize such warning signs. Dr. Nelson systematically tracks and defines the characteristics of the potentially abusive domestic relationship through the development of four very different real-life scenarios: heterosexual lovers, husband and wife, homosexual lovers, and platonic female roommates. The situations discussed are composites of real events and real people, and they represent the most common relationships involving domestic violence. As different as these relationships may appear on the surface, Dr. Nelson shows they are actually very similar in their underlying dynamics. Dangerous Relationships ultimately points out that domestic violence can happen to anyone at any time regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation. The author's sole purpose is to help stop domestic violence between adults before it has a chance to start - and before the hurting begins.
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Customer Reviews (3)

4-0 out of 5 stars Good for researching material
Only reason why I bought this book was for my college class "Crisis Intervention for the Criminal justice professionals" The book is a bit overanalyical, needs more common sense and less of the author attidude.The book gives the feel of one side and not the other.Good information for research papers...that's about it.

5-0 out of 5 stars Very Helpful and Honest
This book can help you even if you've already been in an abusive relationship. It helped me recognize and understand the signs my ex-husband was showing me before we were married, though at the time I didn't have thetools I needed to see what I was getting into. It also gave me theconfirmation and strength to not return to the relationship by reinforcingwhat I already suspected and by sharing the stories of others who hadexperienced abuse.

5-0 out of 5 stars A great book for early warning signs
This book will help you figure out what it was that drew you into the tangled web of an abusive relationship.It is designed more to help you avoid an abusive person than to help you get away from one.This bookfollows four different case studies and helps to analyze each differentwarning sign and helps you find out what to look for.I would recommendthis book as required reading to any young person before they get married. ... Read more

83. Finally At Peace: A Domestic Violence Survivor's Story
by Katie Kay
Paperback: 48 Pages (2005-05-25)
list price: US$9.95 -- used & new: US$7.15
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0595343414
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Finally At Peace is a riveting true story about living with, and escaping from an abusive relationship.

Author Katie Kay reveals some of her worst experiences living with a husband who tried to mentally control her and physically beat her. She documents her year of hell and includes helpful information for those who find themselves in similar situations, or believe they may be headed towards one.

Readers will gain insight and knowledge to help them regain their personal self esteem and leave an abusive relationship once and for all, and feel Finally At Peace.

... Read more

84. Growing Free: A Manual for Survivors of Domestic Violence
by Michael Hertica, Wendy Deaton
Paperback: 76 Pages (2001-07-24)
list price: US$16.00 -- used & new: US$10.79
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0789012804
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Combining psychological insight with practical safety information, this helpful manual guides the reader toward understanding-and eventually ending-the vicious cycle of wooing, tension, violence, and remorse that characterizes all levels of domestic violence. It outlines a series of steps abused women can take to ensure their emotional and physical safety. Growing Free offers both practical and psychological resources, including lists of abusive behaviors from ridiculing family members to physical violence, common rationalizations for abuse used by both victims and perpetrator, discussions of protection orders and other legal matters, detailed preparations and safety precautions that may make leaving less dangerous, advice on what to take with you when you leave, and guidelines for establishing safe relationships in the future. A companion volume available separately, A Therapist's Guide to Growing Free, offers therapists a comprehensive outline of the issues, tasks, and goals involved in treatment with victims and survivors. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

4-0 out of 5 stars Great Insight
This book as shed light on many things that I did not realize before. It enabled me to realize what was going on with my son, and that the abuse he has witnessed and endured was fuel for his behavior. A great, short, to the point book. ... Read more

85. Evaluating Services for Survivors Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Paperback: 200 Pages (2002-08-15)
list price: US$54.95 -- used & new: US$46.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0761923535
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

"Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault is a valuable resource not only for researchers and evaluators, but for service providers and funders as well. Written in clear, straightforward language, it addresses many complex factors that come into play when conducting victim-service evaluations, including issues of safety and confidentiality--a great tool for anyone involved in the work to end violence against women."

--Cris M. Sullivan, author of Outcome Evaluation Strategies for Domestic Violence Programs: A Practical Guide

Evaluation programs that effectively measure the success of domestic violence and sexual assault services are essential not only to assure high levels of client service and continued funding, but also in evaluating how far society has come in the effort to end violence against women.

Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault provides comprehensive guidelines and field-tested tools for direct service evaluation programs. It also chronicles and celebrates over thirty years of progress made by the anti-violence movement. The authors offer a wealth of practical information at the same time they identify key issues and place them in the broader context of social and political change.

Essential reading for anyone who works in or is affiliated with programs serving the needs of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault addresses the needs of both service providers and evaluators as well as funding agencies and policy makers.

Putting Client Safety and Confidentiality First

The authors show how to design research methods that produce the desired evaluation results as well as protect the well being of clients and their progress in recovery. They explore the value and challenges of collaboration between evaluators and practitioners.

The Link Between Evaluation and Intervention Reform

By placing evaluation in a social/political context, Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault attempts to answer key questions such as

  • In the 30 years since they began, have these services made a difference?
  • Do treatment programs for abusers work?
  • Do crisis intervention programs have a long-term impact?
  • Are families safer and stronger and are communities more nurturing and attentive to the needs of women and girls?
  • Have all women benefited equally, regardless of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation or social status?
  • What anti-violence strategies will take us into the future?

Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault is the indispensable "How To" book on setting up a successful evaluation program. It also challenges the reader to be more comprehensive in thinking about this important work by covering big picture issues such as the push for social change and shifts in public consciousness around violence against women and the broader issues of gender inequality.

... Read more

86. Breaking Free from Partner Abuse: Voices of Battered Women Caught in the Cycle of Domestic Violence
by Mary Marecek
Hardcover: 96 Pages (1999-03)
list price: US$15.95 -- used & new: US$7.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1885356579
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
One-third to one-half of all American women are, at some time, beaten by their husbands or lovers.This book is for all women experiencing violence in a relationship, whether at the hands of a same-sex or heterosexual partner. partner. Using poetry, prose, illustrations, and the words of abused women, it provides affirmation and direction for women struggling with partner abuse.It covers such issues as battered person's rights, how to leave an abuser, understanding physical violence, lesbian battering, and women's shelters.This book addresses many of the reasons why women stay in violent relationships. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (4)

4-0 out of 5 stars shelter workers ahoy!!
As a formerly battered woman now working in the domestic violence movement, I encourage other shelter service workers to read this book.It can give you valuable insight as to what you are dealing with!!

5-0 out of 5 stars A must read for all women.
This was a very informative and educational book. I would like for it to be required reading for all young women.

5-0 out of 5 stars This is an excellent book about spouse abuse.
I found this book on spouse abuse to be informative, concise, and well written.The author did an excellent job with very difficult material.

5-0 out of 5 stars This book is excellent !
The message applies to anyone living in an abusive situation and they should certainly read it. Straightforward discussions of partner violence and intimidation underscores the theme. This book is a strong wake-up callto the danger one may be in if they choose to remain, hoping an unbearableproblem may disappear. The various women interviewd and the unique poetrymakes this wonderful, sensitive book one I highly recommend. ... Read more

87. Restorative Justice for Domestic Violence Victims: An Integrated Approach to Their Hunger for Healing
by Marilyn Fernandez
Hardcover: 214 Pages (2010-07-16)
list price: US$65.00 -- used & new: US$61.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0739115537
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Using both qualitative and quantitative data and methodologies, Restorative Justice for Domestic Violence Victims illuminates the complex nature of intimate partner violence and of its victims' lives. In the process, Marilyn Fernandez makes a convincing case for introducing restorative justice principled programs in the domestic violence arena and pushes the boundaries of existing theoretical and service models for domestic violence. ... Read more

88. Women at Risk: Domestic Violence and Women's Health
by Evan Stark, Anne Flitcraft
Paperback: 286 Pages (1996-03-26)
list price: US$59.95 -- used & new: US$30.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0803970412
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Battering by men is the most significant cause of injury to women in our society. It is also a major cause of child abuse, murder, substance abuse and female suicide attempts. This volume, the result of 15 years of research conducted by the authors - a social worker and physician respectively - explores the theoretical perspectives of this dramatic expression of male domination, together with health consequences for women and clinical interventions.

