Index: Applied Educational Research Journal Turpin and Bob N. Cage Northeast louisiana University; and George Ann Rice - ClarkCounty school District; Leadership Role in Library media centers by Angus J
NCEF Resource List: Libraries/Media Centers LIBRARIES/media centers. NCEF's resource list building superior school library media centers by outlining conceptual design considerations for school library media centers. 59p
School Library Media Centers 1993-94 Education Statistics. school Library media centers 199394, NCES 98282, students using school library media centers and in Percent of school library media centers that did The E-magazine For Librarians The emagazine for librarians return to education index. school media programs Bridgewater State College Indiana University. louisiana State University
Librdes production, utilization of electronic media, and school and/or secondary school librarypractice. following courses meet louisiana school library certification
Extractions: The School of Library and Information Science program at LSU utilizes an inquiry/process model in the education of its students, all of whom are at the graduate level. Teaching/learning strategies incorporated by the faculty of the School into the structure of their classes reflect this approach. For example, students are regularly given opportunity to select their own investigative arenas within the parameters of the class. Students then conduct research using available resources, discover underlying concepts, and report their findings. Often, students are encouraged to publish these results in the national literature. In this model, faculty become facilitators of the learning process. Faculty also model this approach in their own research efforts which are shared with students within the classroom, in research forums, and in the published literature. In essence, this community of learners is integral to the school's educational program. The process approach values the importance of students' active involvement throughout the steps leading to increased knowledge as integral to and as vital as the end product itself. Thus, the use of strategies such as experiential learning, small group assignments, and cooperative learning are utilized to ensure the students are involved in and share responsibility for their own learning outcomes. This approach, building on the subject content, models methods students can integrate into their future professional activities.
What Students Say Student 6th 12th grade review media center materials. At his new school he decidesto get a disguise so Real life My louisiana Sky by Kimberly Willis Holt 200p
LSU Organizational Chart Infrastructure Hazardous Substance Research louisiana Transportation Research MassCommunication, Manship school of. media Public Affairs, Kevin P. Reilly
Daniel Callison Drexel, UCLA, University of Oklahoma, Washington University, louisiana State University StatisticalReports on school Library media Programs what do
Links To Collection Development And Selection Policies media Center Collection Development Policy from Carver Community Middle school(PDF document); Development University of louisiana at Lafayette;
Extractions: Links to Collection Development and Selection Policies Many libraries place their collection development and selection policies online. If you're looking for examples, start with Google . Do a search for Library Collection Development Policy . Or, be more specific and add audio, video, music . You could also try school library media center Collection Development and Selection Policies School Library Media Centers Criteria for Selection Baltimore County Maryland Schools Collection Development and Mission Statements Apponequet Regional High School Collection Development Policy University Lab High School - Urbana IL Collection Development Policy from Wilmington School District , Vermont Collection Development Policy Howard County Maryland Schools PDF document Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy Squires Elementary Instructional Materials Procedures Bellingham Schools Materials Selection Policy Mt. Ararat High School
Extractions: Contact: CDC, Division of Media Relations CDC awards funds to universities for research on how to prevent disease and injuries As part of its new strategy to strengthen and expand the nation's public health research programs at universities, CDC announced today grants of $12.5 million to fund 50 research projects at academic health centers, research centers and university-affiliated programs across the country. The funding is part of CDC's Prevention Research Initiative, an effort to link the talents and skills of university-based scientists with the resources of health departments, community-based programs, and national organizations. "The awards ensure that public health research activities address problems affecting the nation's communities," says Dr. Jeffrey P. Koplan, director of the CDC. "The grants will help CDC and its partners conduct research that can directly improve community health and reduce the need for medical care." The grants cover a range of subjects, including prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, asthma, genetics and home, workplace and recreational injuries. (See complete list attached.) Activities include centers of excellence in prevention research, research projects to inform public policy, and research investigator training and development. The average grant is approximately $250,000. Most projects are funded for three years.
