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81. The Great Cholesterol Con: The
82. Heart Disease, Stroke and High
83. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease::
84. Case Presentations in Heart Disease
85. My Heart vs. the Real World: Children
86. Electrical Diseases of the Heart:
87. Her Healthy Heart: A Woman's Guide
88. The Natural and Unnatural History
89. Healthy Heart Handbook: How to
90. The Parent's Guide to Children's
91. Purification of the Heart: Signs,
92. Comprehensive Surgical Management
93. Diagnosis and Management of Adult
94. Heart Disease in Pregnancy
95. The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing
96. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease:
97. Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular
98. Heal Your Heart: How You Can Prevent
99. The Modern Nutritional Diseases:
100. Clinical Psychology and Heart

81. The Great Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It
by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
Paperback: 238 Pages (2008-10-01)
list price: US$15.95 -- used & new: US$6.38
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1844546101
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Statins are the so-called "wonder drugs" widely prescribed to lower blood cholesterol levels that claim to offer unparalleled protection against heart disease. Many experts claim that they are completely safe and that they are also capable of preventing a whole series of other conditions. This groundbreaking study exposes the truth behind the hype surrounding statins and reveals a number of crucial facts, including that high cholesterol levels do not cause heart disease; that high-fat diets—saturated or otherwise—do not affect blood cholesterol levels; and that for most men and all women the benefits offered by statins are negligible at best. Other data is also provided that shows that statins have many more side affects than is often acknowledged. This hard-hitting survey also points a finger at the powerful pharmaceutical industry and an unquestioning medical profession as perpetrators of the largely facetious concepts of “good” and “bad” cholesterol that are designed to convince millions of people to spend billions on statins. With clarity and wit, this appeal to common sense and scientific fact debunks common assumptions on what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and diet, as well as the idea that there is a miracle cure for heart disease.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (45)

5-0 out of 5 stars Everybody Used to Know This
The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is splendid! Kendrick is funny as well as insightful.

After demolishing conventional theory about diet and heart, paying particular attention to cholesterol, Dr. Kendrick concludes that Statin drugs are of no use to women or to men who do not have heart disease -- according to the studies that everyone has used to build the anti-cholesterol empire which has earned hundreds of billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical companies. The conclusions that have been reached are contradicted by the studies themselves. What has happened has all been driven by vast amounts of money. Statins benefit less than 5% of the population and for them Statins can add a few months to their lives if they already have heart disease, according to the studies. This benefit is due to something other than lowering cholesterol, but what? Detracting from nebulous benefits are a superabundance of side-effects. A vast financial empire cannot be built on a foundation like that. Now, can it?

(This leads us to the uncomfortable realization that someone is lying, doesn't it? Can vast numbers of experts be lying? Yes, they can. This is exactly the same phenomenon as Global Warming.)

Dr. Kendrick makes the case that heart disease is created by unhealthy stressors which lead to HPA-axis dysfunction which leads to abnormal cortisol levels which leads to factors that damage the endothelium as well as factors that increase blood clotting leading to plaque growth and heart disease.

How can one avoid Coronary Heart Disease? Abundant fruits and vegetables, exercise, moderate alcohol consumption, and gracious living are the keys to being healthy. Avoid sugar and tobacco; drink water; sleep 8 hours a night. Never eat on the run. I would add sunshine for Vitamin D. Everybody used to know this before the "researched-based" pharmaceutical companies took over when our grandmothers departed.

5-0 out of 5 stars An entertaining book about a serious subject
I've previously reviewed Uffe Ravnskov's book on the same subject - "Fat and cholesterol are good for you". I thought that was a great, essential read, but this book is even better.

Kendrick like Ravnskov demolishes what he calls the diet-heart hypothesis (aka the Cholesterol hypothesis) and quotes from Blackadder - "It is wronger than a very wrong thing".

His basic theses are:

1) A high-fat diet saturated or otherwise does not affect cholesterol levels.

2) High cholesterol levels don't cause heart disease.

3) Statins do not protect against heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels.

4) The protection provided by statins is absolutely negligible and non-existent for women.

5) Statins have nasty side-effects including causing horrible deformities in babies.

In a study carried out by the author on saturated fat consumption in various countries, it turned out that every single one of the seven countries with the lowest saturated fat consumption had significantly greater rates of heart disease than every single one of the seven countries with the highest saturated fat consumption.

Other studies confirmed that a low cholesterol level after the age of 5o (and under 50 for men) is significantly associated with all-cause mortality. In a study from France of women living in a nursing home, the lowest mortality was at an average cholesterol level of 7.0 mmol/l, while the highest mortality was at an average cholesterol level of 7.0 mmol/l. It is dangerous to have low cholesterol levels! - under the age of 50 there is a 429% increased risk of death per 1 mmol/l cholesterol drop according to the Framingham study and after the age of 50 a low cholesterol level is associated with a significantly greater overall mortality.

These are just a few of the facts I've plucked from the book. A chapter is devoted to the dangers of statins and the author also delves deeply into the actual causes of heart disease, concluding that stress is the main causal factor, particularly what he terms "social dislocation" - ethnic cleansing, migration to another country, or when an entire society or population is forced to undergo massive change.

Kendrick (like myself) is a Scot, and his style of writing is highly entertaining, so this is in no way a dull book, though the subject-matter is deadly serious.

I strongly recommend this book to everyone.

4-0 out of 5 stars ANOTHER STATIN DROP-OUT
Great to have one's suspicions documented! I'm one of the growing number of people with genetically determined high cholesterol for whom statins cause serious side effects. When I finally had a consult at a cholesterol clinic in Boston, I was told that my chances of having a heart attack or developing a heart condition in the next ten years was 2%. This over-prescription of statins will go down as one of the biggest boondoggles of the last few decades. As a journalist ([...]), I was tempted to investigate the reasons for it on my on but this book does it for me. Kudos to the author!!!

