Extractions: News Tribune Whether it's planning and managing class parties, selling gift wrap and knick-knacks to pay for school computers, or labeling books for reading programs, Jefferson City area moms and dads enhance the complete learning environment for children through their local schools' parent-teacher organizations. The projects may differ in each school building, but the hearts and motivation of the parents are universal to ensure the students know they and their education are important, said Suzette Ryder, Callaway Hills PTO president. "I enjoy seeing my daughter (Kayla) at school and she appreciates me being there," said Terri Smith, a Lawson Elementary School mom. "And I know the school needs help." Both Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTO) and Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA), which have a national affiliation, exist within the Jefferson City Public School District.
St Louis Connects: Our Proposed Objectives St Louis Public Schools Parent Liaison Office could use ptos/PTAsat schools to distribute information about training available. http://stlcin.missouri.org/stlconnects/objectives.cfm
Extractions: Objectives Table Number Related Goals United Way will create one Individual Development Asset Program that allows 200 participants to save money to buy a computer. A Create 2 additional computer-retention reward programs for participants of CBO training programs. A Workforce Partners will negotiate 2 new employer-specific training programs that focus on higher level technology skills, i.e. Cisco Networking Academy. D Expose community people and assets on the net to a greater degree through development of site pages which use pictures and quotes of area citizens. (i.e. Soulard neighborhood website) Develop a pre-school to high school profile of the technology skills and competencies students need to acquire to enable them to function in society. Involve organizations like RCGA and SBA in assisting small businesses with their technology needs - deliver awareness workshops and follow up skills training at local sites (CTCs, schools, libraries) with a view toward educating people in value of no cost and low cost Linux software. Provide new computers that cost less than $500 fully equipped using Linux software.
State Advisory Council On Libraries - Minutes 9-11-98 Home school associations in communities also ptas and ptos. Nebraska and Missouriare the two states selected to conduct a trial of this service. http://www.nlc.state.ne.us/stadv/minutes/min998.html
Extractions: Minutes State Advisory Council Members Present: Susan Baird, Fauneil Bennett, Joan Birnie, John Dale, Stan Gardner, Mo Khamouna, Michael LaCroix, Sylvia Person, Sandra Riley, Jeanne Saathoff, Tom Schmitz, Kathy Tooker, Richard Voeltz, Jane Wall, Sharon Wiegert and Sally Wise. Nebraska Library Commission Staff Present: Rod Wagner, Richard Miller, Sally Snyder, Ellen Van Waart and Mary Jackson. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sandra Riley at 10:02 a.m. Introductions were given among those present. Approval of Agenda : Richard Voeltz moved and Michael LaCroix seconded the motion to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes of June 12, 1998 : Richard Voeltz moved and Tom Schmitz seconded the motion. Motion carried. LSTA Grants Program Update Richard Miller : Richard Miller reported on the applications received for the LSTA grant program. A list of applicants was included in the mailing to Council members. The grant amounts requested ranged from $1,776 to $20,981. The total project costs ranged from $2,368 to $41,453. A 25% cash match is required. The projects are primarily technology related and include: Internet access, CD-ROM capabilities, fax machines, and T-1 lines. The Library Commission also received several planning grant requests. One application is for reference collection development. There is $250,000 available for this grant program. It is roughly divided as follows: $100,000 for mini grants and $150,000 for major grants. The Commission received 25 applications for mini grants and 19 applications for major grants. The total requested was $315,899.
Church Fundraising .. Our 5 fundraising programs are designed for elementary school ptas and ptos,preschools, scout troops Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod Job Openings http://www.1-fundraisers-fundraising.com/church-fundraising.asp
Fundraising Idea For School, PTA, PTO, Team, Troup, And More Fundraising idea for any school, PTA, PTO, classroom, team, league, or youth organization. Fundraiser program conducted by parents, teachers, http://www.packjam.com/index.php?gSec=contact
Church Fundraiser Fundraisers for all purposes, including school fundraising and church fundraising http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.1-fundraisers-fundraising.co