- Wonderful Adventures of Ozzie the Sea Otter, The by Nora Dohlke, 2009-08-10
- Sea Otters 2011 Square 12X12 Wall Calendar by BrownTrout Publishers Inc, 2010-06-28
- Good Night, Little Sea Otter by Janet Halfmann, 2010-09-15
- Jane Goodall's Animal World: Sea Otters by Ruth Ashby, 1990-05
- A day in the life of a sea otter by Kay McDearmon, 1973
- Let's Look at Sea Otters (Lightning Bolt Books -- Animal Close-Ups) by Laura Hamilton Waxman, 2010-08
- Swim the Silver Sea, Joshie Otter by Nancy Carlstrom, 1997-05-19
- Sea Otters
- Southern Sea Otters: Fur-tastrophe Avoided (America's Animal Comebacks) by Jeanette Leardi, 2007-07-31
- Otter on His Own: The Story of a Sea Otter/Mini Book and 7" Plush Toy (Smithsonian Oceanic Collection) by Doe Boyle, 1995-03-01
- The World of the Sea Otter by Stefani Paine, 1995-11
- Sea Otter in the Eastern Pacific Ocean by Karl W. Kenyon, 1975-11-24
- Sea Otters (Pebble Plus) by Rake, JodyS., 2007-09-01
- California Sea Otter Trade, 1784-1848 (reprint of 1941 edition) by Adele Ogden, 1975-12