MAAP | Minnesota Association Of Alternative Programs Also, in minnesota, more seniors are coming back year (this is good data for minnesota.). HSGIstudents attending alternative programs; Accoutability/Baldrige
Extractions: Minutes for Legislative Committee, January 24, 2002 Present: John Boland, Peggy Hunter, Wayne Jennings, Wendy Lacska, Michael Luger, Terry Lydell, Allen Selinski, Chris Thompson, Bill Zimniewicz 1. Thompson called the meeting to order at 2:15 and the minutes of December 18th were approved. 2. Announcements - There is a deficit at the state, this may greatly effect our efforts. As of this morning the US Senate approved an education bill that may include more testing. We need to wait to see the language and reaction of this bill. 3. Consultant - The sub committee interviewed four candidates. Two were found to be excellent. One of these requested $10,000 plus expenses. The other, John Boland, requested $9,000 for the job. John has been a state legislator, the chairman of the Metropolitian Council, and the Chief of Staff for Congressman Bruce Vento. Thompson will propose that we hire Boland for the next two years, at $9,000. This will happen at the board meeting on January 4th, 2002. 4. Platform - We discussed the number of new charter schools that are popping up across the state, but decided to not add this to the platform. We discussed some language concerns for parts of the platform. Thompson will put the platform together and email to those preset at this meeting by the end of the week. It will be reviewed by those individuals, so Thompson can present it to the board on January 4th. The committee prioritized the items as follows: (we also talked about getting the input of our new consultant)
Building Blocks Block Nurse Programs Growing In Popularity was board chair for Nokomis Healthy seniors, which is one of minnesotas 32 or over,a fact that points to the need for programs that work with seniors.
Extractions: LAH/BNPs do not duplicate existing services. But they will link people with local adult day centers, meals on wheels programs, massage therapy, social events at local places of worship and more. That means seniors or caregivers can call one number to get connected with any needed service available in their area. Watkins, who has worked with three different programs, notes that individual neighborhoods strive to meet different types of needs. For example, the seniors in the Conway/Battle Creek program tend to have a lot of family living in the neighborhood, so the focus is on providing resources for caregivers. On the other hand, the Summit Hill program has a lot of clients who never married or had children, so the program places an emphasis on social events. Programs are invested in the community: one program sets a table up at a local grocery store one day a month to answer questions and hand out information. Others have a column in the neighborhood paper or distribute a quarterly newsletter. Many invite people to gather on a regular basis at a local church to hear a speaker, or exercise or visit. Most have a weekly clinic (like the one Helen Rozycki attends every week) for blood pressure checks, foot care and coffeecake.
Studies Reveal Misperceptions About Seniors Gambling Habits minnesota has as many resources for problem gamblers Gamblers Anonymous groupsand eight outpatient treatment programs. will be done on seniors and their
Extractions: A recent study done by two college professors of the gambling habits and philosophies of Central Minnesota seniors parallels those conclusions. Sociology professors Linda Havir of St. Cloud State and Janet Hope of the College of St. Benedict did a two-prong study of seniors in the St. Cloud area that found that seniors gamble more for entertainment value than to pursue winnings.
University Of Minnesota Catalogs OnlineDuluth Elder Learner programs University for seniors (US), an years and older, offers residentialprograms at different the history and culture of northern minnesota.
Extractions: CE, formerly University College Duluth, serves as UMD's major point of access and educational opportunity for adult learners. As a University outreach unit, CE develops and delivers a variety of credit and noncredit courses, workshops, conferences, and certificate and degree programs offered at on- and off-campus locations. CE programs are designed especially for continuing, nontraditional, part-time, and professional students; many are working adults seeking degrees or developing skills and expertise for professional or personal reasons. Dedicated to enhance lifelong learning opportunities for Minnesotans, CE draws on telecommunications, information technology and networks, and a variety of support services to augment instruction, outreach, and learning. CE programs are generally offered in collaboration with other UMD colleges and departments. Students who plan to use credits earned through CE to meet certificate and degree requirements must meet all UMD curricular requirements as stated in this catalog. In addition, students must contact their chosen major department and apply for admission to the appropriate UMD school or college through the Office of Admissions. Credit courses taken through CE are included on UMD fee statements and billings and are automatically added to transcripts. There are restrictions on the total amount of credits transferred into a Graduate School degree; students should contact the Graduate School well in advance of beginning studies for information about these restrictions.