5-0 out of 5 stars CHOLESTROL
This is a must-read book for anyone debating whether or not to take something to lower cholesterol.

3-0 out of 5 stars Good overview and thought provoking.
The author does a great job of explaining a basic overview of the process by which the body actually makes cholesterol, pointing you in the direction of further information if you'd like.He breaks down how it is not actually the consumption of fats and cholesterol that leads to raises cholesterol levels/heart disease, and provides other factors that do, according to his stance - which I believe to be correct.The writing is a good blend of science and at times sarcastic cheeky humor.

Rane j. ... Read more

82. Heart Disease, Stroke and High Blood Pressure: An Alternative Medicine Guide
by Burton Goldberg
 Hardcover: 432 Pages (1998-01-25)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$21.84
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1887299270
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Save your heart from disease, attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and the dangers of angioplasty, bypass, and other invasive surgeries--12 top physicians explain their proven, safe nontoxic, and successful heart-saving treatments. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (4)

5-0 out of 5 stars informative

5-0 out of 5 stars This is THE book to buy on heart disease
If you have high blood pressure or just want to stay alive, buy this book.This is by far the most informative book on the market about heart health.

I bought this book after my dad had a stroke and it helped me to understand why strokes happen and how to prevent them.Everything about heart health is covered.The book includes scientific studies about which supplements to take and which to avoid.

Included is info on oral chelation.Chelation will help to strip the plaque from your arteries.This can be done with a special diet and supplements.

Heart disease is the number one killer in America.You can drop your blood pressure with Co Q 10 and grape seed extract (Tru OPC's).This is all in the book.

Do you take drugs for your high blood pressure?You are increasing your risk for cancer if they are calcium channel blockers!Read the book for the research study info.

5-0 out of 5 stars A Book Ahead of it's Time
If you or a loved one suffers from heart disease, you absolutely must read this book! It gives you the facts your doctor won't tell you (because it may keep them from making $ from performing danergous & unnecessarysurgery on you). It also tells you how to use natural & far safermethods for taking control of your health.

If you or a loved one hasheart disease, NOT reading this book may be a fatal mistake!

5-0 out of 5 stars Must reading if you have heart disease...
If you have heart disease, or are at high risk for getting it, then this book is must reading for you. I found it quite by accident in a book store in New England, but it has changed my whole outlook on heart disease and myhope of returning to a normal life following a quadruple bypass operationin January of this year. In chapter after chapter you learn of ways tocontrol, or even reverse, the progression of the disease. The chapter ofVitamins tells of the vital role of antioxidants, a role that is only nowbeing confirmed and used by the established medical community. The chapteronIV EDTA Chelation therapy will astound you with it's implications. Ihave read it from cover to cover and find it totally fascinating. I highlyrecommend it to anyone who has an interest in this subject. ... Read more

83. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease:: A Collaborative Project of Medical Students and Faculty (Pathophysiology of Heart Disease (Lilly))
by Leonard S. Lilly
 Paperback: 496 Pages (2010-11-03)
list price: US$44.95 -- used & new: US$40.45
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1605477230
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This study of the pathophysiology of heart disease is designed for second year medical students. Topics covered include diagnostic imaging and catheterization, acute myocardial infarction and cardiomyopathies. This study of the pathophysiology of heart disease is designed for second year medical students. Topics covered include diagnostic imaging and catheterization, acute myocardial infarction and cardiomyopathies. ... Read more

84. Case Presentations in Heart Disease
by Alan MacKintosh
 Paperback: 176 Pages (1985-06)
list price: US$35.00
Isbn: 0407005412
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The "Case Presentation" series has established itself as a valuable aid for candidates preparing for higher examinations. This new edition is intended to be of use as a self-assessment guide for postgraduate students. All the case presentations have been extensively updated to take into account new management strategies, techniques and drug therapies, ten new cases have been added to broaden the selection of common cases as well as to include some rarer conditions. More illustrations have been included to aid understanding of the case histories. "Case Presentations in Heart Disease, 2nd Edition", now features 62 case histories covering a wide range of cardiac problems, from atrial fibrillations in a young man to persistent ascites due to Ebstein's anomaly. It is intended for those studying for higher professional examinations such as MRCP and MRCGP. ... Read more

85. My Heart vs. the Real World: Children with Heart Disease, In Photographs & Interviews
by Max S. Gerber
Hardcover: 203 Pages (2008-02-01)
list price: US$29.00 -- used & new: US$23.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0879697822
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
My Heart vs. the Real World is a photo documentary volume that explores the lives of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) through striking black-and-white photographs and interviews with subjects and their families. Ten chapters each spotlight a single child and in an additional chapter, the author writes about his own experience of growing up and living with CHD. The images and personal accounts reveal how, compared with someone healthy, a chronically ill child develops adult attitudes in a much different way. These are stories of how CHD patients and their families cope with and overcome extraordinary obstacles and learn about themselves during the process. My Heart vs. the Real World is sometimes funny, sometimes sad, always thought-provoking, and altogether human. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (12)

5-0 out of 5 stars Max gets it!...and portrays it beautifully.
There's fair amount out there now written by and for medical doctors &/or parents about kids with congenital heart defects, but what has been really lacking are children, teen and adult survivors of congenital heart defects telling *their own stories* in dynamic, professional & relevant ways.

As a professional photographer out of L.A., Max does an amazing job of letting his subjects be, getting to know them and telling their stories - not to mention taking fantastic pictures of them.This book takes on a new meaning though when he turns the lens on himself and gives himself, also a congenital heart defect survivor, the same treatment.

This is a view into the lives of congenital heart defect survivors that no doctor or even parent could put together - it is truly done *about* congenital heart defect survivors *by* congenital heart defect survivors.

A must read for anyone who would like to know more about what America's #1 type of birth defect does to the lives of some of it's estimated 2 million survivors - how we live our lives because of and despite our defects.

