Extractions: Home The Centre Events Publications Site Map Contact Us You are here: Home Publications Publications by Research Associates Dan Svantesson, ' Kanitz v. Rogers Cable Inc - Time to rethink Article 4 of the proposed Hague Convention Vol. 18 Issue 5 (September/October 2002), Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, UK. ISSN 0267 3649; pp. 340 - 344. Graham Greenleaf, 'Reporting Privacy Complaints Pt 2: Complaint reporting practices of Asia-Pacific Privacy Commissioners' (2002) 9 Privacy Law and Policy Reporter (September 2002). Roger Clarke, 'Authentication for e-Business: Current Practices, Conceptual and Implementation Issues' for ECom-ICom Experts Address Series, The University of Hong Kong, plus PowerPoint slides (September 2002).
Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law And Policy Centre - Home Page research facility developed collaboratively by legal Information Institutes Interest?',plus PowerPoint slides for cyberspace Law and Full list of publications http://www.bakercyberlawcentre.org/
Extractions: - Updated 7 April 2003 Call for papers for our major ' Surveillance and Privacy 2003: Terrorists and Watchdogs Conference, 8-9 Sept 2003 in Sydney, preceding the 25th Int'l Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, and the Australian Big Brother Awards. Joint NSW Society for Computers and Law presentation by Jason Catlett How laws against unwanted direct marketing work and don't work Next LawTechTalk: ' Consumer rights and wrongs in electronic payments ' Wednesday 9 April 1pm, Law tower 1024, with Alan Tyree, former professor of ITlaw at Sydney Uni.
Digital Law Library - Online Legal Publications - Academic Info how the architecture or code of cyberspace operates as law A Guide to the US FederalLegal System Web Hague Conference on Private International Law publications. http://www.academicinfo.net/lawlibrary.html
Extractions: Email us at madin@academicinfo.net for details. List below are mostly American legal resources - see these area studies for additional resources: Go to our Online Journals page for law reviews, legal periodicals, journals, and newsletters with free online content. See also Criminal Justice Intellectual Property Law and Environmental Law Start With:
Bowne & Co., Inc. Bowne Corporate & Legal Publications Catalog most comprehensive and convenient onestop service for corporate and legal publications. rules,to executive compensation, securities fraud, and cyberspace law http://www.bowne.com/resources/catalog.asp
Extractions: With a core offering of more than 200 essential publications and an easy-to-browse database of 2,000 more from dozens of top publishers, Bowne offers the world's most comprehensive and convenient one-stop service for corporate and legal publications. Subjects range from insider trading, venture capital, and annual meetings and proxy rules, to executive compensation, securities fraud, and cyberspace law.
Legal Technology Journals to publish at least three original articles dealing with cyberspace, the Internet Inthe past, legal publications simply gave researchers a citation indicating http://www.caup.washington.edu/uwrunstad/eJournals/nologolaw.htm
Extractions: Technology Journal The Computer Law Review and Technology Journal is published quarterly at the Southern Methodist School of Law, in cooperation with the Computer Section of the State Bar of Texas. The Computer Law Review and Technology Journal is an official journal of the State Bar of Texas Computer Section. The Cyberspace Magazine Cybersociology Magazine is a forum for the discussion of the social scientific study of cyberspace. Every few months, this e-zine will strive to publish at least three original articles dealing with cyberspace, the Internet, and online communities. Each issue will also contain book and site reviews.
Extractions: Home Publications eCommerce Wednesday, April 9th 2003 Go to.... Current Publications Antitrust Consortium eCommerce Employment/Noncompete Finance International Law Firm Economics Miscellaneous Multimedia Patent Software Licensing Tax Trademark Trade Secrets LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS IN CYBERSPACE January 1995 Several recent cases involving activities on the Internet and online services illustrate the diversity and complexity of issues that this technology can be expected to raise for the U.S. legal system. We believe that the cases discussed below represent the first of a new wave of legal issues that will arise in the context of online technology. United States v. Thomas and United States v. LaMacchia. The LaMacchia case involved allegations that a 21 year old MIT student used MIT's internet access to facilitate the illegal copying of popular commercial software programs. Those who had software were encouraged to upload their programs, and those who didn't were permitted to download the programs. The case would hardly be worthy of comment, except for one thing: Mr. LaMacchia neither sought nor received any financial benefit from his activities. Stratton Oakmont Inc. v. Prodigy Services Inc.