Extractions: Come enjoy the grandiose beauty of the river! Shine up those paddles and come join us for a great outdoor adventure in your own backyard! CUREs 11 th CURE recommends that you pack a lunch and beverage. You may want to also bring along a change of clothes. Dont forget sunglasses, sunscreen and a hat.
Links To The World - Elderly And Retirement The Aging Initiative A variety of minnesota Department of HumanServices programs devoted to ensuring quality care for seniors.
Extractions: The sites listed on this page are not created, maintained, or endorsed by the Minnesota Legislature. Elderly Administration on Aging A division of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services that administers programs and services for older Americans. Includes the Profile of Older Americans: 2001 The Aging Initiative A variety of Minnesota Department of Human Services programs devoted to ensuring quality care for seniors. Includes a link to the Project 2030 Report Alliance for Aging Research A "private, not-for-profit advocacy organization fighting for science policies in the nation's capital to speed breakthroughs for greater health, vitality and longevity." Includes the full text of various resources Alliance for Retired Americans A retiree advocacy group established by the AFL-CIO. Members of the former National Council of Senior Citizens (disbanded December 31, 2000) are automatically members of the Alliance for Retired Americans. Alzheimer's Association A national voluntary health organization dedicated to finding a cure for Alzheimers disease.
Referral Resources, on more than 1,000 state and federal programs for older 651) 6421398 or 1-877-645-0261The minnesota Senior Federation provides seniors with health
MN-Realty LinkBase Linkbase seniors Citizens The Center offers a number of programs for senior citizensas a way to enrich their lives and help them minnesota Senior Resources.
Extractions: Elderhostel Elderhostel is a not-for-profit organization providing extraordinary learning adventures for people 55 and over. Senior Summer School offers adventurous senior citizens an affordable opportunity to enhance their summer through education, leisure, and discovery, at campus locations across the U.S. and Canada. Minnesota Association of Area Agencies on Aging are the state-designated focal points for linking people with information, supportive service system planning, and concerns regarding the elderly. The Council on Aging is committed to maintaining the highest quality of life for the elderly citizens in Central Minnesota through joint planning efforts, innovation, image enrichment, consumer input, research, volunteerism, and education. Senior Housing , Inc. offers comprehensive information on housing and related services with a mission to help senior citizens with suitable, adequate and affordable housing; additionally, to see that maintenance services are continued to protect their safety and comfort. is a statewide trade association of service providers for older adults, including nursing home care, senior housing with supportive services, and community-based services.
Minnesota Medical Association - Advocacy News Choice program, announced last July, forced 14,000 seniors to find new carriers.Medicare+Choice programs are currently available in only 13 minnesota counties
Extractions: Congress Narrows Medicare Geographic Disparity Minnesota seniors may finally get some relief from paying Medicare premiums that are among the highest in the country. In December, Congress passed legislation that sets minimum Medicare managed care reimbursement rates to help abate disparities in cost, type, and variety of medical services available to beneficiaries nationwide. Congress also expanded Medicare coverage for a number of preventive services, including pap smears, pelvic exams, and colonoscopies for average-risk individuals. Medicare now has a benefit that includes advanced mammogram technologies and medical nutrition therapy services for beneficiaries with diabetes or renal disease. In the same bill, Congress directed the U.S. General Accounting Office to study the appropriateness of physicians offices providing specialist services ordinarily furnished in hospital outpatient departments. The new Medicare payment rates, which go into effect March 1, will affect Minnesota counties differently. Counties in metropolitan statistical areas with populations of more than 250,000, will receive minimum monthly payments of $525. For counties located outside metropolitan statistical areas, the minimum rate will be $475. This translates into a 9 percent increase for Ramsey County, a 12.5 percent increase for Hennepin County, and 26 percent increases for Scott, Sherburne, and Wright counties over previous 2001 rates in effect in January and February.