...From one survivor to another, thank you to everyone involved in this project & everyone who takes the time to read this amazing book with it's -as yet- very unique perspective.

5-0 out of 5 stars Brilliant. A must have for CHD moms and dads.
This book has touched my life more than any other book I've ever read.

As a heart-mom to a 4 month old with CHD (TOF with Pulmonary Atresia), I have been keeping myself as informed and educated as possible on heart defects (what they are, what to expect, etc). With that said, CHD websites and medical textbooks can never capture what Max Gerber captured in this excellent written and utterly moving book (and I have researched a lot of websites!)

I could not put this book down. I was moved to tears at several intervals, and I felt as though my eyes were opened to what my child will face in the future. The author brilliantly illustrates the mind frames of children who live with CHD; their hopes and angst, and acceptance of their fate.The children portrayed in the book are so honest and selfless it is sincerely humbling. As soon as I finished reading it, I immediately began to read it again. I will also keep it on my coffee table, I want everyone I know to read this book to understand what it is like to be a heart-mom or to be a child living with CHD. I appreciated seeing the world of CHD from the patient's point of view. Truly a one-of-a-kind experience.

Kudos to the author for taking on this project and accomplishing this wonderful mission. Your book has touched my life more than I can express.Also, thank you to Amazon.com for recommending this book based on a search for another book on CHD.

I recommend this book: TWO THUMBS UP!

5-0 out of 5 stars Incredible book
I loved this book. I smiled and cried at the touching photos and stories featured in this book. The photography is incredible and you can feel the emotion in the photographs. The stories are inspirational, told both from a child's view and a parents view of the struggles these children have faced in their childhood. As the mother of a young child who also was born with heart defects, I found great hope, faith, and inspiration within the pages of this book.

The stories and photographs are so captivating I could hardly put it down until I had read the story of each child,and when I finished, I started it all over again, to look more closely at the photographs and the stories they tell all on their own...this book is a must buy, especially for anyone who's child faces a chronic illness, such as congential heart disease. I am so thankful to the author, Max s. Gerber for giving this fight a voice.

5-0 out of 5 stars Fantastic Book
As a mom of a baby with a chd (double outlet right ventricle, slightly hypopastic right ventricle, pulmonary atresia, and vsd) it is encouraging to read others life journeys with heart disease.

As a photographer myself, viewing Max's work is a real treat. Beautiful images, very strong portraits.

Thank you Max for taking on this project, this will always be on our coffee table for guests to see. And will be a gift for the waiting room at our hospital.

5-0 out of 5 stars "Heartfelt" thanks for a wonderful book
Max Gerber's book has filled a space for many in highlighting and even celebrating people growing up with heart defects.It helped remind my son that he's not alone in his experience, well worth having ... Read more

86. Electrical Diseases of the Heart: Genetics, Mechanisms, Treatment, Prevention
Hardcover: 974 Pages (2007-12-12)
list price: US$279.00 -- used & new: US$92.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1846288533
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

This book provides a unique contemporary and succinct distillation of the current status of recently delineated electrical diseases of the heart, emphasizing their common and diverse clinical features. The latest developments in the field of experimental and clinical cardiac electrophysiology, genetics, pharmacology and interventional therapies of various clinical arrhythmogenic entities are featured and discussed in terms of recent advances in basic and clinical science. The book is divided into seven major parts. Each part consists of chapters (total of 64) dealing with related topics.

... Read more

87. Her Healthy Heart: A Woman's Guide to Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease Naturally
by Ph.D. Linda Ojeda
Paperback: 352 Pages (1998-08-14)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$3.60
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0897932250
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
More women between the ages of 44 and 65 die of heart disease than from all types of cancer combined. "Her Healthy Heart" provides detailed information on how women can reduce their risk of heart disease by making changes in diet, increasing physical activity, and managing stress. 25 illustrations.Amazon.com Review
"What you don't know can kill you," writes Linda Ojedain Her Healthy Heart. For example, did you know that heartdisease and stroke are killing women in record numbers--six times asmany as breast cancer, and twice as many as all forms of cancercombined--yet can be prevented and reversed with small lifestylechanges? Ojeda goes beyond the eat-low-fat-and-exercise advice we'veall heard a million times. She discusses nutrients, supplements,stress, spirituality, and unhealthy vs. heart-healthy behavior. Shedescribes what conditions and actions increase risk, and what you cando to reverse the effects, with every point backed up by scientificstudies. Where there's conflicting information, she presents bothsides and makes her best recommendation.

Ojeda has always beenahead of her time--she wrote Exclusively Female before womenknew they could alter the way they felt before and during theirperiods, Menopause Without Medicine before the great flood ofmenopause books, and Safe Dieting for Teens, the first dietingbook aimed at teenagers. Now she again shares the science we haven'theard, this time for our hearts' sakes. This remarkably informativeresource will motivate you to take action. --Joan Price ... Read more

Customer Reviews (2)

5-0 out of 5 stars A Diet and Supplement Manual for Your Heart
In "Her Healthy Heart" Linda Ojeda summarizes hundreds of articles and other resources dealing with heart disease and health. (The tone of the book, although easy to understand, does take one a college paper flavor.) The result is a guide jam packed with information on how to keep your heart thumping.

Although much of the book can be used by either males or females, in certain areas special attention is given to factors which influence women.

Ojeda starts by explaining what heart disease is, how we test for it, and risk factors or associations for heart disease. After laying down this foundation, Ojeda moves on to lifestyle factors that are under our control: diet and vitamin/mineral supplementation. Each nutrient and supplement which affects the heart is detailed, including where it is found and what benefits or detriments it brings.

Finally, Ojeda discusses behavioral factors that affect the heart. This section is rather terse, although realistically it is outside the realm of one book to discuss both diet and behavioral factors.

Strangely, although exercise is mentioned throughout the book as a factor, there isn't any section to help structure an exercise routine. This means that unless your heart disease is very mild, you will likely have to get information on how to structure a program elsewhere (it's not hard--internet resources will suffice for most), since heart disease tends to have many different causes involved.