The authors found that the traditional resources women turn to for help reinforce male domination: the medical, psychiatric and behavioural problems presented by battered women arise because male strategies of coercion, isolation and control converge with discriminatory structur ... Read more

89. Till Death Do We Part: Domestic Violence: Life Behind Closed Doors
by Donna O'Keefe-Watson
Paperback: 88 Pages (2010-09-30)
list price: US$15.99 -- used & new: US$15.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1453541284
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

90. Domestic Violence and Maternal and Child Health (Bioelectric Engineering)
by Stephen J. Morewitz
Hardcover: 224 Pages (2004-06-17)
list price: US$79.95 -- used & new: US$14.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 030648501X
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Winner of the 2004 Society for the Study of Social Problems, Crime & Delinquency Division Outstanding Scholar Book Award!

Domestic Violence and Maternal and Child Health evaluates the impact of intimate partner abuse on maternal and child health. The main focus is on the conditions that increase pregnant women's vulnerability to abuse, the factors that reduce the impact of partner violence, and how professionals and the criminal justice and social services systems can effectively respond to violence. Stephen J. Morewitz questions the relevance of pregnancy-related stressors, such as financial pressures, reorganization of familial roles and reduction of intimacy, as catalysts of domestic abuse. The social and psychological impacts of domestic violence on mother and child development are also examined. This book is appropriate for professionals in many fields from Health Care to Education.

... Read more

91. Children Living with Domestic Violence (Groupwork)
Paperback: 308 Pages (1994-11-01)
list price: US$35.00 -- used & new: US$28.48
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1871177723
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

92. A Professional's Guide to Understanding Gay and Lesbian Domestic Violence: Understanding Practice Interventions (Edwin Mellen Press Symposium Series)
Hardcover: 325 Pages (1999-03)
list price: US$119.95 -- used & new: US$119.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0773478922
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This work deals with issues related to gay and lesbian domestic violence. It includes: preliminary results of two research projects, information on assessment procedures and evaluation instruments, treatment modalities for victims and batterers, and impact and intervention techniques. The chapter on ethics should assits professionals in specific fields (e.g. nurses, social workers, psychologists) to apply their ethical standards to gay and lesbian couples experiencing domestic violence. ... Read more

93. A Safe Place to Live: A Story for Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence
by Michelle A. Harrison
 Paperback: 22 Pages (2002-01)
list price: US$3.95 -- used & new: US$82.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1558640908
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars A Safe Place to Live - A Story for Children Who Have Exper
Excellent illustrations and text tell a story of domestic violence between parents in a way to help the child (up to age 12 or so) feel safe and loved. Multicultural images, with police presented as friends. A Spanish Language edition is also available from the publisher. The publisher set a VERY reasonable price for such a well-done book, to encourage use by police, child protective services, and domestic abuse organizations. ... Read more

94. Defending Our Lives: Getting Away From Domestic Violence & Staying Safe
by Susan Murphy-Milano
Paperback: 256 Pages (1996-09-01)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$5.75
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0385484410
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This is one of the first books to offer practical, step-by-step advice to battered women on how to protect themselves from violent abuse in the home. Author Susan Murphy-Milano is the founder of Project: Protect and is one of the most visible and vocal advocates for victims of domestic violence. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

4-0 out of 5 stars Defending Our Lives: Getting Away From Domestic Violence & Staying Safe
I think this book was very informative in letting women know how to keep themselves safe from domestic violence.Was very detailed as to the places to go or call for help if you are in serious danger.I would recommend that all women that are in a potentially abusive relationship to read this book so they can know what to do and not feel helpless.

5-0 out of 5 stars A Must For Understanding The Battered Women's Syndrome
I am an expert of The Battered Women's Sydrome
& Defense.
There are women wrongly incarcerated across America'
for defending their own lives and the lives of their
children against a domestic abuser.
Defending Our Lives brings light to the issue of "Stalking"
and the Battered Women's Syndrome. Why women do not run,
and what happens if they do.
This book is now a part of a college course within the
women's prison in CA. An to educate the Parole Board
on what happens to battered women. How to get away from an abuser
and not loosing your own life....is important.
Susan Murphy-Milano has done a great job.

5-0 out of 5 stars Very Good help book in understanding Domestic Violence
Susan Murphy-Milano is an excellent observer and educator of the crime of domestic violence. This book will help anyone going through or witnessing a loved one who is a victim of domestic violence. Wake-up America this is our dirty little secret. The public and system could benefit from reading this book. Domestic Violence is on the rise. It effects generations. Thank you Susan for this book. Keep fighting the good fight!

This is a book WAY AHEAD of it's time! Still very valuable asset!