Legal publications. cyberspace and Intellectual Property Law Journals, FindLaw ElectronicPublishing Bibliography Scholarly Electronic Publishing Resources legal http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/rlegal.htm
Extractions: Legal Liblicense: Licensing Digital Information A comprehensive guide to licensing issues that discusses licensing terms; defines licensing vocabulary; provides access to model licenses and publisher licenses; and includes a bibliography, a directory, and other useful resources. Chilling Effects Clearinghouse Copyown, University of Maryland , Stanford University Libraries , ALA , ARL , University of California, Berkeley Library , University of Texas System CyberSpace Law , FindLaw , EBLIDA Franklin Pierce Law Center's IP Mall , IFLA Liblicense: Licensing Digital Information , Yale University Library Licensingmodels.com , M. Claire Stewart , Center for Intellectual Property, University of Maryland University College GrepLaw.org LawMeme , Yale Law School Liblicense-L , Yale University Library RIGHTS-L (List members only) GigaLaw.com Daily News , Jurist Internet Law Wire , Jurist ARL Federal Relations and Information Policy The Australian Digital Alliance Center for Democracy and Technology , University of Maryland University College CONFU: The Conference on Fair Use , U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Lydia Loren Other publications The Complicated World of Music Copyrights SPAM, in Learning Cyberlawin cyberspace (Aug. 1 (The Institute of Continuing legal Education 1996 http://www.lclark.edu/~loren/
Extractions: Lewis and Clark College Professor Loren is pleased to announce the publication of her new casebook: , with Julie Cohen, Ruth Okediji, and Maureen O'Rourke (Aspen 2002) For more information, visit the website: Professor Loren is on sabbatical for the '02-'03 academic year. She typically teaches four courses per year, often including the four courses listed below. Each course has a link for the most recent semester and year in which it was taught: For more information on studying Intellectual Property Law at Lewis and Clark, see the Intellectual Property Law home page. You might also be interested in the web site of the Intellectual Property Student Organization (IPSO) Books Law Review Articles:
Temple Law Prospective Students Current Students Alumni/Friends publications DAVID G. POST Larry Doesn't Get Code, Law, and Liberty in cyberspace,52 Stan. Thoughts on the Fractal Nature of legal Systems, 29 J. legal Stud http://www2.law.temple.edu/page.asp?page=postpub
Safer Internet: Resources Reports A legal manual for a Spanish hotline Although the http//www.fbi.gov/publications/pguide/pguidee.htm. MarkMangan, Sex, Laws, and cyberspace Freedom and http://www.saferinternet.org/resources/reports.asp
Extractions: resources reports and publications views national focus ... parents and teachers Safer Internet has collected a variety of reports and publications surrounding this important issue. A s uggested reading book list has also been put together. Legal issues with regard to the activities of hotlines in the battle against child pornography on the Internet - This covers the various legal issues confronted by a private hotline which does not have any particular legal protection and yet is dealing with reports related to illegal content. A legal manual for a Spanish hotline - Although the report specifically examines the provisions of Spanish law, much of what is said is of general interest for any hotline. In particular, data protection issues and need for secure handling of sensitive data by hotlines are analysed in detail and the Data Protection Directives apply to any hotline based in the EEA. ppt htm word pdf Safer Use of Interactive Technologies Workshop Safer Use of Interactive Technologies final report ( Richard Swetenham Workshop Programme Progress and prospects ( Mr Parajon 2001 and beyond programme and perspectives ( Richard Swetenham Impacts of Interactive Technology on Safer Internet, business / economical perspectives (
A Marketing Think Tank In Cyberspace ve gotten to know each other online on the emerged from cyberspace and met Othersare workat-home positions for legal publications that accept articles online http://www.lawmarketing.com/news/ofcounsel.html
Extractions: By Michael Rieger Dozens of law firm marketers and marketing partners who've gotten to know each other online on the emerged from cyberspace and met "3D," as they say, in Palm Springs, California at this year's annual Legal Marketing Association (LMA) conference in February. Attendees already knew each other well, although many had never met except online. Harnessing popular e-mail and web technology, the Litserv has grown to more than 1,000 members from the US, Canada and other countries. It is the largest online legal marketing community in existence. Members publish articles and advise each other with heartfelt opinion pieces. Information from the Listserv is then gathered along with new material on the LawMarketing Portal, http://www.lfmi.com. Members of the LawMarketing Listserv and visitors to the Portal include independent law firm marketing consultants as well as marketing partners and marketing directors from all over the world. Members compare notes to more effectively promote law firms. They trade information on journalists, vendors, job openings, on what works and what doesn't. And, membership is entirely free. "The truth is out there, and this is where you will find it," avers Larry Bodine, who founded the Listserv in 1996 and has run it ever since. In 1999, Bodine expanded the related LawMarketing Portal Web site, which contains edited discussions on the Best of LawMarketing page, http://www.lfmi.com/best/bestindex.html.