Nevertheless, this is an excellent summary of heart health. Every sentence offers something of practical use to you. Indeed, after borrowing this title from the library, I am looking for a used copy to purchase, as it was so full of valuable information taking notes would be too time consuming.

5-0 out of 5 stars EXCELLENTsummary of the womens'true information for health
WOW, I really needed to read this book, it tells the truth about what we women need to know to prevent heart attacks, a must read for any health conscious girl! ... Read more

88. The Natural and Unnatural History of Congenital Heart Disease
Hardcover: 624 Pages (2009-10-26)
list price: US$249.95 -- used & new: US$199.96
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1405179279
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

  • Evaluates the natural history of congenital heart lesions as a background to finding out if and how much treatment has improved outcomes
  • Introduces and defines lesions, providing general information about its frequency, familial or syndromic associations, and associated congenital heart lesions
  • Provides sections on pathological anatomy and physiology – important in determining outcomes
  • Includes results of surgery, both in terms of survival and also in terms of event-free survival, that is, survival free of reoperation, cardiac failure, arrhythmias, and other late complications that are often seen
  • Helps cardiologists and cardiac surgeons understand what is likely to happen to patients with or without treatment, and which forms of treatment currently in use provide the best outcomes to date
... Read more

89. Healthy Heart Handbook: How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Lower Your Risk of Heart Attack and Cancer, Reduce Stress, Lose Weight Without Hunger
by Neal Pinckney
Paperback: 306 Pages (1996-03)
list price: US$11.95 -- used & new: US$131.54
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1558743847
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The accumulation of Dr. Pinckney's thorough research, thiscomprehensive cardiac care manual is a no-nonsense guide to preventingand reversing the nation's #1 killer--heart disease. The book includes76 easy-to-prepare, low-fat recipes, plus tips on reducing stress,losing weight without hunger, and ways to reduce the risk of heartattack and cancer. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars Just buy this book!
Forget the miracle pills and diets and live longer!! Dr. Neal Pinckney's book makes it easy to understand why many of us are overweight and have health problems. There are no secrets here, just the truth about living well.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book
This is a fantastic book written in a very informative manner. The recipes are good too. What I thought was most interesting is how the author explains how heart disease develops... the typical American diet startsbuilding plaque on the artery walls as early as the teen years! You will besurprised when you read this book and then you will understand why heartdisease is such a big problem in America. The diet in this book is the bestdiet I have come accross, not being able to easily loose weight myself. Butthis diet does it without hunger. I can't say enough about this advice. Ithas changed my life and the way I look at my health. I no longer feel likeI am a ticking time bomb that will eventually need a coronary bypassoperation ... an operation that has become very routine in America.

5-0 out of 5 stars heart disease?Read this book to reverse it
Pinckney's book is easy to read and full of information and recipes. I teach aerobic exercise, and this is the ONLY book I recommend to my clients. A good book for those who want to learn to eat well but don't have much time for reading. ... Read more

90. The Parent's Guide to Children's Congenital Heart Defects: What They Are, How to Treat Them, How to Cope With Them
by Gerri Freid Kramer, Shari Maurer
Paperback: 265 Pages (2001-11-20)
list price: US$14.00
Isbn: 0609807757
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
If you have a child with a congenital heart defect (CHD), you have a million questions: How did this happen? What kind of surgery is best? What’s life going to be like for my child after surgery? Will problems crop up later? Will the crisis ever end? In The Parent’s Guide to Children’s Congenital Heart Defects, more than thirty leading experts in pediatric cardiology—cardiologists, surgeons, nurses, nutritionists, counselors, and social workers—give detailed answers in plain language to help you learn to live with your child’s CHD.

Written by two parents of children with CHD in an easy-to-follow question-and-answer format, this guide brims with the latest information on diagnosis, treatment options, surgery, aftercare, and growing up with CHD, along with the voices of dozens of other parents who have lived through CHD and know what you’re going through. In these pages, you’ll find the information, empathy, and support you need to care for your child and thrive together.
... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

5-0 out of 5 stars A Reliable Purchase
After my 5 year old son was diagnosed with AVSD, I engrossed myself into extensive research about his condition. While I discovered many other books with great information, I found this one to be the most inclusive, definitive and easy to interpret. The Q&A are broken down under each chapter specifically dealing with certain attributes one might be facing with a diagnoses; not all,but most of my questions were answered after reading this book. Highly, highly recommended.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Book with Real Q's & A's that are relevant
My new born daughter was recently diagnosed with Complex Congential Heart Defects and naturally I wanted to learn as much as I could about the topic.I purchased several related boks through Amazon.com and founf this one to be very relevant and answered lots of appropriate questions for me.I would recommend this book to anyone who would like to learn more about Heart Defects of any type.It is very thorough and covers every defect I am aware of.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book for Parents of Kids with CHD's
I loved the question/answer format of this book.It made an overwhelming and complicated topic far more understandable. I wish this book had been available when our son was diagnosed with Transposition of the Great Vessels 12 years ago.We had so many questions, and while the doctors and nurses were super, a resource like this would have been invaluable becuase the questions don't stop when you finally leave the hospital!I'm sure the authors will keep the book as up-to-date as possible, but just know that cutting edge research is improving the methods of diagnosing and treating chd's every day.So, if the treatment protocol your doctor recommends isn't listed, don't panic.You might be benefiting from the latest research! When our son had his surgery, the Arterial Switch operation, which is now standard procedure, was only being done at a handful of hospitals around the country.Kids born with chd's today have a much better outlook thanks to the advances made by research.And, with more research, tomorrow will be even better.

