The University Of Akron General Education Guide This program went into effect fall semester, 1994 and is in effect for those students who have never attended any college or university before fall semester, 1994. Belmont Technical College general Education Equivalency Guide The general 3400387 World civ. southeast asia (2) 3400 388 World civ. 3200189 Myth. ancient Greece (3) - 3200220
The University Of Akron General Education Guide This program went into effect fall semester, 1994 and is in effect for all students. This guide was prepared to assist students who have not completed the Ohio Transfer Module. Lakeland Community College general Education Equivalency Guide The general 3400387 World civ. southeast asia (2) 3400 388 World civ. 3200189 Myth. ancient Greece (3) - 3200220
Malaysia Resources Archaeology Atlas. ancient civ. Archaeologists. Artifacts. Book Reviews Rahman's terrific source for southeast asia, summaries of recent excavations in Malaysia. general Information
Hstwrldm general; East asia; South southeast asia. ancient Egypt; Near East Mesopotamia;Islamic civ.; Modern. Technology Curriculum Library African History.
Extractions: General World History Africa Americas Sub Saharan; AncientModern. Pre-ColumbianModern. Asia Europe Middle East Africa African History Directory of sites from U. Colorado, Colorado Springs; broad topic areas are on the left half of the homepage. African Odyssey "K-12 African Arts and Teaching Resources;" scroll down for annotated list of sites. Africa: One Continent. Many Worlds A collaborative project of several museums; cultural enrichment topics; a classroom ideas section; well doneeasy reading. African Research Central Searchable database: "A Clearinghouse of African Primary Sources." African Voices Smithsonian site; explore History, Themes, the Focus G allery, or the Learning Center African Web Links From U.Pennsylvania; very nice directoryvariety of topics and resources. Internet African History Sourcebook Primary sourcesancient to modern; scroll down for section headings.
LAS General Education Program 100 Languages of Art 3; AH 280 Survey ancient Art -3; Modern Europe 1648-1848 -3(G); His 111 southeast asia -3 (D F CS 319 20 th Century Germ/Aust civ Culture
Extractions: College of Letters, Arts and Sciences University of Colorado at Colorado Springs General Education Program for 2001-2002 June 1, 2001 PREAMBLE: The overarching purpose of general education is to cultivate students' intellectual, personal and ethical development and thus equip them to be life-long learners, able to adapt to an ever-changing environment. Assessment goal: The goal of the general education assessment is to determine the impact of general education on the cognitive (knowledge), behavioral (skills), and affective (attitudinal) development of our students in order to improve student learning and the quality of the general education program. GOALS: 1) Students will be able to read, write, listen and speak in a manner that demonstrates critical, analytical and creative thought. Implementation: Students must pass the LAS Writing Competency Requirement which includes at least two semesters of English Composition in which students complete a research paper involving critical and analytical writing. Students must also pass a portfolio assessment after completing their second writing course. Students are required to take a course with a substantial component involving oral communication. This course may be within a student's major department, an elective, or an approved general education (area requirements) course. Guidelines: Courses should teach appropriate oral communication methods and students should have multiple opportunities to speak and to be assessed on their speaking abilities.
Unit I: THE EMERGENCE OF CIVILIZATIONS TO 500 BCE Here are a few general websites about India. ancient India http// ancient India Internet about East, South, and southeast asia is is
Extractions: The Emergence of Civilizations to 500 BCE Part V: INDIA to 500 BCE Here are a few general websites about India. Many others are integrated into the body of the text. If online click WWW-VL History Index: INDIA. An impressive guide. [ - WWW-VL History Index: INDIA]. Itihaas: The History of India [ - Itihaas: The History of India], or Several links to the history of India [ - Several links to the history of India] Ancient India [ - Ancient India] Internet Indian History Sourcebook [] - Internet Indian History Sourcebook] actually takes you to a site called Languages with more than 30,000,000 Speakers as of 1993 . Place your cursor over the colored words and click the "hot" ones. The amount of information about East, South, and Southeast Asia is is truly astonishing. [ - Languages and Vedas] A. HARAPPAN [INDUS RIVER VALLEY] CIVILIZATION, ca. 2750-1750. Settled living in India/Pakistan is not very well researched. The Pakistani site on
SBCC General Catalog 2001-2002 civ, 1600Pres, Hrs or Hist 130 - History of architecture and crafts of India, China,Japan and southeast asia. Focuses on new and ancient techniques in low
Extractions: The Art Department at Santa Barbara City College allows the student to study and experience art from a range of directions: a well-structured art studio or art history curriculum for the traditional art major; as part of a structured program for majors from other departments such as MAT or Graphic Design; or for enrichment, development and fulfillment of college requirements for the non-art major.
