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21. Technical education looks to the past and the future in Massachusetts.(THE LAST WORD): An article from: Techniques by Judy Bass | |
Digital: 3
list price: US$9.95 -- used & new: US$9.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B002Q8WAE8 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
22. A bicentennial presentation, our Near Eastern heritage: Twin cities, Fall River and New Bedford at Bristol Community College, Diman Vocational School by Adele L Younis | |
Unknown Binding: 26
Asin: B0007BKD3Q Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
23. A survey of the educational and vocational experiences of the alumni of the Clarke School for the Deaf, Northampton, Massachusetts, 1981 by Stanford C Blish | |
Unknown Binding: 97
Asin: B00072KFT2 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
24. Development and evaluation of an experimental curriculum for the New Quincy (Mass.) Vocational-Technical School: Development and tryout of a junior high ... ABLE.] Ninth quarterly technical report) by Vivian M Hudak | |
Unknown Binding:
Asin: B0007ECDRC Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
25. The VIA book a best practices manual from the Vocational Integration with Academics Project at the Rindge School of Technical Arts (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:413417) by Tamara Berman | |
Unknown Binding:
Asin: B00010WUMA Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
26. The impact of secondary school occupational education in Massachusetts by William Gardner Conroy | |
Unknown Binding: 38
Asin: B0006WKFFW Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
27. Career education potential for students at the Massachusetts Hospital School in Canton: An evaluation of current program and proposal for the development ... of a career education program : report by David C Gardner | |
Unknown Binding: 177
Asin: B0006WB9X4 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
28. FY 1973 evaluation, Model High School Career Development Project: A report to the Division of Occupational Education, State Dept. of Education, Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; by James A. Hamilton by James A Hamilton | |
Unknown Binding:
Asin: B0006WJ648 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
29. How to select Massachusetts career schools: A step by step guide by Edward J Willins | |
Unknown Binding: 30
Asin: B00071LFZQ Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
30. School/business partnerships: A practitioner's guide by Richard A Sockol | |
Unknown Binding: 42
Asin: B0006XFBF0 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
31. Report of the Committee on Manual Training Schools on a manual training high school (Boston school document 1891) by Samuel B Capen | |
Unknown Binding: 10
Asin: B0008A0UMK Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
32. Project Forward School-to-Work Outreach Project 1997 exemplary model/practice/strategy (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:412351) by U.S. Dept of Education | |
Unknown Binding:
Asin: B00010XUGA Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
33. Follow up package for students who have passed their high school equivalency exam (SABES Minigrant publication) by Debra Lajeunesse Richard | |
Unknown Binding: 12
Asin: B0006DD7T2 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
34. Finders and Keepers: Helping New Teachers Survive and Thrive in Our Schools (The Jossey-Bass Education Series) by Susan Moore Johnson | |
![]() | Paperback: 336
list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$9.98 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0787987646 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Staffing the nation?s schools presents both challenges and opportunities. For teacher educators, district administrators, educational policymakers, teachers, principals, and staff development professionals, Finders and Keepers provides valuable insights about how to better serve new teachers and the students they teach.? "At a time when expectations of teachers have never been higher or the challenges of teaching more daunting, Johnson and her project team show how the choice to stay or leave is forged in the early months of becoming a teacher?through hiring practices, pay and other resources, relationships with students, colleagues or administrators, and opportunities for learning and leadership. This book should compel attention from anyone concerned with the future of teaching." "Finders and Keepers is a must read for superintendents, district administrators, principals and anyone who cares about the retention and recruitment of high-quality teachers to public schools. The book is both informative and insightful, and above all, it inspires the reader to action." "Knowledgeable, skilled and caring teachers represent our best hope for educating all our students well. Finders and Keepers, about real teachers in real schools, tells us how we can overcome impediments together, creating a more genuine profession for teachers and more learner-centered schools for all our students." "If you think that this generation of teachers is like the last one, think again. Not only is this book full of insights about the desires and needs of new teachers, but it also provides compelling stories about what the best schools do to keep them and grow their skills. It is a must-read for policymakers, superintendents, principals, and everybody else who cares about quality education." Customer Reviews (2)
Finders and Keepers sounds an urgent call to attention and puts an end to the finger-pointing game. All players-administrators, principals, superintendents, teacher preparation programs, veteran teachers, union leaders, and policymakers-share responsibility in adequately preparing our schools for the new generation of teachers. We need to make teaching a sustainable career.
