Www.ncga.state.nc.us/html1997/billInfo/bill_reports/lastActionList.txt TO COM ON ST GVT H0317 $CLOSE TAX LOOPHOLE/FUND alt. FUNDS H 06/22/1998 ASSIGNED TOAPPNTEC H0386 $agric. SL 98-0213 H0582 EASTERN NC livestock ARENA FUNDS HF http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/html1997/billInfo/bill_reports/lastActionList.txt
The Prairie Chicken And Livestock On SNG Integrated Management of the Greater Prairie Chicken and livestock on the Sheyenne National Grassland 1963. Geographic orientation of American Tetraonidae. alt, Bernard W. 1988. http://www.greatplains.org/npresource/othrdata/sheyenne/litcite.htm
Extractions: in Lower Sheyenne River Basin: Water-Land-People. North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. Barker, W.T., L.L. Manske and K. Higgins. 1988. Manipulation of habitat by fire and mowing. (Abstract). Page 73 in A. Bjugstad, Tech Coor. Prairie Chickens on the Sheyenne National Grasslands. USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mtn. Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Fort Collins, CO. Gen Tech. Rep. RM-159. 73 pp. Bent, A.C. 1932. Life histories of North American gallinaceous birds. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. No. 162. 490 pp. Bjugstad-Porter, R. 1993. The western prairie fringed orchid ( Platanthera praeclara ): its response to burning and associated mycorrhizal fungi. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie. 116 pp. Bluemle, J.P. 1975. Guide to the geology of southeast North Dakota. North Dakota Geol. Sur., Educational Ser. 3. 33 pp. Bluemle, J.P. 1979. Geology of Ransom and Sargent Counties, North Dakota. North Dakota Geol. Sur. Bull. 69 - part I. Jet Printing Inc. Grand Forks, North Dakota. 84 pp. Bowles, M.L. 1983. The tallgrass prairie orchids Platanthera leucophaea (Nutt.) Lindl. and
EAP Publication List Explore research papers about sustainable agriculture systems. From McGill University in Quebec. Int. Conf. misc. Publ. 694, Maine agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Maine, Orono, ME. 95110 in Food from Land. Publ. 5129, agric. Can., Ottawa. http://eap.mcgill.ca/General/eap_ind.htm
Extractions: [http://eap.mcgill.ca/_private/vl_head.htm] EAP Publications List Liste des publications Agro-Bio Les synthèses Agro-Bio vous renseignent en profondeur sur une foule de sujets et de techniques se rapportant à l'agriculture biologique. Elles ont été écrites par l'agronome Jean Duval qui a parcouru la littérature scientifique et populaire et contacté des personnes-ressources à la quête d'informations pertinentes. GENERAL / GENÉRALE AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS AND THE SOIL. S.B. Hill, 1978. Pp. 18-53 in Chemicals and Agriculture: Problems and Alternatives. Canadian Plains Proceedings 5. Univ. Regina, SK. Using diagrams, shows how "chemicals" affect beneficial soil organisms and suggests alternatives AGRICULTURE, ECOLOGY AND OVERCONSUMPTION. S.B. Hill, 1978. Paper presented at the Nutrition of the 1980's Symposium, Montreal. 22pp. Uses the poor quality of the North American diet as a focal point for a discussion of problems inherent in the food systems of industrialized countries. 57 refs. ($2.60) CONTROLLING PESTS ECOLOGICALLY.
Agricultural Discussion Groups & Mailing Lists Page AGNMORE, agriculture More. agricL, General agriculture Mailing List. MGARDEN, MasterGardeners Discussion Group. MUISUGRAZE-L, Missouri/Iowa Forage livestock Forum. http://www.farm.ie/links/discuss.html
Extractions: Newsgroups Mailing Lists Mailing List Resources of Special Note Note: To have access to these groups, your Internet Service Provider must carry the newsgroup. If your provider does not currently carry a group, usually all you have to do is ask. (Clarinet groups generally require a fee.) A B C D ... V Agriculture Mailing Lists List Name Mailing List Description AGENG-L AGENVR-L Agriculture Environmental Issues Discussion AG-EXP-L Agricultural Expert Systems AGLAW-L Agricultural Law AGNEWS Agricultural News AGNMORE AGRIC-L General Agriculture Mailing List AGECON-L Agricultural Economics Discussion List AGROECOL Agriculture Ecology APPLE-CROP-MG Apple Crop Mailing Group
Publication List EJ Home page misc. The use of new communications technology in supporting livestockproducers. in Proc. in alt det Nyeste 1985, Landbrug, Havebrug, Husholdning. http://www.jbs.agrsci.dk/~ejo/publ.htm
Extractions: Misc. Lectures and Presentations -2003 Studnitz, M., K.H. Jensen, E. Jørgensen, K. K. Jensen. (2003) The effect of nose ringing on explorative behaviour in gilts. Animal Welfare. 12. p. 109-118 Jørgensen E., M. Höhle, S. Højsgaard (2003) Diagnostic testing: Model estimation and decision supportusing graphical models. Paper submitted for the EFITA 2003 Congress in Hungary. A Bayesian Approach to Synthesize Evidence on Clinical Accuracy. Abstract submitted to the ISVEE 2003 congress. Højsgaard, S., E. and N. Toft (2003) Estimation of Sensitivity and Specificity of Correlated Tests in Absence of Golden Standard. Abstract submitted to the ISVEE 2003 congress. Toft, N., E. Jørgensen, S. Højsgaard. (2003) Diagnosing diagnostic tests:evaluating the assumptions underlying the estimation ofsensitivity and specificity in the absence of a gold standard.submitted for Prev. Vet. Medicine Höhle, M. and E. Jørgensen (2003) Sensitivity Analysis in Survey Sample DecisionScenarios. Paper accepted for the ECQSARU 2003 konference. Jørgensen, E. (2003)
