Extractions: Contact Information I am a general practitioner in cultural anthropology, with an ethnographic focus on Africa and with some past research in northern Asia. More specifically, my interests, research, and publications deal with social structure, political organization, and religion - and the process of transformation in them. I have also worked and published on slavery as a general cultural phenomenon, with a special interest in indigenous slavery in Africa as a culture-historical phenomenon. I have done fieldwork in the Congo, Cameroon, and the Ivory Coast. IGOR KOPYTOFF
Musées Afrique indigenous Knowledge in South africa . Zombo, Teke,Lula, Nkanu, Yaka, suku, Holo, Mbala Aquarelles de Joy Adamson peoples of Kenya http://www.unil.ch/gybn/Arts_Peuples/Ex_Africa/ex_Af_musaf.html
Extractions: Cape Town South African National Gallery Government Avenue ma-di 10-17 Arts de la perle / Expositions temporaires Cape Town - Gardens South African Museum 25 Queen Victoria Street lu-di 10-17 terres cuites de Lydenburg San (peintures rupestres), Zimb abwe Tsonga , Khoikhoi, Sotho, Nguni, Shona, Lovedu... Exposition " Ulwazi Lwemvelo - Indigenous Knowledge in South Africa Cape Town - Rosebank University of Cape Town Irma Stern Museum Cecil Road ma-sa 10-17 Arts de Zanzibar et du Congo: Lega, Luba Durban Art Gallery City Hall lu-sa 8.30-16; di 11-16 Durban Local History Museum Aliwal Street East London East London Museum lu-ve 9.30-17; sa 9.30-12 Grahamstown Albany Museum. Natural Sciences and History Museums Somerset Street lu-ve 9-13 / 14-17; sa-di 14-17 Johannesburg MuseuMAfricA Newtown Cultural Precinct
NATIVE-L (July 1993): Dutch Gov't: Indigenous Peoples geared to integrating the sukusuku terasing, or disadvantage and increase the resilienceof indigenous peoples. Sudan Eradicating the Nuba , africa Watch of http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9307/0074.html
Part A - Indigenous Peoples And Biodiversity Conservation of peoples, officially referred to as 'suku suku terasing' or South East Asia andCentral africa.20 In parts of the world where indigenous peoples' rights are http://www.bsponline.org/bsp/publications/asia/marcus/marcus_A.html
Extractions: Marcus Colchester The Biodiversity Support Program is a USAID-funded consortium of World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy and World Resources Institute. This paper was made possible through support provided by the Global Bureau of USAID, under the terms of grant number DHR-A-00-88-00044-00. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency for International Development. Table of Contents Indigenous Peoples as Subject of International Law ... Observations Rights and Definitions Indigenous Peoples and Asian Values ... Peoples, Forests and Reefs Program Ecuador Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Ecuadorian Development Project Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline A Critical Review of European Aid to Tropical Forests ... Lessons from Pancur Kasih: Towards Self-Sufficiency This sector review examines the situation of indigenous peoples and their relationship to biodiversity conservation with the principal aim of providing guidance to future foreign development assistance directed to the sector. It summarises the situation of indigenous peoples in developing countries, with a particular focus on the humid tropics, while setting out the key opportunities, challenges and difficulties confronting these peoples in their relationship to the ecosystems that they have traditionally depended on for their livelihoods.
