- Evaluation and accountability in vocational education systems (Center service report) by John Kincaid Coster, 1978
- An empirical investigation of marketing education completers (Occasional paper) by Frank Palmieri, 1992
- Community power and social change: A case for social action with implications for occupational education (Center research and development report) by Richard Lee Teague, 1969
- Comprehensive guidance programs that work-II (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:412434) by Norman C. Gysbers, 1997
- An introduction to industrial engineering (Facts for industry series) by Robert G Carson, 1955
- Final report, "The New Careers Project (33-006-372-40)" by Lawrence K Jones, 1974
- Influencing youth's occupational goals: Parental roles (Action in home economics) by Sarah M Shoffner, 1974
- Assessment in counseling & therapy an ERIC/CASS special digest collection (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:382901) by U.S. Dept of Education, 1995
- Health careers exploration for the handicapped: A guide for counselors and teachers by Rachel L Nunley, 1981
- Counseling employment bound youth (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:382899) by Edwin L. Herr, 1995
- Materials used with and needed for teaching the slow-learning pupil in home economics (Research series in occupational education) by Ellen M Champoux, 1969