Extractions: [_private/headers/aging2030.htm] Final Report of the Citizens League Study Committee As the 21st century approaches, the aging of the baby boom generation is receiving a great deal of attention. By the year 2030, our society will be much more heavily composed of individuals over the age of 65 than ever before. This demographic shift will have a profound impact on everything from family relations to state budgets. This report combines an understanding of those services currently available with what the demographic trends tell us about future demand, and then outlines recommendations for system improvements that will allow the state to better prepare for a growing population of seniors with disabilities. The state of Minnesota must begin planning now, because it simply cannot continue on its current path. If the spending patterns of the 1990s were to be continued through the year 2030, the growth of our senior population would increase state spending on health and human services to 65 percent of the total budget.
Public Policy - Affordable Pharmaceuticals For Seniors contain state costs, most state programs feature some or cost sharing with participatingseniors, such as minnesota program participants must pay a $300 annual
ABOUT MPHA Message From The Executive Director Agency Fact Sheets housing authority in the state and one of the largest affordable housing providersin minnesota and the Under seniors Housing programs you will!csh about !ca ~about !dsp abou
Senior Citizen Resource Guide - minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO) Internet http//www.dhs a health care programfor seniors, age 65 and normally are offered by separate programs into one
Extractions: High Contrast Home FAQ ... Feedback Find Resources: Resource Guides: Web Site Info: Fact: DeafBlind people are rarely totally deaf and totally blind. Each individual's degree of hearing and vision loss is unique. You are here: Home Resources Contents: General/Comprehensive Resources - covering information on multiple topics related to acquired deafblindness. Diagnosis/Identification of Dual Sensory Impairment - vocabulary and insight for newly-diagnosed people and their friends and families. Communication and Technology - communication options for people with dual sensory loss and devices that can enhance accessibility to sights, sounds, and information. Disability Rights - laws, disability accommodations.
ICTV - Public Television For Itasca County, Minnesota. News, Our Environment Today; Rx for Healthy Community; Information for seniors; MediationWorks. Channel 2 or 5) Know Your Community (everyday 1 to 3 programs).
Extractions: Home Mission Statement Chairman's Update Ratna's Viewpoint ... Contact Us ICTV Schedules Regular ICTV Schedules Channel 2 Monday: Church Services Tuesday: Wednesday: LOCAL LINE News, Our Environment Today; Rx for Healthy Community; Information for Seniors; Mediation Works Thursday: Kids' Show; The Outdoor Itascan; Interviews; Family YMCA; Advocates for Family Peace; Children First!; and Economic Scene in Itasca County Friday: Classic Arts Showcase (everyday on Channel 2 or 5) Friday: GED's - Math, Reading/Writing Skills Monday: Our Environment Today; NASA series Tuesday: Educational Programs; It's About Books Wednesday: Thursday: Germany Live, Special Educational Programs Friday: Channel 7 Monday: Grand Rapids City Council; Government In Action Interviews Tuesday: Wednesday: Grand Rapids Township; Cohasset; Itasca County Township; Local Government Call-in Thursday: Friday:
TRIO University of minnesota General College, University of minnesota Student Affairs. 27of 31 Graduating seniors have been admitted to graduate programs.