Anthropology 001 Fall Semester 1996 I appreciate your interest in learning more about this complex, crucial, and littleunderstood area of the world. 195a SEMINAR peoples AND CULTURES OF africa FALL 1996 constructions of africa through indigenous literature, travelers reports, tribes and chiefdoms (suku, Kpelle) Mixed economies http://www.westmont.edu/syllabusarchive/1997Spring/Social_Science/AN195A~1.DOC
Africa Architect Exposition "Ulwazi Lwemvelo indigenous Knowledge in South africa". Cape Teke, Lula, Nkanu, Yaka, suku, Holo, Mbala, Pende, Mbuun, Dinga, Aquarelles de Joy Adamson "peoples of Kenya" http://www.africa-architect.com/architect/galerie.htm
Extractions: Cape Town South African National Gallery Government Avenue ma-di 10-17 Arts de la perle / Expositions temporaires Cape Town - Gardens South African Museum 25 Queen Victoria Street lu-di 10-17 Ethnographie et archéologie de l'Afrique australe: terres cuites de Lydenburg San (peintures rupestres), Zimbabwe Tsonga , Khoikhoi, Sotho, Nguni, Shona, Lovedu... Exposition "
Africa South Of The Sahara - Culture And Society An annotated guide to internet resources on african culture and society.Category Regional africa Society and Culture Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, Pende, suku, Tabwa, Woyo twostory architecture, Islamand indigenous african cultures site for her course peoples and Cultures of http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/culture.html
Democratic Republic Of The Congo / DRC (Kinshasa) An annotated guide to internet resources on africa.Category Regional africa Congo, Democratic Republic of the Pende, Salampasu, Songye, Tshokwe, Yaka, suku, etc.) http html L1 Ituri Forestpeoples Fund/Cultural in Cambridge, MA, helps indigenous peoples and ethnic http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/zaire.html
Kulttuuri- Ja Sosiaaliantropologian Opetus Syyslukukaudella 2002 sukulaisuus perhe, avioliitto - suku 29.10 Case Study of the Impact of Developmenton indigenous peoples. . Remotely Global Village Modernity in West africa. http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/antropologia/ajankoht/opmons02.htm
Extractions: Kulttuuri- ja sosiaaliantropologian opetukseen voivat osallistua molempien aineiden opiskelijat. Seminaareihin ja kursseihin (paitsi johdantokurssiin ja uusien pääaineopiskelijoiden seminaareihin) osallistuvien on ilmoittauduttava oppiaineen ilmoitustaululta saatavalla lomakkeella viimeistään 5.9. mennessä . Lomake palautetaan kansliaan tai sen ulkopuolella olevaan postilaatikkoon. Muiden laitosten järjestämien kurssien (ks. humanistisen ja valtiotieteellisen tiedekunnan opinto-oppaat) korvaavuudesta sovitaan opettajien kanssa. Ilmoitustaulut sijaitsevat kulttuuri- ja sosiaaliantropologian tiloissa, Unioninkatu 38 E 3.krs. Toimisto: opiskelijoiden vastaanottoajat ma, ke, to klo 13-15, p. 191 23094 tstosiht Arto Sarla arto.sarla@helsinki.fi Lukukausien aikana kulttuuriantropologian opettajatuutor antaa opintoneuvontaa aineen opintojen aloittamiseen ja suunnitteluun liittyvissä kysymyksissä. Kulttuuriantropologian opiskelijoiden opiskelijatuutor on Lauha Halonen p. 773 3147/ 040-507 3212
Bibliography Of The Mentawai Islands africa. Rotterdam Ad. Donker. 1986. Kebudayaan suku Mentawai. Grafidian Jaya,Jakarta. Johnson, A. 1995. indigenous peoples of the World Mentawai. http://www.mentawai.org/bibliog.htm
Extractions: BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESOURCES FOR THE MENTAWAI ISLANDS List of Documentary Sources This is a basic list of articles and books, both published works and unpublished manuscripts having the Mentawai islands as their focus, or engaging with them in some capacity. It should be noted that many of these sources can be classified as "popular" literature insofar as they are not written from any identifiable disciplinary outlook in the humanities or social sciences. Much of their content, therefore, is based upon impressions gained by their respective authors in the course of visits of short duration often resulting in superficial "snapshots" of aspects of the societies and cultures at various locations across the islands. This needs to be kept in mind when consulting any of these sources. An exception to this is perhaps the accounts of the early missionaries and colonial officials whose accounts stem from interactions with various local populations that are both qualitative and often extend over long periods of time; these accounts, therefore, contain much useful and interesting information. There also exists a good range of sources dealing with primates. However, these are not included here at this stage (December 2002). The items appearing in this list cover most of the published sources up until the early 1990s, nevertheless it is certain that some unpublished documents have been overlooked. I should also note that many such items have come into existence during the 1990s and are not listed here. Hence this list should be regarded as provisional and merely a place to start a detailed literary exploration of the islands.
REPRESSIVE MINING IN WEST PAPUA of European conquest and colonialism in africa, Asia, the J. Connell (ed.), Miningand indigenous peoples in Australasia Arti Tanah Bagi suku Amungme', Kompas http://www.mpi.org.au/indon/eng_moving_mountains.html
Extractions: Modern people do not recognize the special relationship of indigenous people to the environment. But for the indigenous people, their view of their natural surroundings teaches them ecologically sound principles to care for the environment in a sustainable way. For the indigenous people, destroying the environment means damaging the lives of human beings. It is clear that Freeport, with its careless exploitation of the environment for more than 30 years, has damaged 30,000 hectares of rainforest as well as the Ajkwa and Kopi rivers. This environmental damage has affected thousands of local people, primarily the Amungme and the Kamoro, who depend on these natural resources for their food, water and other basic needs, livelihoods and cultural practices.