Internet Law & Legal Concerns http//www.quickforms.net/ FindLaw cyberspace Law Center URL http//www.procopio.com/publications/sample.htm provider.com/contracts.htmLegal Documents and http://www.allaboutyourownwebsite.com/legal.shtml
NOCALL - Internet Legal Issues News, Periodicals and Articles. FindLaw Journals and publications; FindLaw LegalNews cyberspace Law; The Industry Standard; Law.com tech law. Law Firms. http://www.nocall.org/interlegal.htm
Extractions: HOME California Resources Internet Resources Publishers ... Survival Internet Legal Issues Web Sites News, Periodicals and Articles Law Firms Communications Law ... Cyberspace Law Institute Domains Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) FindLaw - Cyberspace Law First Amendment Cyber-Tribune (FACT) ... The Link Controversy Page Privacy The UCLA Online Institute for Cyberspace Law and Policy ... Webreference.com - Legal Issues
LawInfo Legal Links -- Resources ELECTRONIC publications. Back to legal Research. B, Berkeley Technology LawJournal. C, Handbook of California Civil Procedure; cyberspace and Computer Law http://www.lawinfo.com/links/zines.html
President's Message the first two NFPA ethics opinions concerning paralegal conduct in cyberspace. pagecited and linked to several more online legal publications and websites. http://www.paralegals.org/Reporter/On-line97/pres.html
Extractions: by Susan D. Kligerman The National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc. (NFPA) made cyber-history in 1994 by becoming the first national legal organization to have a presence on the World Wide Web. NFPA made cyber-history again last year, with the first on-line edition of the National Paralegal Reporter ; this is the second cyber-edition. NFPA has also entered the world of cyber-legal ethics, publishing the first two NFPA ethics opinions concerning paralegal conduct in cyberspace. These issues hadn't yet been, nor are they now, resolved for attorneys by bar associations, legislatures and courts. These opinions resulted in NFPA receiving considerable recognition for its commitment to paralegals' ethical conduct and increased NFPA's visibility, with its home page cited and linked to several more on-line legal publications and websites. What do these historical events mean to paralegals and to the rest of the legal community? A recent report from NFPA Headquarters revealed that when we entered cyberspace, our home page was receiving about 50 hits per week; today, that number is just under 3500. (That's not the number of times someone goes to a particular page contained on the website, but importantly, it's the number of computer users whose machines go to NFPA's site one hit for each visitor.) That means 3500 people are seeing NFPA's services, directories, publications, etc. every week.
Govt Of Ireland - Dept Of Foreign Affairs - Information - Publications by the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Crime in cyberspace. new democraciessought assistance with the creation of democratic and legal institutions http://www.irlgov.ie/iveagh/information/publications/CoE/Legal.htm
Extractions: Legal co-operation The Council of Europe plays an important part in shaping common European legislation. Its work is in three main areas: modernising and harmonising national legislation in line with the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law; improving justice by simple and flexible procedures; seeking common solutions to legal and ethical problems arising from scientific and technical progress by adopting regulations to address the problems facing modern societies. This work is performed by intergovernmental committees composed of civil servants from the 41 member States. In addition, the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission), which is composed of independent experts, offers assistance to states and carries out thematic studies with regard to constitutional, legislative and administrative measures. European Committee on Legal Cooperation (CDCJ) Michael Walsh
Extractions: Files Subdirectories On-Site Links Off-Site Links access_rights_johnson.article "Access Rights All Power to the Sysop?", article by David Johnson. Excerpt: "Some enlightened sysops will create mechanisms by means of which users can participate in making rules and overseeing their enforcement. Will those sysops prosper in preference to others who act less accountably? Will the existence of checks on arbitrary exercises of raw power help to keep other, external, regulators at bay?" anon_juris.article "The Coming Jurisdictional Swamp of Global Internetworking (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Anonymity)", by Douglas Barnes. Overview of several reasons why anonymity on the Net is a good idea, and a look at the many ways in which a foreign jurisdiction can exercise authority over citizens of other countries. anonymity_online_johnson.article
Extractions: Begins where other how-to books leave off. ISBN: #0-938519-12-3 Pages:82 Cost: $24.50 by Deborah C. Sawyer ISBN: #0-938519-15-8 Cost: $24.50 by T.R. Halvorson, Attorney at Law Well-known attorney and information broker continues to offer insight into the muddy legal waters which sometimes surround the practicing information broker. The new and updated version includes the latest cases and decisions, an updated bibliography, and the pros and cons of the controversial revised article 2(b) of the UCC.
SAGE Publications - Deciphering Cyberspace nature of cyberspace, its social impact, and legal significance for Deciphering cyberspaceis a musthave volume for anyone Publisher Sage publications, Inc. http://www.sagepub.com/book.aspx?pid=5114