- Sea Otter Cove: A Relaxation Story introducing deep breathing to decrease stress and anger while promoting peaceful sleep (Indigo Ocean Dreams) by Lori Lite, 2008-10-15
- What If There Were No Sea Otters?: A Book about the Ocean Ecosystem (Food Chain Reactions) by Suzanne Buckingham Slade, 2010-08-01
- Sea Otters by G. R. Vanblaricom, 2001-11-15
- A Raft of Sea Otters by Vicki Leon, 2005-04-10
- Sea Otters by John A. Love, 1992-08-11
- Sea Otter Rescue by Roland Smith, 1999-10-25
- Baby Sea Otter (Seaworld Library) by Patricia A. Pingry, 2006-05-30
- Sea Otters Gambolling in the Wild, Wild Surf by John Bennett, 2006-01-23
- The Adventures of Phokey the Sea Otter: Based on a True Story by Marianne Riedman, 1996-08
- Baby Sea Otter by Betty Tatham, 2005-09-01
- Sea Otters (Monterey Bay Aquarium Natural History Series) by Marianne Riedman, 1990-12-01
- Lootas, Little Wave Eater: An Orphaned Sea Otter's Story by Clare Hodgson Meeker, 2002-01-08
- Sea Otters: A Natural History and Guide by Roy Nickerson, 1998-03-01
- Saving Sea Otters, Stories of Survival by Elin Kelsey, 1999-11-15