Briefing 11 - Blood And Culture: islands were officially viewed as suku suku terasing ( backward in Northeast africa,UNRISD/africa World Press indigenous peoples have argued for the past 20 http://cornerhouse.icaap.org/briefings/11.html
Extractions: Ethnic Conflict and the Authoritarian Right Nicholas Hildyard This briefing was written by Nicholas Hildyard, who would like to thank those who commented on drafts. He worked at The Ecologist from 1972-97, assuming the journal's editorship (with others) from 1990-1997. In 1997, political differences with the magazine's founder, Edward Goldsmith, over ethnicity and gender issues led Hildyard and the rest of the editorial team to leave and to set up The CornerHouse. An earlier version of this paper, "Blood and Babies" is published in Ecology, Politics and Violent Conflict , Suliman, M. (ed.) Zed Books, London, 1998. This briefing is published by The CornerHouse, which aims to support the growth of a democratic, equitable and non-discriminatory civil society in which communities have control over the resources and decisions that affect their lives and means of livelihood, as well as the power to define themselves rather than to be defined by others. Contact details on page 1. Unavailable Blood" and "Culture" have long provided people the world over with seemingly "commonsense" explanations for civil conflict. When confronted with the horrors of ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia or Rwanda, it is often taken for granted that the cause must lie in fixed, implacable, ingrained and ancient antagonisms. How else can the sheer horror of neighbours hacking each other to pieces be explained - neighbours who had previously lived together in apparent harmony? Hatred between Muslim and Serb or between Hutu and Tutsi must be "in the blood" - let the two sides at each others' throats and genocide is inevitable.
VADA - Volken Peoples Tribes R - S suku Information See also indigenous peoples in Brazil. Swahili Information; TheSwahili of East africa; Kenya Ethnic Groups Swahili Swahili includes Bajun http://www.vada.nl/volkenrs.htm
ISEE Newletter: Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer 1994 international levels that would secure indigenous peoples' rights to South africa,is the africa contact for Olli, and Kaarina Miettinen, SAMMUUKO SUURI suku? http://www.phil.unt.edu/ISEE/ns5-2-94.htm
Extractions: We are still working on an environmental ethics database, which will combine ISEE Newsletter bibliographic notices over the years with all the articles from ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS volumes 1-15, with abstracts, and ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES volumes 1-2, with abstracts. This is be further combined with Eric Katz's two annotated bibliographies on environmental ethics, 1983-1987 and 1987-1990. What we need is the most suitable freeware or shareware software program, one that can be used by anybody, not just computer literate types. Suggestions and volunteers for help from computer literate environmentalists are welcome. Contact: Holmes Rolston, Department of Philosophy, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, Phone: 303/491-6315 philosophy office, leave word with secretary, answering machine 24 hours. Fax: 303/491-4900. E-mail: rolston@lamar.colostate.edu. Meanwhile, ISEE has now completed on disk all the bibliographic entries of volumes 1-4 of this Newsletter (1990-1993) and is making this available at cost to those who wish it. The text is currently in WordPerfect format, alphabetized by names at the head of paragraphs. It is easily convertible to ASCII, DOS and MacIntosh. It prints out at about 125 single spaced pages. Inquiries about obtaining the database, now available, should be directed to Dr. Douglas J. Buege, 2902 S. 101st St., West Allis, WI 53227. The bibliographic entries alphabetized, as well as volumes 1-4 of the complete newsletter, four annual issues, total sixteen issues, are available, at cost, in a price range of $ 10 or so, depending on what you need. The database, either the alphabetized version or the newsletter single issues, can be word- searched for author or title, and, to some extent for keywords, although keywords have not been systematically designated.
Africana Resources For Undergraduates / Schmidt peoples of africa (Prospect Heights, Ill. Waveland Press Mbuti, Somali, Fulani, Rwanda,suku, Swazi, Tiv concepts and practices of indigenous religions related http://www.indiana.edu/~libsalc/african/schmidt.html
Extractions: for the web version of this essay. Although courses on Africa have been part of the undergraduate curriculum in American colleges and universities for more than three decades, it is surprising how few materials have been written specifically for undergraduates. The resources included in this essay were written for undergraduates or are relatively accessible to them. The focus is on resources in English published or reissued since 1980, which cover the whole continent or sub-Saharan Africa, rather than individual countries. It is beyond the scope of this essay to provide resources specific to Africa's more than fifty nation-states. However, resources on South Africa have been included, since a chapter on South Africa is included in this volume. [p. 414] This essay is addressed to undergraduate students, librarians who select materials for undergraduate collections, and faculty who teach undergraduate courses. Accurate, up-to-date materials which could form a core collection for undergraduate libraries have been selected for inclusion in the essay. Sections on audiovisual and computer resources have been included, since they are as essential to curricula on Africa in the 1990s as are print resources.