5-0 out of 5 stars A Must Read Guide For All Parents
My son Noah was diagnosed in-utero with a VSD and at the age of 9 days received his first sonogram and EKG. The VSD closed - confirmed at his 1-year appointment, but was diagnosed with mitral valve stenosis at this same appointment. This book guides one through diagnosis, parental coping, issues/caring for the newly born, answers many of your obvious and not so obvious questions, surgery - what to expect/how to prepare and the likely impact your childs'condition may have on his/her life basis current knowledge. It also is full of annecdotal stories from parents that are going through the same thing you are as well as commentary from pediatric cardiologists. Additionally, there are resources from the internet to camps in the appendicies. No doubt, the book is at times depressing, but it is also enlightening. The undelying message is you need to be prepared for what you and your child are yet to experience and it is a map to guide you in this area

5-0 out of 5 stars The Best Book You Will Ever Buy!!
I would recommend this book to anyone with a child that has a congenital heart defect. This book is easy to read and explains anything and everything you need to know about a heart defect.

My husband and I searched everywhere for answers. This book answered all our questions.

We have a non-profit for congenital heart defects. This is the book we tell all parents to get!!... ... Read more

91. Purification of the Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart
by Hamza Yusuf
Paperback: 220 Pages (2004-06-01)
list price: US$21.95 -- used & new: US$80.87
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1929694156
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This exploration of Islamic spirituality delves into the psychological diseases and cures of the heart. Diseases examined include miserliness, envy, hatred, treachery, rancor, malice, ostentation, arrogance, covetousness, lust, and other afflictions that assail people and often control them. The causes and practical cures of these diseases are discussed, offering a penetrating glimpse into how Islam deals with spiritual and psychological problems and demonstrating how all people can benefit from these teachings. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (20)

5-0 out of 5 stars AMAZING! AMAZING BOOK
out of all the books I have read. This is my most favorite one. A library is not even close to complete without this master piece.

5-0 out of 5 stars Amazing
This book is a must read for any muslim or nonmuslim wishing to purify themselves from all the things that can afflict the human heart.It's such a deep, rich book full of practical advice for each heart ailment.Once you finish reading the book, you will want to read it again and again.And you will want to keep it for a handy reference.

5-0 out of 5 stars Mohammad Sadegh
The Purification of the Heart is a must read for all.

The book begins by introducingthe concept that our hearts are the light by which we can 'see' and therefore it is our hearts which we use to discern between truth from falsehood and right from wrong. It follows that the healthier or more purified our hearts become the brighter the light and the more we are able to see the reality of this life, whilst the more diseased or impure our hearts become the more indiscernible truth and falsehood become until we are completely are blind and have no senses towards good and evil. We are taught that the purification of the heart is achieved by trust in God, and doing good deeds for His Pleasure, whilst the heart becomes more diseased as we disbelieve and/or disobey God (i.e. sin). Some noteworthy Ayahs of the Quran are:

As a day [i.e. Day of Judgment] in which neither wealth nor children shall be of any benefit [to anyone], except one who comes to God with a sound [or pure] heart. (Surah 26 Ayat 88-89)

Have they not travelled in the land, and have they hearts with which to feel and ears with which to hear? for indeed it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts, which are within the bosoms, that grow blind.
(Surah 22 Ayat 46)

That He (God) may make that which the Devil promises a temptation for those in those whose hearts is a disease, and those whose hearts are hardened - LO! the evildoers are in open shism. (Surah 22 Ayat 53).

Following the Introduction the book proceeds to the main text which details the spiritual diseases of the heart that humans can suffer from and how to treat and cure them. This section is a based on a poem written by the scholar Imam al-Mawlud on this topic of purification of the heart, and Hamza Yusuf thoughtfully translates and explains in detail this poem for all to understand. I found this section to also be very educational about many areas of Islam and life other than the immediate topic of self-purification.

The only thing in the text that I objected to was something written on page 108, where Hamza Yusuf tries to explain the events that followed the murder of Uthman the third ruler after the Prophet Mohammad (SAW). In his explanation of this Hamza Yusuf writes:

"Muslims, however, maintain a good opinion of Muawiya, contrary to the Shiites."

Although I don't believe Hamza Yusuf intended for this, the passage could perhaps be taken as been sectarian. As it could be seen that Hamza Yusuf calls Shiites to be separate from Muslims. Sectarianism itself is a disease of the heart and goes against the Quran and the Prophetic teachings. This passage should be clarified, and preferably the passage should read that "some Muslims have a good opinion of Muawiya, whilst other Muslims are sceptical of his intentions". the Use of labels of Sunni or Shiite is sectarian and are both innovations (as no one at the time of the Prophet used these labels).There are only Muslims and non-Muslims.

The book ends with three Appendices, which are added gifts to finish the book. The first is about techniques we can use in our quest of constant Remembrance of God, The second about The Holy month of Ramadan and its significance in self-purification and the third a small extract of advise by a 15th century scholar about how we can achieve self-purification.

5 Stars!

5-0 out of 5 stars simply beautiful
sheikh hamza yusuf is one of the few islamic scholars that has chosen to go into a deeper meaning of everything in the quran and islam in general...he can be thought of as having a little bit of sufi perspective on things.....he has chosen to point out the things in the messages that other scholars dont seem to grasp.....lovely book will help u learn a lot that perhaps u never understood before about islam.....beautiful book translated into english.....makes me think what else am i missing that still hasnt been translated into english for us....extremely recoomended book

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book
It's a great book with a good tone (the author doesn't talk down).Provides some good insight to the way people behave, and how to avoid that behavior or improve oneself. ... Read more

92. Comprehensive Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease (Hodder Arnold Publication)
by Richard A. Jonas M.D.
Hardcover: 560 Pages (2004-08-12)
list price: US$295.00
Isbn: 0340808071
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This book is the first single authored textbook covering the complete spectrum of surgical management of congenital heart disease. The author, Dr. Richard Jonas, is the Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery at Children's Hospital Boston and the fourth William E Ladd Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. Management of congenital heart disease today requires a collaborative effort by a large healthcare team including congenital cardiac surgeons but also pediatric cardiologists, pediatric cardiac intensivists, pediatric cardiac anesthesiologists, perfusion and respiratory technicians and pediatric nurses. All of these individuals need to have a clear understanding of the surgical manipulations that take place in the operating room. This textbook provides beautifully illustrations that clearly depict even the most complex procedures. But this book is much more than an operative atlas. It presents evidence-based medicine that provides numerous scientific citations which explain not only how an operation should be done but in addition when and why it should be done and the outcomes of these interventions. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (4)

5-0 out of 5 stars comprehensive surgical management of congenital heart disease
The book has great pictures to demonstrates the surgical anatomy of complex congintal heart disease! Great book and very helpful

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Reference!!!!!
I have truly enjoyed the Jonas book.I work in cardiac Pedi surgery and have needed a detailed reference geared toward Perfusionists and the Jonas book truly hit the mark.