More good books by Susan:
Moving out, Moving on
Defending Ourselves -

5-0 out of 5 stars An Eye Opening Read
I am currently in the process of ending my abusive relationship.
This book has been a tremendous guide in understanding what my rights are as an abuse victim and how to best use the court system.I found the "Escape Chapter" very helpful in preparing to start my new life without my abuser being able to locate me.

There is great comfort as I read this book knowing that someone out there has put together information that will make me and my children and other family members safe!

5-0 out of 5 stars A basic guide for victims, families & friends.
The author's own tragic story of how her father terrorized the family brings the reader into understanding that the inforamtion provided in this book was written to safe lives.This book is a basic roadmap to safety. It provides legal direction and how to best use the syste, where ever youlive.This book saved my daughter and my granchildren's lives.And theauthor personally assisted us with our road map to safety.This bookshould be at every high school libraryand college across the country! ... Read more

95. No Place for Abuse: Biblical & Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence
by Catherine Clark Kroeger, Nancy Nason-Clark
Paperback: 200 Pages (2001-03-23)
list price: US$17.00 -- used & new: US$9.19
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 083082295X
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Domestic violence is a leading cause of injury and death to women worldwide. One in five women around the globe is physically or sexually abused in her lifetime, and gender violence causes more death and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war. Regrettably, the church is not immune to this problem; some studies suggest that incident rates of domestic violence among active churchgoers are not much lower than those among the general populace.Representing the International Task Force on Abuse, formed under the auspices of the Women's Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship, Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark have listened to the voices of women from around the world and especially to those within the church. Now they help us hear their cries and find concrete ways to respond so that no home will be a place of abuse.In this immensely helpful guide you'll find:

  • true stories and statistics that illustrate the gravity and extent of the domestic violence
  • a look at what Scripture says about domestic violence, including verbal abuse and patterns of concealment, secrecy and silence
  • a discussion of how proper concerns for Christian families can be twisted to endanger women and their children
  • an assessment of alternatives to suffering in silence in a threatening environment
  • practical tools for pastors and other counselors for interviewing abuse victims and perpetrators
  • outlines for sermons, Bible studies and youth group activities that address the problem of domestic violence
No Place for Abuse is an essential book for pastors, counselors, church leaders, missionaries, evangelists, teachers--indeed, for anyone who wants to make a difference in women's lives. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

5-0 out of 5 stars Essential Reading
This powerful book explores an often hidden component of violence against women: namely, its awareness among dominant groups. Using specific statistical data and an array of first-person narratives from abused women around the world, the book helps readers to understand the necessity of 1) realizing the extent of abuse against women that occurs in our world (across racial lines, class lines, religious lines and geographical lines, the statistics are harrowingly similar) and 2) equips readers with the tools to help be conduits for healing and wholeness by speaking up to condemn abuse within our churches and communities, and also by validating hurting women.

This book is, indeed, essential reading.

4-0 out of 5 stars Exploration into the Abuse of Women both in and out of the Evangelical Christian Church.
In this already venerated work, Catherine Clark Kroger and Nancy Nason-Clark embark on a research-supported analysis and exploration into the widespread abuse of women existing both in and out of the evangelical Christian Church.

This book is not specifically written for abused women. Instead, it is directed toward Christian pastors and laypeople willing to increase their awareness of, and provide support to, abuse victims around the world. The global prevalence of abuse and violence against females is surveyed throughout the text, along with a concluding chapter on our "global responsibility" to suffering women.

In its scope, a reader will learn 59% of female homicides occur by the hand of an intimate partner (in Zimbabwe); that 18% of women seek emergency care because of domestic violence (in Papua New Guinea); and that (in Cambodia) 50% of women report sustained injuries due to spousal abuse. In addition, the authors address female circumcision, foot-binding, dowries, and other important global issues.

A useful resource, this book provides insight into the dynamics of abuse: cycles of violence, why women remain in dangerous environments, the personal characteristics of the abusive man, etc. Useful tools for Christian counselors and pastors are specified, for instance, "Questions to Ask Yourself When Responding to an Abused Woman," and checklists such as "How Caring is My Congregation" and "Unhealthy [Church] Responses [to Abused Women]," are interspersed within the chapters.