Extractions: To increase the rate of doctoral program application, matriculation and attainment by first-generation college students who are underrepresented in graduate programs. To generate the higher-level academic and research skills necessary for success in gaining admission to and completing graduate study. Services Twenty four nine-week summer research apprenticeships paying $2,400 with a university faculty mentor whose research interests match those of the McNair student. A weekly seminar on study strategies for graduate school and graduate entrance exam preparation. Advising services focusing upon: _ careers requiring graduate educational preparation, _ successful selection and application to graduate school, _ financing graduate studies, _ preparing a successful undergraduate research project proposal, _ introduction to discipline-specific research and research writing skills, and
Minnesota's Private Colleges - Gustavus Adolphus College Membership NCAA Division III, minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Sophomores, juniorsand seniors may participate in and preprofessional programs require a
Extractions: Gustavus Adolphus College Gustavus Adolphus College, a private, residential, church-related, liberal arts college of Swedish heritage, provides an undergraduate education of recognized excellence, uniting highly motivated teachers with promising students. Founded in 1862 and the oldest Lutheran college in Minnesota, Gustavus offers traditional studies consistent with its Phi Beta Kappa charter. Gustavus provides an education which combines rigor and innovation, integrates the development of values with intellectual growth and makes apparent the connectedness of academic disciplines. Gustavus encourages a mature understanding of the Christian faith, service to others, sensitivity to community, an international perspective and work toward a peaceful and just world. Contact Office of Admission
CYFC: Childhood: Programs is to develop, coordinate, and support programs and services for young childrenand their families through community partnerships in Southeast minnesota.
Extractions: Realizing the University's Promise for Minnesota Children and Youth This section addresses individual, family and community factors that influence the development and well-being of children from the prenatal period through the first five years of life. Included are data on the status of young children, discussion of key developmental issues from birth to five, research findings on factors associated with healthy growth and development, and information about proven or promising strategies to promote good outcomes for young children and their families. Book Some Time with Dad A Multicultural Reading List for Children Ages 2-6 Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) and Welfare Reform: How A Universal Access (Non-Targeted) Program Can Assist Families Affected by Welfare Reform Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a voluntary public school program for all Minnesota families with children between the ages of birth and kindergarten enrollment. It recognizes that families provide children's first and most important learning environment and parents are children's first and most significant teachers. It is the largest and oldest statewide family education program for young children and their families in the country.
Minnesota Public Radio - Home Page Read descriptions of the musical, variety, and cultural programs. Includes RealAudio sound samples, state news, and links to member stations.
Minnesota Senior Federation - Prescription Drugs cost in Canada). Roughly 40 percent of minnesota's seniors have no prescriptiondrug coverage at all. The Senior Federation believes
University Of Minnesota TC: Kiosk: and vision of the University of minnesota, Duluth In college, University for Seniorsmembers may workshops, seminars, certificates, travel programs, high school
Extractions: Continuing education at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, is reinventing itself once more. University College Duluth is now Continuing Education (CE), a name that clearly communicates the role the 24 member staff plays in supporting the outreach mission and vision of the University of Minnesota, Duluth. The UMD community celebrated the name change and a new era for continuing education on November 20 at the Marshall Performing Arts Center. An array of credit and noncredit courses, workshops, seminars, certificates, travel programs, high school college credit programs, University for Seniors programs, and distance learning opportunities are available through continuing education. In addition, CE supports UMD degree programs through evening, summer, and nontraditional courses. Students from all walks of life have entered the University system through continuing education. The highly customer-oriented focus of continuing education provides personal service at all levels. For example, distance education innovations supported by CE have kept UMD at the forefront in our region with faculty and students meeting live, via the Internet, interactive television, course-specific Web sites and Web-crossing sites, and in intensive formats at select locations off campus. Full-time counselors, program directors, faculty, administrators, and staff at CE work directly with students. Recently, UMD master of education degrees were granted to educators around the state who participated in the College of Education and Human Service Profession M.Ed. Partnership Cohort program. The candidates for the M.Ed. degree become members of groups called cohorts that represent educators in a specific geographical region, such as the International Falls Cohort, or a specific organization, such as the University of Minnesota Extension Educators Cohort. The UM Extension Cohort II and the Duluth Cohort 6 is currently seeking members.