- Weird & Wonderful Wildlife by Marten, May, et all 1983
- Wildfire and furbearers in the boreal forest with emphasis on marten, lynx, and their prey : an annotated bibliography (SuDoc I 49.18:W 64/2) by Audrey J. Magoun, 1991
- Otter and marten life history studies (Federal aid in wildlife restoration. Final report ; projects W-17-10, W-17-11, W-21-1, job 7.10R) by Loyal Johnson, 1981
- Marten ecology and management in fragmented habitats of the Pacific Northwest (Wildlife habitat relationship in western Washington and Oregon) by Lawrence L. C Jones, 1989
- Inexpensive camera systems for detecting martens, fishers, and other animals guidelines for use and standardization (SuDoc A 13.88:PNW-GTR-306) by Lawrence L. C. Jones, 1993
- Sampling protocol: Monitoring martens with cameras, summer 1991 by Lawrence L. C Jones, 1991
- Report on first release of Canadian pine martens (martes americana) in Upper Peninsula, February 23, 1955 (Game Division report) by D. F Switzenberg, 1955
- Marten in British Columbia with implications for forest management (Wildlife habitat research) by L. A Stordeur, 1986
- Marten management and research in the NWT, 1988-89 (Manuscript report) by Kim Gordon Poole, 1989
- Status of marten in Wisconsin, 1985 (Research report / Department of Natural Resources) by Bruce E Kohn, 1987
- Wisconsin pine marten recovery plan (Wisconsin endangered resources report) by Charlene Gieck, 1986
- Washington State pine marten distribution by Tracey J Sheets, 1993
- Pine marten introduction into the Black Hills of South Dakota, 1981-82: Progress report (Game report) by Larry F Fredrickson, 1986
- Winter habitat selection and habitat status of pine marten in southwest Montana (Job progress report research project) by Quentin J Kujala, 1993