Untitled KOOIJMANS, AND THE NETHERLANDS MINISTER FOR DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION, MR. J.P. mei 1993 indigenous peoples IN THE ISSUE OF indigenous peoples IN THE indigenous peoples is given below. This listing which is unavoidably not exhaustive - is confined to africa, http://www.cwis.org/fwdp/International/nethrlnd.txt
Untitled matrilineal societies, such as amongst the Akan peoples of Ghana in Christianitythe growth, gifts and diversities of indigenous African churches suku, So, Np, Np. http://www3.sympatico.ca/ian.ritchie/AFRWOMEN.html
Extractions: AFRICAN THEOLOGY AND THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA [a work in progress] Presented to the Canadian Theological Society May 25, 2001 by Ian D. Ritchie, Ph.D. St. John's Anglican Church, 41 Church St., Kingston, ON., K7M 1H2 The paper assesses the role played by African theologians in advancing the status of women in Africa. The perception (common in western church circles) of the African church as a bastion of conservatism and patriarchy will be examined critically. Starting with a brief overview of gender in precolonial Africa, moving to an analysis of the influence of mission Christianity and the African Initiated Churches, the paper concludes with an evaluation of the influence of African theologians. The conclusion that Christianity may be moving African women towards equality more rapidly than in western societies speaks of a positive relationship between academic theology, church and society.[ An earlier version of this article formed a chapter of the author's 1993 doctoral dissertation, African Theology and Social Change.
Part B - Indigenous Peoples And Biodiversity Conservation Central and South America, Central africa and Asia people can be classified as 'sukusuku terasing', the consider themselves to be indigenous peoples and wish http://www.bsponline.org/bsp/publications/asia/marcus/marcus_B.html
Extractions: This section of the report examines the situation of Indigenous Peoples in the whole of South and South East Asia with a focus on four countries: India, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines where PeFoR has developed its projects and which were visited as part of this review. Within this region, the politically marginal and ethnically distinct peoples who inhabit the forests of the Asia-Pacific are in a phase of rapid social change, characterised by accelerating deforestation, dispossession of their lands and rapid integration into the market. Deforestation has become a matter of global concern. Taken as a whole, the Asia-Pacific region, which has already lost more than half of its original forest cover, continues to suffer a startling rate of forest loss. The results have been a dramatic loss of biological diversity, a growing dependency in many countries on imported timber and other non-timber forest products, unpredictable and more severe floods and droughts, the loss of top-soil and farmland and the increasing vulnerability of forests to fires. Until recently international, environmental standard-setting aimed at curbing these losses has tended to focus on the technical dimensions of natural resource management, while the social, economic and political aspects of the forest crisis have received relatively little emphasis.
African Education On The Internet An annotated guide to internet resources on education in and about africa. stories from africa. africa PBS / National peoples Database which includes the Ashanti, Bamana, Baule, Bwa, Dogon, Fang, Hemba, Ibibio, Kongo, Kota, Kuba, Lobi, Luba, Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, Pende, suku, http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/ed.html
Spirits and sculptural inventiveness of the cultures indigenous to these from the Yaka, Nkanu,Zombo, suku, Matapa and of objects from the Bidjogo peoples who live on http://www.nmafa.si.edu/exhibits/spirits/intro.htm
Extractions: MM_preloadImages('images/introH.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/wcaH.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/konH.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/matH.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/zomH.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/choH.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/ngaH.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/bidH.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/retH.gif'); Also at the Smithsonian: Worshiping the Ancestors at the Sackler Gallery looks at the spirits of China. In the Presence of Spirits This exhibition examines an impressive group of over 140 objects that reflect the influences of the supernatural world in both public and private life throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The exhibition is organized according to both geography and the numerous cultural groups represented in the National Museum of Ethnology's collection. In the Presence of Spirits features objects that derive mainly, although not exclusively, from those areas where the Portuguese were present, such as Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau. A group of important artworks from western, central and southern Africa complements this selection. These artifacts demonstrate the rich variety and sculptural inventiveness of the cultures indigenous to these regions and provide insight into many of their spiritual practices. Highlights of the exhibition include figures, decorated stools and chairs, pipes, masks, staffs and dolls used by kings, queens, chiefs, priests, priestesses and diviners to summon spiritual forces. Major themes include an examination of prestige objects and power figures, initiation and funerary rituals, and symbols of spiritual and secular authority.