Hawai'i Resources - Archaeology economies and sociopolitical organization of ancient communities in prehistory ofPolynesia, Micronesia, Insular southeast asia, and the general Information.
Mesorah High School - Curriculum Middle East, India, China, Japan, southeast asia and the and Western cultures, especiallythe ancient civilizations of 340430, Music Appreciation, World civ.
Extractions: General Studies Judaic Studies Extra-Curricular Activities Mesorahs dual-curricular focus provides excellent Judaic and college- preparatory programs. Our intensive Judaic program enlightens each student in Bible, Prophets, Jewish law and history, ethics, philosophy, and Hebrew language. Our comprehensive college-preparatory program firmly grounds each student in all major disciplines: mathematics, the sciences, history and language arts as well as economics, computer science, drama, studio art, music, and physical education. Our four-year course of study nourishes each students intellectual curiosity and motivates her to engage in independent scholarship both in high school and beyond. Judaic Studies Freshman Year Course Descriptions Chumash : The emphasis is placed on achieving mastery of the text and proficiency in reading Rashi and other major commentators. Sefer Shemos is taught with the classical meforshim of Rashi, Ramban, Kli Yakor, Or Hachaim, S'forno, Ibn Ezra, etc., as well as with the modern commentaries of Hirsch, Malbim, and Torah Temimah.
Basic Skills/GenEds the spirit of the various ages from ancient Greece to Prerequisite civ 100; or civ111 112 cultural study of the religions of India, southeast asia, and China
Extractions: Basic Skills and General Education Courses Return to Advisement Basic Skills Requirements A. English Composition B. Communications C. Mathematics D. Computer Usage Return to Top A. English Composition (C1, C2) = 6 semester hrs required - ENG 101 - English Composition (3 hrs) Principles of clear and effective writing; analysis of essays as models for writing. Required for all freshmen. or - CIV 111, 112 - Unified Composition and Western Civilization: I, II (3 hrs each) Basic Skills C1, Gen Ed. WC) Integration of ENG 101 and CIV 100. Emphasis on clear and effective writing using subject matter of Western Civilization. Team taught by faculty from a variety of disciplines. Students must take both semesters (111 and 112) to satisfy University requirements in both composition and Western Civilization. If unable to take both semesters, students must take CIV 100 and ENG 101. 2. C2 (one required)
HISTORY OF ASIA HSTAS 201 ancient Indian Civilization (5) I S Religions East asian history majors,to the general sweep of HSTAS 221 History of southeast asia (5) I S Surveys BIBLIOGRAPHY ON INDUS civ., ARYANS, ancient INDIAN HISTORY/ARCHEOLOGY Ann ArborCenter for South and southeast asian Studies papers on South and SE asia; no.
General Education Programs HIS118 Women in Europe. HIS123 Modern British civ. HIS130 History and the Sea. HIS171East asia History. HIS172 southeast asia History. PHL321 ancient Philosophy.
Extractions: THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF RHODE ISLAND Students transferring to the Community College of Rhode Island must follow the specific program requirements as shown in the current catalog. Consultation with an advisor is strongly recommended. Any questions concerning official transfer evaluation or the transfer admissions process should be directed to: THE UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND To use the chart, first locate the row for the College at the University of Rhode Island in which you intend to enroll; then, read the entries under each column for specific requirements within each area. For specific course listings, refer to the page following the chart. URI GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS BY COLLEGE The chart below summarizes the URI general education requirements by college. Because each college has different requirements, students should consult their academic advisor and URI Catalog when selecting courses. Reference should be made to the URI General Education requirements and to the requirements of individual majors.