5-0 out of 5 stars Boston Souvenir
I found this book very intuitive, illustrations are wonderful, the author insights are exceptional. Although, I'm not a surgeon, this is still very good book for the anesthesiologist to understand the surgical perspective.
When I miss people and everything at Children Hospital-Boston. I get it all back again reading a chapter ,any chapter. It's so sentimental.

3-0 out of 5 stars Congenital heart surgery
This is a well done book. Useful to get basic knowledge from young surgeons. I liked it and it satisfate my expectaions. ... Read more

93. Diagnosis and Management of Adult Congenital Heart Disease
by Michael A. Gatzoulis MDPhD, Gary D. Webb MD, Piers E. F. Daubeney MAMRCPMRCPCH
Hardcover: 512 Pages (2003-09-30)
list price: US$149.00
Isbn: 0443071039
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This practical resource provides essential guidance on the anatomic issues, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and clinical management of adults with congenital heart disease. Each consistently structured, disease-oriented chapter discusses incidence, genetics, morphology, presentation, investigation and imaging, treatment, and intervention. A wealth of illustrations-including line drawings, EKGs, X-rays, and echocardiograms-clearly depict the clinical manifestations of congenital defects. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars or... what to do with the 20 yr old coming for a fontan
A good review of the pathophysiology of the original lesion and also the consequences of the repair/ palliation.Good reference to assist in management of the "ex" cardiac surgery patient, in health, disease, pregnancy, or for non-cardiac surgery. ... Read more

94. Heart Disease in Pregnancy
Hardcover: 368 Pages (2007-06-15)
list price: US$136.95 -- used & new: US$109.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1405134887
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The new edition of this practical guide draws on the clinical skills of a wide range of international experts to help you recognize and manage heart disease in pregnancy. Designed for on-the-spot use, this convenient and concise text helps you identify a cardiac problem, understand its pathophysiology, and respond appropriately.

Under the careful editorial direction of Drs. Oakley and Warnes, the Second Edition introduces new contributors from North America and Europe as well as new chapters on:

  • pulmonary hypertension
  • rheumatic heart disease
  • artificial heart valves
  • Marfan syndrome
  • auto-immune diseases
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • rhythm disorders
  • hypertension
  • cardiac intervention

The entire book is scrupulously updated to reflect the most current standards of care. The contributors – all recognized leaders in their respective fields – outline the pathway to diagnosis and appropriate management by a multi-disciplinary team.

Although heart disease is the leading medical cause of maternal death, clinical trials in this population are few and the evidence base is small. The expert recommendations in Heart Disease in Pregnancy, Second Edition, are a welcome source of information for cardiologists, obstetricians, general practitioners, and all members of the patient care team. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars Buy the text book - not the kindle version
I have the smaller kindle. The graphs and tables are extremely difficult to read and to navigate once enlarged.

Having said that, this is a wonderful resource for anyone who sees high-risk pregnant women or younger women with cardiovascular disease.It's worth remembering that the pre-menopausal women with cardiovascular disease should have their pregnancy risks and management issues identified before any pregnancy, if at all possible, as well. This book makes that assessment easier as it will point you to the available literature.

This is a clear and well-written resource- particularly valuable given the lack of similar works available in this complex area of medicine.I think a tertiary care facility would be wise to have this text on hand.

5-0 out of 5 stars A must on your updated bookshelve
A very helpful tool if you are counceling pregnant women in a cardiology department. The chapter on peripartum cardiomyopathy is the best I have ever read.

5-0 out of 5 stars The real thing in pregnancy counceling
If you have to councel pregnant women within your cardiology department, that's the book to go for. The chapter on peripartum cardiomyopathy is the best I ever red on this topic. ... Read more

95. The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy That Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease
by Uffe Ravnskov
Hardcover: 320 Pages (2002-04)
list price: US$25.00 -- used & new: US$249.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0967089719
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Dr. Ravnskov takes aim at one of the biggest medical myths of our time--that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease--and slays the Goliath with page after page of brilliant analysis.Anyone who has been told to go on a lowfat diet or take cholesterol-lowering drugs should read this book first. . . and then give it to his or her doctor! ... Read more

Customer Reviews (44)

5-0 out of 5 stars Now I understand
Read with an open mind and learn!You will find that cholesterol has a purpose in the body and that radical, quick elimination of it can cause even greater damage and death.Cholesterol is not the issue, but a result of the "real" issue - weak veins!Cure the weak veins and cholesterol natural goes away!!How simple - how real - how hidden by the AMA to keep selling drugs that cause more damage!Before you go on statins, read this book and find a naturopathic cardiologist.Statins will not prevent heart disease - read the book and see why.

5-0 out of 5 stars Ira Edwards, Author of HONEST NUTRITION
Not much more can be said after many thoughtful positive reviews of this very profound book.I read the six 1-star and 2-star reveiws, and it appears most of them misjudged the book so badly that they may not have read it.In the end, all of the negative reviewers actually agreed that cholesterol mania is wrong.I was impressed that there was not even one careful or authoratative review that refuted anything in THE CHOLESTEROL MYTHS.Now that this book is our of print, updated information should be available in a new book THE CHOLESTEROL CON by Malcolm Kendrick.