35. How To Get Into Harvard Law School by Jr.,Willie Epps | |
Paperback: 384
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$7.19 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0809232529 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (18)
a) buy your admissionor b) be related to a dean of admissions or c) earn excellent grades and a high lsat score from a reputable college, and don't come off as a jerk in your essay. beyond that there is no other tactic at your disposal. no book will ever get you into an ivy league law school, and if you are looking for essay advice then you can find it online for free. there is a copy of this book in the career services office of my college. there is basically a copy of this book available on harvard's website (all the info is there). you can only exemplify your worth to harvard through the choices that you have made in your academic career. that means if the extent of your extracurricular involvement was setting up the keg for that frat party frosh year, or you find yourself as a senior with a 3.2 GPA, your salvation will not be contained in this book. allay the desperation, and get some work experience. good luck with your search, and discriminate against anyone who is trying to sell you something.
36. New Pathways in Medical Education: Learning to Learn at Harvard Medical School | |
![]() | Hardcover: 198
list price: US$39.50 -- used & new: US$39.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 067461738X Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Medicine in the twenty–first century will be very different from the medicine of today's scientific, technological, economic, and ethical conditions of practice will be transformed. What do these changes portend for medical education? Whatknowledge should all medical students acquire? How can medical educators pre-pare students in the most cost–effective way? This book describes efforts made at Harvard Medical School during the pastto reorient general medical education. Harvard's New Pathway has received national attention since its inception—including a multipart special onPBS’s Nova—because it offers a radical restructuring of the traditional medicalschool curriculum. Its creators, most of them contributors to this book, designeda program that gives students not only a core of scientific, biomedical, and clinical knowledge but also the skills, tools, and attitudes that will enable them tobecome lifelong learners, to cope with and use new information, and—mostimportant—to provide better patient care. New Pathways to Medical Education also tells the inside story of how a traditional and research–oriented faculty was persuaded to cooperate with colleaguesoutside their departments in adopting a student–centered, problem–basedapproach to learning. Central to this transformation was the Patient–Doctorcourse, which the book describes in detail. This course—which teaches studentsto LISC the patient–doctor relationship for the benefit of patients—is consideredone of the most significant contributions to medical education in the New Pathway. New Pathways to Medical Education will inspire physicians, medical scientists, and medical educators around the world to think and act more decisively toreform medical education. And because it documents the development of an innovative curriculum, this study will interest educators in all fields. |
37. Massachusetts environmental industry/education resource directory: A guide to schools, careers, and environmental companies by Fenna Hanes | |
Unknown Binding: 214
Asin: B0006DI6ZW Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
38. Ahead of the Curve: Two Years at Harvard Business School by Philip Delves Broughton | |
![]() | Audio CD:
list price: US$24.99 -- used & new: US$15.75 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1400157137 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (65)
39. Allied Health: Massachusetts by Learning Express Editors | |
Hardcover: 464
list price: US$30.00 -- used & new: US$3.43 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1576850595 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description Only Learning Express Gives You: Plus Preparation For Success on the Critical AHPAT and AHAT Entrance Exams |
40. Broken Contract: A Memoir of Harvard Law School by Richard D. Kahlenberg | |
![]() | Paperback: 246
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$20.29 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1558492348 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (16)
This passage (pp. 130, 131) is typical: "What I did care about - or thought I did - was my third class: Poverty Law.... But if poverty law was the right field to go into, (the professor) never convinced us that it was interesting. He said that poverty lawyers should use arbitrary rules to benefit their clients, exploit the loopholes, because 'the poor do not have resources, all they have are the rules'. But the rules were boring. It was not interesting to know that when a rule says you have ten days to file, you do or do not count the days at both ends. But that was what poverty law entailed: knowing the arcane rules involved in such things as meeting income and the asset requirements of various programs. During a break one day, I heard one student tell another, 'This is as bad as tax'. Maybe we were just painfully naïve, but we still held out the hope that doing good, if not remunerative, could at least be interesting". Well, law is concerned largely with "arcane rules". What did he expect? Kahlenberg's solution to his dislike of law school was to opt for as many non-legal elective courses as possible. Most of these were taught at the Kennedy School of Government, which he greatly preferred: "Its purpose - to take on the great social and political problems of our time, involving issues such as health care, foreign relations, and poverty - was so much more grand than that of the law school (which is concerned with) a narrow field more akin to accounting" (p. 173). Yet even the Kennedy School is attacked for being insuccifiently theoretical: "the school's emphasis on mechanics and management over vision is a perenial concern" (pp. 173, 174). Kahlenberg writes, at considerable length, about the need for Harvard Law graduates to perform "public service": a phrase which he never defines but clearly restricts to working in Washington as a staff member for a powerful Senator or an important Senate committee. He fails to explain why this sort of employment is more relevant or admirable than the private practice of law, of which he writes disparagingly (p.155): "By the end of the summer, I had come to believe that most high-priced attorneys did not wear white hats or black hats; they wore no hats at all. They just came to work every day to do jobs that were of little social importance". I would respectfully suggest the following: (1) the vast majority of jobs in this world can be argued to have "little social importance" (which in any case is an obviously subjective description); (2) the writing of speeches for some hack politician, or policy papers that will be read by few and acted upon by none, is a job of less "social importance" than the provision of legal services to private clients. Although I myself am a lawyer, I freely admit that it's not for everyone. Why did it take Kahlenberg so long to figure out that it was not for him? It was only at the tail end of his final year, upon deciding not to take the Bar exam or to accept a job with a law firm, that realization set in: "I wondered whether I had gone off the deep end. Being a press secretary had nothing to do with law whatsoever. Had I just wasted three years of my life and a lot of money? Was law school a big mistake?" (p. 223). Yes, Richard, it was.
First, in terms of subject matter, Kahlenberg's very liberal--despite what he may profess, he seems (to a moderate like me) much more liberal than your average Democrat--slant to absolutely everything about which he writes taints the entire book.Apparently, he seems to think that only liberals can provide useful public service or enhance the nation's government.One might think that, with seven years of formal education, Kahlenberg might realize that things are not so black-and-white, and that people of all ideologies can be (and are) public servants dedicated to helping their fellow citizens. When it came to the actual structure of the book, I tired of his endless rants on how HLS can change people.Yes, I understand--and can sympathize--with his point, but I prefer not to be absolutely bombarded with a single idea over and over again without so much as a single additional insight after the first 100 pages.Moreover, detailed descriptions of two or three firm interviews were interesting--fascinating, in fact.But having to read what amounted to the same story (with different firms and different attorneys that eventually all blended together) some 20-30 times was tedious at best. Once again, I get his point that all corporate firms are the same, that they are extremely successful at attracting HLS students away from public work, and that they work against progressive change and the common good rather than helping the public.But there has to be a less mind-numbingly dull and long-winded--not to mention pretentious and arrogant--way to communicate the point. If you absolutely must read this--as you probably should if you have any intention of going to HLS or any other "name" law school--borrow it from the library, but do not waste your money purchasing the book.
As Kahlenberg searches for a job and dogmatically asks each interviewer about the firm's pro bono work (he is interested in little more), he occasionally comes across as an elitist; his sense of noblesse oblige is mildly nauseating.Throughout the book, Kahlenberg operates on the assumption that class-action lawsuits are morally right, that cases brought by poor people are just, that all big corporations are evil, that people have to sell-out to earn big salaries and that "conservatives" are willing to do anything to guarantee the rights of the rich. However, don't let these relatively small negative aspects of the book deter you from reading it, even if you identify yourself as a conservative.His larger point is this: "since each of us struggles daily with good and bad impulses, we might want to restructure our social institutions in order to make it a little easier to do good" (235).This book does not target a certain ideology, except perhaps greed.Kahlenberg does not pull any punches and the targets of his criticisms span the ideological spectrum (although he does let a few more land on the right side of the spectrum). Broken Contract rates a full four and a half stars.Broken Contract challenged me to think critically about my motivations for attending law school and broadened my perspective on life in general and on the legal community in particular.
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