Extractions: Index Directory Calendar Contact ASU ... For Faculty and Staff at ASU West ASU Main / ASU East General Studies Courses - Spring 1999 The following is a list of approved General Studies courses at ASU Main and ASU East for spring semester 1999. The list of courses offered each semester varies; for information on courses offered, see the online Schedule of Classes. Key to General Studies Credit Abbreviations Code Description Literacy and critical inquiry core courses (intermediate level) Literacy and critical inquiry core courses (upper division) Numeracy core courses (mathematics) Numeracy core courses (statistics and quantitative reasoning) Numeracy core courses (computer applications) HU Humanities and fine arts core courses SB Social and behavioral sciences core courses Natural sciences core courses (introductory) Natural sciences core courses (additional courses) C Cultural diversity in the United States courses G Global awareness courses H Historical awareness courses or and Spring 1999 General Studies Courses Contact Us
Extractions: ... Alternativity in Cultural History: Heterarchy and Homoarchy as Evolutionary Trajectories Prof. CAROLE L. CRUMLEY (Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3115, USA; Fax: + (1 919) 962 1613; E-mail: Comparing the State in Africa: The Drama of Modern Development ÀãÚÞÒÞÔØâÕÛì: Dr. BAZ LECOCQ (Hooglandse Kerkgracht 34a, 2312 HV Leiden, The Netherlands, ); Dr. Erik BÔhre (University College Utrecht, Utrecht University, Campusplein 1 3584 ED, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Fax: +31-30-2539905, E-mail: Power as "Great Mystery" The Role of the Evolutionary Theory in the Political History of the 20th Century Urbi et Orbi (Roma Aeterna) ÀãÚÞÒÞÔØâÕÛì: Ú.Ø.Ý. ½°´µ¶´° °½´Àµµ²½° Áµ»½Áº°Ï (ÆÕÝâà áàÐÒÝØâÕÛìÝÞÓÞ Ø×ãçÕÝØï ÔàÕÒÝØå æØÒØÛØ×ÐæØÙ À°½, »ÕÝØÝáÚØÙ ßà., 32-a, ÚÞÜÝ. 1501, ¼ÞáÚÒÐ, ÀÞááØï; äÐÚá: (7 095) 9381912, íÛÕÚâàÞÝÝëÙ ÐÔàÕá:
ÐÀÏÍ EL KAHN (Department of ancient Near Eastern 202 0786; ? ?civreg@inafr and Power in southeast asia Prof
Extractions: -Àëüòåðíàòèâíîñòü â èñòîðèè: ãåòåðàðõèÿ è ãîìîàðõèÿ êàê òðàåêòîðèè ñîöèîêóëüòóðíîé ýâîëþöèè Alternativity in Cultural History: Heterarchy and Homoarchy as Evolutionary Trajectories Ðóêîâîäèòåëè: ä.è.í. ÄÌÈÒÐÈÉ ÌÈÕÀÉËÎÂÈ× ÁÎÍÄÀÐÅÍÊÎ (Öåíòð öèâèëèçàöèîííûõ è ðåãèîíàëüíûõ èññëåäîâàíèé ÐÀÍ, óë. Ñïèðèäîíîâêà, ä. 30/1, 123001 Ìîñêâà, Ðîññèÿ; ôàêñ: + (7 095) 202 0786; ýëåêòðîííàÿ ïî÷òà:
The Clash Of Civilizations - Disease Model disease pool if all islands are within ancient boat range on earth there are 3 majorjungles, southeast asia, Amazon Basin of 5 turns * I'm using civ years per
Extractions: Disease Model v1.3 Best used for a more balanced, though less realistic, full-world game or scenario. The Disease Pools To determine what diseases a culture starts with, disease pools will have to be established first. There will be an unlimited number of disease pools. The size and location of the disease pools will conform to the following criteria: -On each continent, all cultures with similar population densities will belong to the same disease pool (if adjacent). -Islands will belong to whichever continent it is closest to (if within the range of ancient boats, 2 spaces I presume) and whatever population density is closest. -Island chains will be grouped together as a single disease pool if all islands are within ancient boat range (again, 2 spaces I presume).
Kull's Ancient Empires Site and a mortal enemy (Babylon) to the southeast. peoples from Sardinia (Sherden), Sicily,asia Minor, the premier OFFENSIVE formation of ancient Near Eastern
Extractions: The year is 1200 B.C. The place is the Ancient Middle East. It's a time when four large empires are contending for dominance in the Levant region (today's Syria, Israel and Lebanon.) Several of these cultures have existed for thousands of years, their power alternately rising and falling depending on the fortunes of their ruling dynasties. But now, something has changed. A combination of peoples in motion and an innovative new military technology have dramatically altered the old balance of power. It's the end of the Bronze Age and mighty empires are about to crumble! Will yours be one of them?
History 3. 152, World civ 2, 3. Brittany, Cornwall, Ireland, Isle of Man, Scotland, andWales) and their ancient continental forebears 489 History of southeast asia.
Extractions: SS : Social Studies Studying the past helps people understand their experiences: love and hate, oppression and reform, hope and despair, prosperity and deprivation. History helps prepare people for everyday life and helps them to solve problems of the present and the future. Students with degrees in history can pursue graduate degrees or careers in law, teaching, government, business, industry, libraries and archives, museums and art galleries, research, writing, and editing.