- Idaho school trustees' manual: A statement of fundamental principles and their application by Joachim Frederick Weltzin, 1960
- Idaho school trustees' manual by Ezra Moore, 1977
- A teaching unit on the Idaho forests by Charlotte E Truman, 1935
- Faculty supply and demand in Idaho by Jerry Engstrom, 1991
- Grading policies and practices in Idaho secondary and postsecondary schools: A brief summary and recommendations by Clifford M Trump, 1978
- Course of Study for Elementary Schools of Idaho 1931
- Human relations for licensed practical nurses: Instructor's guide (Idaho vo-ed) by Helen B Saltzer, 1960
- Basic pre-service course for trade and technical education teachers, by John A McDaniel, 1962
- The curriculum guidelines for advanced typewriting in office occupations (Idaho vo-ed) by Robert Manley Kessel, 1975
- Guide for instructors of institutional on-farm training by John A Bauer, 1949
- An outline of science for grades one to six by Fuller Woodie, 1935
- Consumer appliance and electrical mechanical by Rolland A Pywell, 1971
- Early man, cave dwellers, for the sixth grade by Chris J Jansen, 1935
- Life in the Belgian Congo;a geography unit for the fourth grade by Adria Woods, 1935