One's heart and stomach will turn while reading these pages, endeavoring to maintain the sentiment of Philippians 4:8 "...whatever is...noble,...right,...pure,...lovely,...admirable,...excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things" while still addressing this troublesome issue. Vignettes of women experiencing physical and sexual abuse at the hands of their husbands offer more than a glance at the most disturbing reality of violence and serve to provide the reader deep awareness, sympathy, shock and motivation to promote change.

Critiques of the Church are present throughout, illustrating instances where churches have acted with neglect and evil: a Bible college dismissing a woman who was beaten in public by her husband, a parish condemning the divorce of a woman who was left for dead in the woods after a third murder attempt, a woman beaten with a metal tricycle in her sleep, a husband trying to turn his wife into a prostitute (and "despite her frequent pleas" she was encouraged to endure), one vignette where a pastor rapes a parishioner, and there are many more.

To balance, the text provides several examples of ministries that provide excellent support and care for abused women, churches that hold up women through long periods of need.
In addition, the authors do well to provide a biblically solid position against abuse, and correct several misuses of Scripture including 1 Peter 3:1-6, "...For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master..." which is often misused to the travail of women.
The greatest asset of this book is its solid research foundation, for all points are referenced fittingly, and I

commend this text for lacking any breaks in logic, or unsupported speculations. In the end, this scripturally sound book is disquieting, eye-opening, and persistently optimistic about reform and an improved future for women worldwide.

FInal Note: Telephone and Online Counseling might be a good way of helping hurting women. To learn how to provide telephone and online counseling, try this very well prepared book: The Therapist's Clinical Guide to Online Counseling and Telephone Counseling: The Definitive Training Guide for Clinical Practice

5-0 out of 5 stars An Excellent Book
I teach a distance learning course about family violence and this is the required reading for my course.The students are required to write a paper on this book, and usually their response includes that they can't believe that spousal abuse happens in the church.

Christians can easily hide abuse that happens within the home.We can easily put on our "Sunday face" when we're around our church family, but at home, it's a different story.If you work in any ministry within the church, I would recommend that you read this book.What I like about this book is that it also has an international focus - it's not just focused on the U.S.So, even if you're a missionary in another country, this is a good read for you too.This will help you to understand the problem and cycle of spousal abuse and how you can help those in the midst of it.

5-0 out of 5 stars A MUST READ!
I teach on the college level on the topic of The Biblical Role of Men and Women. I found this and the other books by Catherin Clark Kroeger to be excellent! How in the world did The Prince of Peace's followers ever think that violence was approved by Jesus Christ? He never did! This book should be made available to every pastor, teenager and young engaged couple! A must read!

5-0 out of 5 stars Worth every penny you spend
This book is a MUST HAVE.You can be free from abuse!!
If you have been looking for a book that speaks on abuse and what God says about it, look no further.This is an excellent book, a resource for every library.This book is a helpful tool for an abused woman who finds herself in an abusive relationship but feels trapped due to traditional teachings on marriage and family.What does God say about it?It will show her how clearly the Lord is vehemently opposed to abuse and what she can do about it.This book is invaluable in the hands of leaders in the church and lay people who find themselves face to face with abuse, whether it be a friend or relative or church member.You can be instrumental in ministering hope and healing for those involved in such relationships.I also recommend with five stars "The Verbal Abusive Relationship: how to recognize it and how to respond" by Patricia Evans.Another fantastic book that gives an inside window view of the day in the life of a marriage suffering with abuse and real helps for those hurting. ... Read more

96. Time to Stop Pretending: A Mother's Story of Domestic Violence, Homelessness, Poverty-and Escape
by Stephanie Rodriguez
Paperback: 192 Pages (1999-09-01)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$8.49
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0839780613
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

In the passion of this story resounds the brave voice of one woman who harnessed her courage and creativity to overcome seemingly insurmountable misfortunes: domestic violence, poverty, religious dependency, and homelessness. It is a dramatic story—her own account—of quitting school when she was 16 years old to get married, rearing eight children, enduring her husband’s abusive treatment, and being homeless with kids in New York City. Although the circumstances and people in this story are unique to one woman, they speak about society as a whole.
... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

1-0 out of 5 stars Never Received
I was really looking forward to receiving this book.Unfortunately, it never arrived.I contact the seller and they issued an immediate refund.No idea what happened to the product.

5-0 out of 5 stars Should be required reading.
I could not put this book down until I was finished. It is a very powerful and touching story that not only deals with the vicious cycle of domestic violence but also conveys the hopelessness of poverty and the dynamics ofreligious dependencies. The author's writing style is very personal andeasy to read, almost as if she were right there telling you the storyherself. Time to Stop pretending should be required reading for anyoneconsidering a career in social work, law enforcement or related fields.Time to Stop Pretending is an excellent book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Battering: well-written, original autobiog, no pop psych
One of the first books to tell us something new about the process ofbattering since Lenore Walker's classic twenty years ago.Rodriguez'sautobiography is a beautifully written, stark, reflective memoir of herparents' abusive marriage as well as her own life with a battering husbandand the effects on their eight children.No easy answers here, no excuses,no pop psychobabble, no sentimentalityUltimately a victory of theauthor's humanity.This book was begun in writing classes when the author,in mid-life, started college in an urban university.Thought- anddiscussion-provoking for those interested in autobiography, in Americanpersonal essays, in women's issues. ... Read more

97. The Murder of Regilla: A Case of Domestic Violence in Antiquity
by Sarah B. Pomeroy
Paperback: 264 Pages (2010-03-30)
list price: US$18.95 -- used & new: US$13.81
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0674034899
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

From an acclaimed author comes a fascinating story of the life, marriage, and death of an all but forgotten Roman woman. Born to an illustrious Roman family in 125 CE, Regilla was married at the age of fifteen to Herodes, a wealthy Greek who championed his country's values at a time when Rome ruled.

Twenty years later--and eight months pregnant with her sixth child--Regilla died under mysterious circumstances, after a blow to the abdomen delivered by Herodes' freedman. Regilla's brother charged Herodes with murder, but a Roman court (at the urging of Marcus Aurelius) acquitted him. Sarah Pomeroy's investigation suggests that despite Herodes' erection of numerous monuments to his deceased wife, he was in fact guilty of the crime.

A pioneer in the study of ancient women, Pomeroy gathers a broad, unique array of evidence, from political and family history to Greco-Roman writings and archaeology, to re-create the life and death of Regilla. Teasing out the tensions of class, gender, and ethnicity that gird this story of marriage and murder, Pomeroy exposes the intimate life and tragedy of an elite Roman couple. Part archaeological investigation, part historical re-creation, and part detective story, The Murder of Regilla will appeal to all those interested in the private lives of the classical world and in a universal and compelling story of women and family in the distant past.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars Very descriptive of women in Ancient Rome and Greece
Pomeroy tells an historical fiction story although is is more historical than fiction.She illustrates not only the difference in Roman and Greek women, but also tells the reader more about the Roman and Greek societies. If one needed an introduction on women in the ancient world, this is the book to start with.After reading this one, I bought her other one as well as two more on women in ancient society.It will peak your interest.

4-0 out of 5 stars Rome/Greece - Second Century A.D.
Pomeroy, a well established historian of ancient history, provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of women of the highest social class in Imperial Rome. Appia Annia Regilla Atilia Caucidia Tertulla married a very rich husband but one who was somewhat alien because of his Greek lineage. When Regilla follows him to live in one of his massive estates outside Athens, things fall apart. After giving birth to at least five children, she suffers a brutal murder, kicked in the stomach at the age of 35 while eight months pregnant. Her husband is implicated, is tried in Rome, and is acquitted.

We know of Regilla's fate in the beginning of this tale. What we learn from then on is everything Pomeroy can tease out of the few extant sources regarding Regilla - the possible reasons for the murder, the tenuous position of even wealthy women in this age, and the social milieu in which Regilla lived her short life.

4-0 out of 5 stars View Imperial Rome through a different lens
Professor Pomeroy's work is an excellent exercise in speculative history, where she pieces together various fragments of evidence to weave a compelling narrative.She traces the story about how a young Roman girl came of age, was married off to a narcissistic Roman-Greek millionaire, more interested in male sex toys than serious companionship with his wife, dragged off to Greece, and eventually murdered by him.She explores issues of class, national identity, gender, daily life, sexual mores, property, and legal institutions, through her compelling narrative.

Pomeroy's laconic prose adds to the sense that you're peering through a window into the ancient Roman world.Highly recommended! ... Read more

98. Recognizing Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
by Gloria Edmonson-Nelson
Paperback: 180 Pages (2003-02-07)
list price: US$12.95 -- used & new: US$12.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0966823230
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
A self-help book that discusses the causes of child abuse and domestic violence and shares step-by-step recommendations for healing. It includes organizations and resources nationwide that are helping to alleviate these problems. It is recommended for anyone dealing with children as well as anyone in a relationship.