5-0 out of 5 stars Cholesterol -the hidden truths
This is an amazing book.Dr Ravsnkov exposes many flaws in the research that has been done to support the belief that high cholesterol causes heart disease. A very comprehensive approach that enables us to examine the research behind the supposed cholesterol-heart link.In doing this it also acts as a warningto those of us not involved in research, how we cannot always rely on the scientific community to reach an objective conclusion.
It becomes clear that we have all been misled about thisdue to either the incompetence of those involved or their being influenced by commercial pressures to maintain this myth.A very important book that should have been given more public attention.

5-0 out of 5 stars Narrow thesis, well researched and well proven
If you're a healthcare provider and you want to examine for yourself the simple research facts behind the "lipid hypothesis" of coronary heart disease, this is the best book available. Other books more suited to heart patients examine alternative hypotheses and consider nutritional studies and lay out diet recommendations, but this book maintains a laser-like focus.

From page one the author never wavers from his task of "exposing the fallacy that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease." One by one, the author debunks each of nine falsehoods commonly circulated about the "lipid hypothesis" of coronary heart disease (quoting the table of contents): 1. That high-fat foods cause heart disease, 2. That high cholesterol causes heart disease, 3. That high-fat foods raise blood cholesterol, 4. That cholesterol blocks arteries, 5. That animal studies proves the diet-heart idea, 6. That lowering your cholesterol will lengthen your life, 7. That polyunsaturated fats are good for you, 8. That the cholesterol campaign is based on good science and 9. That all scientists support the diet-heart idea.

Ravnskov takes a close look at each of the studies commonly used to back up these falsehoods. He pokes holes in each study and points out where the authors of numerous studies reach conclusions in their summaries that aren't warranted by the data they collected. All references are documented, and the author encourages the reader to go examine the data for herself.

Ravnskov is not an advocate. He's not out to tell you what to eat. He's a physician and a scientist with a good background in epidemiology who's flabbergasted that 30 years of negative studies are not enough to discredit a really bad hypothesis. He not only thoroughly discredits the lipid hypothesis, but he does it in a more concise and focused manner than his successors.

I just wish another publishing house would re-issue this book because it's out of print right now.

5-0 out of 5 stars No Longer Being Published
I agree with most of the other reviewers that this book exposes the truth about the misconceptions that the medical and pharmaceutical industry has foisted on the public regarding cholesterol and heart disease.I also wonder why the book is no longer being published here.Could it be that too much pressure has been applied to the publisher by this same industry?After all, they stand to lose billions in profit each year if they are exposed for what they are.And I thought the tobacco industry was bad. ... Read more

96. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure [PREVENT & REVERSE HEART DISEAS]
by Caldwell B., Jr.(Author) ;Campbell, T. Colin(Foreword by) Esselstyn
Hardcover: Pages (2007-02-28)
-- used & new: US$22.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B001TKWOI6
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars The Best Diet Plan (and the first one that has ever worked for me)
For 20-odd years I have been struggling against my own increasing weight, lipids, glucose, arterial hypertension, and rapidly advancing arteriosclerosis with statins, niacin, ACE Inhibitors, ARB's, vitamins, supplements, and multiple low carbohydrate diets and exercise. Nothing worked. I began Dr. Esselstyn's program in May, 2009 after reading "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease". I was skeptical to say the least since I am a physician and have always been considered to be the prototypical "caveman" or carnivore. It took me two and a half weeks to stop cheating on the diet and to stop resenting the lack of meat on my plate. Since then I have not strayed from his recommendations. By September, 2009 I had lost 32 pounds without even trying! I was able to eliminate 5 antihypertensive medication doses from my daily regimen (I still take 3 tablets daily). My Fasting Blood Sugar is below 90 for the first time in memory! My lipids are in the low, low normal range for the first time in 22 years. There is something to this! THIS WORKS!! ... Read more

97. Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine Vol 1
by Eugene Braunwald
 Hardcover: 964 Pages (1991-11-18)
-- used & new: US$28.49
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0721629431
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

98. Heal Your Heart: How You Can Prevent or Reverse Heart Disease
by K. Lance Gould
Paperback: 312 Pages (2000-07-01)
list price: US$21.95 -- used & new: US$10.93
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0813528968
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This easy-to-use guide shows how to effectively manage cardiovascular health, with information on diet and lifestyle, as well as suggestions for better communication with one's physician. 41 tables. 61 color illustrations. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (11)

4-0 out of 5 stars Great information and suggestions for living healthy.
A lot of information about the heart and how it works. How to strengthen it and live a healthy life. Exercises and dietary info was very helpful.

5-0 out of 5 stars Geat Book
This is a Great Book. I wish all doctors read it. They are focus on stress test and agiograms

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book for those interested in Diet to prevent heart disease.
Great Book for those interested in Diet to prevent heart disease.
It inspired me to loose weight. It may help to reverse coronary disease.It is worthy the money!

5-0 out of 5 stars how to heal your heart
I found the information very helpful and my doctor agreed with the new approach to caring for my heart that I had taken from the book.