Index Of /pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/net-resources openair.. 08-Nov-1995 0000 2k alt.logcabin.home 24 list.. 31-Aug-1999 1801 7klivestock-research-f mailing-.. 20-Jan-1994 0000 10k misc.rural.HomePage 07 http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/net-re
Internationale Links Von Peter Lorenz Horse World Magazine http//www.alt.net/~waltj edu/library/equine.html LibraryLivestockSection http trailers) http//www.equineonline.com/misc/others.html http://www.plorenz.de/intlink.htm
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Extractions: From ?@? Mon Mar 13 16:08:36 1995 Received: from profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx by argo.acs.oakland.edu (PMDF #12063) id ; Fri, 10 Mar 1995 15:57 EST Received: by profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx (5.0/SMI-SVR4) id AA26544; Fri, 10 Mar 1995 13:32:16 +0600 Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 11:36:01 -0800 (PST) From: Hugo Perales Subject: La Jornada (LJ), Chiapas 10-03-95 Sender: owner-chiapas-l@profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx To: chiapas-l@profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx Reply-to: chiapas-l@profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx Message-id: ; Fri, 10 Mar 1995 04:51 EST Received: by profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx (5.0/SMI-SVR4) id AA22543; Fri, 10 Mar 1995 02:53:37 +0600 Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 09:58:45 -0400 From: mohni@ethno.unibe.ch (mohni christoph) Subject: Food First: CHIAPAS AND THE CRISIS OF MEXICAN AGRICULTURE (1/2) (fwd) Sender: owner-chiapas-l@profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx To: chiapas-l Reply-to: chiapas-l@profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx Message-id: Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" X-Sender: mohni@ubeclu.unibe.ch Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Length: 32112 Precedence: bulk * >>>> Item number 6353, dated 95/02/25 15:41:44 ALL >Date: Sat, 25 Feb 1995 15:41:44 GMT >Reply-To: Rich Winkel >Sender: Activists Mailing List >From: Rich Winkel >Organization: PACH >Subject: Food First: CHIAPAS AND THE CRISIS OF MEXICAN AGRICULTURE (1/2) > >/** econ.saps: 254.0 **/ >** Topic: Chiapas and the Crisis in Mex Agric ** >** Written 8:34 PM Feb 23, 1995 by margross in cdp:econ.saps ** >From: Ross Hammond
MARKETING SASKATCHEWAN SPECIALTY LIVESTOCK MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS FOR THE SPECIALIZED livestock INDUSTRIES Project number 96000322 February, 1998 Prepared by PPD Technologies Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. MARKET PROFILES OF SELECT COMPANIES The Saskatchewan Specialty livestock Marketing Study was undertaken The specialty livestock sectors covered by this http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/afif/Projects/96000322
Extractions: MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS FOR THE SPECIALIZED LIVESTOCK INDUSTRIES Project number: 96000322 February, 1998 Prepared by: PPD Technologies Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1. FINAL REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. SASKATCHEWAN SPECIALTY LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION AND MARKETING 4. CANADIAN PRODUCTION AND MARKETING ... 8. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS VOLUME 2. APPENDICES 1. MARKETING BIBLIOGRAPHY 2. MARKET PROFILES OF SELECT COMPANIES 3. CANADIAN IMPORT-EXPORT DATA 4. US IMPORT-EXPORT DATA 5. SELECT FOREIGN IMPORT-EXPORT DATA 6. GAME EXPORT REGULATIONS ... 8. CONTACTS INTRODUCTION The Saskatchewan Specialty Livestock Marketing Study was undertaken for the Agri-Food Investment Fund by PPD Technologies Inc. The study was completed over the months of June to October 1997, was limited to the specialty livestock sectors currently produced in Saskatchewan. This project was sponsored by the Canada-Saskatchewan Agri-Food Innovation Fund. The specialty livestock sectors covered by this study include: bison, ostrich, emu, rhea, rabbit, game birds, horses, elk, white tailed deer, fallow deer, wild boar and sheep. However during the course of the study, some of the specialty livestock groups either elected not to participate (elk) or, more often the case, were in organizational turmoil as commodity groups and were not capable of continued participation (emu, rhea, game birds). The study is aimed primarily at marketing specialty livestock, but discusses when necessary, production and organizational issues.
AFES Bulletin 99 Comparative Winterhardiness Of Cultivated And 5. INTRODUCTION. livestock require a continuous supply of highqual- growth of agriculture, some were selected for cul-. ture for livestock utilization and have become our present http://nrm.salrm.uaf.edu/afes/pubs/bul/B99.pdf