Welcome To LPB's Educational Streaming Media Service Welcome to LPBs Educational Streaming media Service 2000 Dietary Guidelines andthe school Health Index louisiana Honors Its Veterans The Pacific Theater,
Extractions: State Employment: Advantages and Responsibilities ... Using a Digital Camera in the Classroom Technology Specialist, Nancy Thompson, provides a brief explanation of how to use a digital camera. The Picture of Health : This documentary, hosted by Karen Henderson, outlines the American Dietary Guidelines and describes the ABC's of good health and eating. (30 min.) Nutrition Teleconference : Using the 2000 Dietary Guidelines and the School Health Index (90 min.) Hear the stories of these brave men and women who fought for our freedom in the Pacific Theater in WWII. Improving Your Health Through Environmental Education
Extractions: What a school district thinks about its libraries is a measure of what it feels about education! There is a significant body of research that demonstrates that a qualified teacher-librarian (media specialist) has a positive impact on school culture and student achievement. Indeed, several studies have been established that teachers collaborate more in schools with a teacher-librarian and students read more, enjoy reading more, write better, access and use information more effectively and excel in academic content areas. Ken Haycock, 1996. Competencies for Teacher-Librarians in the 21st Century, Teacher-Librarian, February, 1996. What do students need in order to succeed? The latest research insists they need strong library programs. There is one clear and consistent finding that is supported by our research: a school library media program with a full-time library media specialist, support staff, and a strong computer network leads to higher student achievement. Hamilton-Pennell, Christine, Dick and Jane Go to the Head of the Class, School Library Journal, April, 2000, p. 44-47.
Graduate School-Education Certification Requirements for Adult Education school Personnel. hold a valid standardLouisiana teaching certificate and or City Materials and/or media centers.
Extractions: Education Purposes Admission Requirements Degree Requirements Certification Requirements ... Supervisors of Parish or City Materials and/or Media Centers Teacher Education Purposes The purposes of the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction are to: 1. Foster the leadership capabilities of Master Teachers enabling them to be highly effective educators. 2. Provide Master Teachers with opportunities to develop a broad knowledge base, competencies, and pedagogy necessary to be effective in transforming classrooms, schools, and school districts into learning environments that challenge and support students to reach their full potential. 3. Develop within Master Teachers the capabilities to provide professional services and leadership to the school districts, educational organizations, and agencies, parents, and others in the educational community served by the University. 4. Offer curricula and instruction leading to a graduate degree at the master's level granted by the University.
SI-2002 Training Tracks procedures, assessment, extensions and media examples Health Environment, Tour theLouisiana school Health Index webbased adaptation of the centers for Disease
Extractions: Training Tracks Title Description Personal and Social Skills (PSS) PSS teaches four life skills: decision-making, communication, stress management and goal setting that can be integrated across all health content areas in grades 9-12. This can be used as a separate curriculum unit or part of an existing prevention or health education program. Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART)* BART in an interactive HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum designed for youth in high-risk situations. It is recommended for after-school programs aimed at reducing risky sexual behaviors that leads to HIV/STD infection and unintended pregnancies. Media Literacy This training program teaches techniques and strategies to analyze mass media messages and to control its influence. All lesson plans combine media analysis and skills with health information and include resource sheets, activity sheets, summaries, procedures, assessment, extensions and media examples. It is designed for parents, teachers, counselors, community-based workers, and other professionals. Totally Awesome Strategies for Teaching Health This curriculum continues to be the most thorough resource for helping elementary, middle, and secondary teachers teach health. It will use the most widely used health education methods textbook and teacher resource book for health education. This comprehensive teacher training was co-authored by the nation's most prolific K-12 health education authors and is the only text that contains a curriculum guide directly tied to the National Health Education Standards.
Analysis Of The Job Market In ILS South Florida; Clark Atlanta University; louisiana State University; Each schoolsWeb site was consulted All schools offered media Certification while only one
Extractions: The Southeast Gloria Schultz School Analyses (the competition) Suggested Curriculum (the competitive applicant) The following criteria are those I used to evaluate the job openings: Degree. Skills. Not by Library School Alone , an article in the October 15, 1999 Library Journal , addresses the question of how a librarian attains practical skills. Because library school teaches only theory, on-the-jobs skills may go undeveloped. With the introduction of computers into libraries, job descriptions have begun to reflect the importance of these necessary skills. The descriptions I found contain terms such as HTML, JAVA, UNIX, Internet searching, SuperCat, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OCLC, SIRSI, INNOPAC, Innovative Interfaces, database management and GALILEO. These are just some of the new skills employers are now seeking. Non-library jobs and positions in special libraries increasingly require such technical skills. excellent oral, written communication and interpersonal relation skills
Curriculum Vitae And Supervision Of media centers And Programs Team Leader, Monroe City schools, LouisianaNetworking Infrastructure Librarian, Wossman High school, 1979 1995
Extractions: Telecommunications Facilitator, Monroe City Schools, 2000 - present Responsible for telecommunications facilitation, including training of teachers in technology/telecommunications use; development of online curriculum materials and integration strategies; maintenance of district web site; technology training of community partners; selection and purchase of software and equipment; submission and implementation of state and federal grants; evaluation of state and federal grants
Extractions: * required fields First Name: Last Name: Title: District/Company: Address: City: State: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Email: Phone: Fax: For purposes of identification only, please tell us in which state you were born: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Canada Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Other/Not born in the US Comments: