- A survey of Southwestern archeology by Frank H. H Roberts, 1936
- The Archeology of New York by Robert C. Suggs, 1966
- Phase II cultural resource survey of high potential areas within the Southeast Kansas Highway Corridor (Contract archeology publication) by Timothy Weston, 1993
- Archeology on the Shonto Plateau, Northeast Arizona (Technical series / Southwest Parks and Monuments Association) by Keith M Anderson, 1969
- Central Illinois Expressway Archeology: Floodplain Archaic Occupations of the Illinois Valley Crossing (Technical Reports / Kampsville Archeological Center, V. 4) by Barbara D. Stafford, 1989-06
- The archeology of 41NU11, the Kirchmeyer Site, Nueces County, Texas: Long-term utilization of a coastal clay dune (Studies in archeology) by Pamela Headrick, 1993
- Pony Creek archeology, (Smithsonian Institution. River Basin Surveys. Publications in salvage archeology) by Lionel A Brown, 1967
- Round Spring archeology, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, southeast Missouri (Technical report no. 2 / Midwest Archeological Center) by Mark J Lynott, 1991
- Archeology along the Wurzbach Parkway (Studies in archeology) by Daniel R Potter, 1995
- Archeology of Grove Reservoir, Kansas 1969 (Anthropological series / Kansas State Historical Society) by John D Reynolds, 1987
- The archeology and history of Cooper Lake, Texas by Eloise F Gadus, 1997
- Trends in Southwestern archeology (Bobbs-Merrill reprint series in the social sciences) by Erik Kellerman Reed, 1955
- Salvage archeology of the John Redmond Lake, Kansas by Larry J Schmits, 1980
- The Two Teeth Site (River Basin Surveys. Publications in salvage archeology) by Carlyle Shreeve Smith, 1968