So many are not aware as to what is considered abusive (emotional/mental, effective communication techniques, etc.), in order to break the cycles of violence, each person must be able to recognize the signals or "red flags." This book teaches one how to do this.

In order to save and protect our children, all of society must understand what is considered abusive. ... Read more

99. Domestic Violence Offenders: Current Interventions, Research, and Implications for Policies and Standards
by Alan Rosenbaum
Hardcover: 330 Pages (2002-07-22)
list price: US$72.00 -- used & new: US$72.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0789019302
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Women’s shelters and safe houses were a good first step, but they only address part of the problem. Learn what else must be done to address the problem of domestic violence!

Domestic Violence Offenders presents recent research, current interventions, and legal standards for people arrested for domestic violence. It also addresses the controversies that have arisen in the wake of the mandatory standards for batterer interventions that have been established by various jurisdictions, examining the type of treatment modality and content permitted by various jurisdictions, the duration of treatment, and the relationship of the various standards to actual research. This essential book also provides suggestions for a more inclusive, less rigid process for creating standards and policies for use with this population. Handy tables and charts make the information easily accessible.

From the editors: “The initial societal response to intimate partner violence was the development of the shelter movement for battered women. Women’s shelters and/or safe houses developed in almost all major population areas throughout the United States and abroad. The goals were to provide a safe environment for abused women and their children, to offer advocacy, counseling, and medical services, and to empower women to leave their abusers. While shelters continue to serve these and other critical needs and are an essential part of the service delivery system for battered women, they address only part of the problem. Left untreated, batterers often will continue to abuse their partners who leave shelters and return to the relationship. If their partners leave the relationship, the batterers may find new victims to abuse. The response to this harsh reality was the development of batterer intervention programs.”

Domestic Violence Offenders provides you with informed discussions of:

  • the implications of research and policies for those providing interventions
  • why it is premature for states to establish certain rigid standards for batterer programs, and how some of the current standards may produce more harm than good
  • the history of batterer intervention programs
  • completion and recidivism among court- and self-referred batterers
  • the Alternatives to Violence program and the experiences and perceptions of its founder
  • common aspects of various intervention programs—confidentiality, group structure and length, partner contacts, leadership configuration, and program goals
  • topics addressed by most programs—power and control, anger management, substance abuse, stress reduction, parenting, communication, and more
  • the controversial and often misunderstood issue of female partner aggression and violence
  • the Stages of Change approach to domestic violence treatment
  • lethality assessment and safety planning for partners of batterers
  • the advantages of conjoint therapy for certain types of cases
  • the Illinois Protocol for batterer programs
  • outcome research on programs for batterers
  • and a great deal more!
... Read more

100. Domestic Violence, Crime And Victims Act 2004: A Practitioner's Guide (New Law)
by Richard Ward, Roger C. Bird
Paperback: 217 Pages (2005-06-30)
list price: US$78.00 -- used & new: US$46.82
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0853089531
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Bill 2004, currently before Parliament, will make significant changes to the way in which instances of domestic violence are dealt with by the courts, together with measures to improve the treatment of victims and witnesses of domestic crime.The Act will make many changes to the existing legal framework, including: breaches of a non-molestation order will become a criminal offence and same-sex couples will be included within definition of 'cohabitants'; there will be a new offence of causing or allowing to cause the death of a child; multi-agency domestic homicide reviews will be established following the death of a person resulting from violence or neglect by a relative or intimate personal relationship; common assault will become an arrestable offence; the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 will be amended to enable courts to extend the availability of restraining orders on conviction or acquittal in order to protect the victims; changes to powers following a finding of insanity or unfitness to plead; measures to allow non-jury trials in the Crown Court where the offending conduct is too numerous to be dealt with at a single trial; changes to intermittent custody; the Home Secretary will be required to issue a code of practice for victims and witnesses of crime to be followed by those who have functions relating to victims or the criminal justice system as a whole; and there will be a Commissioner for Victims and Witnesses This new work will be essential reading for all family and criminal lawyers, as well as practitioners within the criminal and family justice systems.In addition to the detailed commentary the full text of the Act is included. ... Read more

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