- Why Why Why? Do Orang-utans Live in Trees? (Why Why Why? Q and A Encyclopedia) by De La Bedoyere, 2005-06-01
- The Orangutan (Remarkable Animals Series) by Ruth Ashby, 1996-03
- The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orang-Utan, and the Bird of Paradise. a Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature by Alfred Russel Wallace, 2010-03-29
- Orangutans (Monkeys) by Mae Woods, 1998-12
- Orangutans:Wizards of the Rain Forest by Anne E. Russon, 2000
- Orangutans (In the Wild) by Patricia Kendell, 2003-03-13
- Problemloseverhalten von Orang-Utans (Pongo pygmaeus) (Fortschritte der Verhaltensforschung) (German Edition) by Jurgen Lethmate, 1977
- The Natural History of Orang-utan by E.L. Bennett, 1998-12
- Orangutans (The Untamed World) by Patricia Miller-Schroeder, 2003-12
- Beitrage Zur Anatomie Der Weiblichen Urogenitalorgane Des Orang-Utan (1898) (German Edition) by Eugen Fischer, 2010-09-10
- Orangutans Up Close (Zoom in on Animals!) by Carmen Bredeson, 2008-09-01
- Stop That Orangutan! (Zoey & Me) by Mallory Tarcher, 1998
- Project Orangutan (Zoo Life) by Susan Ring, 2002-08
- Orang-utan Biology