You cannot start to young to protect your heart and the arteries.I have had one heart attack andMr. Holmes at,
Scott and White hospital in temple texas, recommended this book.He is the supervisor in the cardiology department.
He was right very good information.

eva rogers

5-0 out of 5 stars Amazing technological advance in heart "scanning" enables non-invasive diagnosis and treatment of heart disease!
After reading this book and (for the first time) understanding heart disease, I traveled to Houston to meet Professor Gould to undergo his non-invasive tests and to receive his diagnosis. It took less than an hour to have several CAT Scans and two PET Scans. After re-dressing,I entered Dr. Gould's office where he showed me (on his computer) three dimensional images of my heart, color-coded to indicate blood-flow, the most important indicator of a heart's/arterial system's health. In addition, there were images of arteries and 'calcification' therein. For the first time (in 75 years), I understood fully a complicated diagnosis, and the reasons for the (non-invasive) treatment recommended .
This book should be read by anyone who is worried about heart disease (for themselves or family/friends). And it should be read BEFORE contemplating invasive procedures, such as 'by-passes', 'angio-plasty", "stents" and other surgery. These "cures" may be unnecessary and more dangerous than the heart disease itself. --( Though profitable to surgeons.) ... Read more

99. The Modern Nutritional Diseases: And How to Prevent Them : Heart Disease, Stroke, Type-2 Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer
by Fred Ottoboni, M. Alice Ottoboni
Paperback: 224 Pages (2002-07)
list price: US$29.95 -- used & new: US$26.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 091524103X
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Millions of people have been using the low-fat, low-cholesterol, high-carbohydrate diet that has been promoted for the last half-century in the mass media for prevention of heart disease and stroke.During this same period, the numbers of new cases of heart disease and stroke have not decreased as promised but increased, and type-2 diabetes and obesity, which were uncommon 50 years ago, have grown to become major epidemics.

In this book, heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, obesity, and cancer are termed the modern nutritional diseases because scientific studies and biochemical facts clearly point to the modern American heart-healty diet as a major underlying cause of these diseases.This book describes the changes that have taken place in the American diet over the last 100 years and explains how these changes were accelerated after 1930 by advances in food technology.The book presents biochemical and other scientific evidence to show how these changes are implicated not only in the modern nutritional diseases but also in other growing disease problems such as Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, senile dementia, and depression.

This book shows how micro- and macronutrients relate to health and disease prevention.It also shows how faulty science has influenced national health policies and explains how the reader can sort truth from fiction.The final chapter outlines simple dietary and lifestyle changes that can significantly reduce the risk of the modern nutritional diseases and, at the same time, improve one's health and sense of well-being. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (10)

5-0 out of 5 stars The truth of the diet connection to several major diseases
The authors have deep backgrounds in nutrition research and the physiology of how nutrients help or hurt us, having also been published in very prestigious professional journals. To really understand, at a deep level, how the components of our diet, such as carbohydrates, fats/oils, and proteins help or hurt us this book is superb. It is especially eye opening about the negative effects of a very low-fat diet, why we need some saturated fat and why many of our modern seed oils could be adding to the problems of obesity, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. The authors say they are aiming at a general audience, but I think having some rudimentary biology and chemistry knowledge helps to fully appreciate this book. Each chapter is written as a stand alone piece, so it is not necessary to read it cover to cover if you only have an interest in one particular disease - lets say diabetes - but I found every bit of it excellent. The chapter covering cholesterol and the function of statin drugs should be a must read for anyone who has been advised to start a statin regimen.

5-0 out of 5 stars Prescription for Health
This book should be read by every medical student in this country!Though highly technical (not a self-help book, per se), it is a comprehensive look at the many studies on nutrition, health, and biology that have occured over the last thirty years and nailed down the basics of why we are so sick in this country!Our family has followed some of the recommendation outlined in the back of the book with great results.I recommend this book to anyone who wants to take a serious look at why [we] are so sick and become pro-active in improving their health!

5-0 out of 5 stars Awesome
Book in perfect condition.Plus, everyone should read this book if they want to know anything about good nutrition!

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Information
I purchased this book a week ago from vbi201 (the publisher) and started reading as soon as I opened the package.I have been so impressed (by both the book and the delivery service) that I purchased a second copy from vbi201 to send to my daughter today.If you want hard facts on nutrition, this is one excellent source of information.

I first went to the Queen of Fats by S. Allport page, read Kaufmann's 2 reviews and other reviews, which all recommended The Modern Nutritional Diseases by the Dr.s Ottoboni as the best book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Everything That SHOULD Be Taught To Dietitians And Doctors
So much of the research into the most destructive health ailments we now face is focusing on the role of the diet. This is something Dr. Fred Ottoboni and his wife Dr. Alice Ottoboni know a thing or two about. Before retirement, they had spent many years of their career investigating, studying, and researching disease occurrence among various people groups around the world and they discovered something quite revealing in light of our current crisis with obesity, diabetes and worse: much of it is preventable by simply ignoring the high-carb, low-fat, low-cholesterol advice that has sadly become accepted as the "healthy" diet.

In Modern Nutritional Diseases, Drs. Ottoboni explain in meticulous detail why those diets are useless against most modern diseases and shares the research showing the elimination of sugars and starches will put us back on the road to health faster than removing saturated fat and cholesterol from our diet. There's even an invaluable chapter on how to distinguish good science from bad science among the many voices telling us what the facts are.

The references and charts contained in this book make it well worth having in your low-carb library. I'll warn you now that it does get a bit technical in some areas, but this stuff isn't simple either. There are many things to evaluate and analyze in the process of coming to the conclusions about nutrition and metabolism that Drs. Ottoboni do. This is every bit as good a book to read as Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories was because it complements much of the same concepts and ideas.

My favorite part is at the end in a chapter called "What do you do now?" the authors give you practical instructions about making the changes you need in order to ward off the modern nutritional diseases in your own life. Specifics about diet, supplements, exercise, and suggested resources for further education are provided. This is an invaluable tool for anyone following a controlled-carbohydrate nutritional approach or who wants to learn more about why this way of eating works so well. ... Read more

100. Clinical Psychology and Heart Disease
 Paperback: 515 Pages (2010-11-30)
list price: US$299.00 -- used & new: US$274.24
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 8847015545
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

This comprehensve review of scientific research supporting evidence of the relationship between cardiac disease and psychological condition offers practical suggestions for developing a clinical practice, and proposes directions for future research in the new field of "cardiac psychology". Every chapter is written by world-renowned researchers in the field. A theoretical and practical guide, it will interest physicians, clinical and health psychologists, and all professionals who seek to understand the mind-health link.

... Read more

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