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81. Peril at Sea: A Photographic Study
82. Untamed Seas: One Woman's True
83. Shipwreck Hunter: Deep, Dark &
84. Shipwrecks (Legends of the Sea:
85. Shipwreck Search: Discovery of
86. Shipwrecks, Sea Raiders, and Maritime
87. Guide to Shipwreck Diving: North
88. The Shipwreck of Their Hopes:
89. Exploring for Shipwrecks (Watts
90. Shipwrecks on the Chesapeake:
91. Chicago's North Shore Shipwrecks
92. Shipwrecks in Florida Waters
93. Shipwrecks of the Caribbean -
94. Farallon: Shipwreck and Survival
95. Shipwreck or Shangri-La? (Reed's
96. Lost at Sea: Great Shipwrecks
97. Tropical Shipwrecks: A Vacationing
98. Shipwrecks Around Cape Cod
99. Ships And Shipwrecks Of The Au
100. Outrageous Seas: Shipwreck and

81. Peril at Sea: A Photographic Study of Shipwrecks in the Pacific
by Jim Gibbs
Paperback: 224 Pages (1997-03-01)
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$5.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0887400663
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Around the shores of the Pacific Ocean, along the western coastline of California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska, lie the remains of legions of vessels of every description and every flag. Some lie buried in the depths, never to be found. Others lie as twisted remains along the beaches or entombed down in the sands. Still others have been completely eradicated by the forces of nature. A few carried treasure; some have been recovered but most never will be. Though the greatest treasure has been discovered along the Caribbean and eastern seaboards, most of it was originally lost there while much of the Pacific lay undiscovered. The Pacific rim may yet yield finds of fabulous value. These ideas and many others are explored in Jim Gibbs' most recent book, Peril at Sea. This is a fascinating work on peril at sea and the continuing battle of man against the elements. Each chapter is an accurate chronicle by location of the ships and their sailors who met fateful ends along the Pacific Coastline. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Good book for pacific coast maritime history
Another good book from Jim Gibbs. In five large chapters, the author provides information on the shipwrecks of Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and British Columbia.The books highlight - the photos - are vivid and show what a nasty predicament some the ships were into. Every photo has a caption, which explains where the ship came from, how she was destroyed, and what happened to the passengers and crew.Some additional information is given for some of the more important or unusual wrecks.In all, a very good book that is well worth reading more than once.
In the first few chapters, the author also gives some knowledge of what life was like aboard the coastal ships of the era and what exactly caused so many wrecks. ... Read more

82. Untamed Seas: One Woman's True Story of Shipwreck and Survival
by Deborah Scaling Kiley
Paperback: 256 Pages (2001-05-24)
list price: US$13.00 -- used & new: US$82.65
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0618127275
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
One late autumn day in 1982, the fifty-eight-foot yacht TRASHMAN set sail on a routine trip from Annapolis to Florida, with Deborah Scaling and four others aboard. When the boat sailed into a seventy-knot gale, it went down quickly, leaving the crew adrift in the Atlantic in a rubber dinghy that was quickly surrounded by sharks. Five harrowing days and nights later, when a Russian freighter finally came to their rescue, only two crew members remained. Powerful, adrenaline-charged, utterly consuming, UNTAMED SEAS is a brave, unforgettable story that plunges to the depths of the human psyche and surfaces with the strength to survive. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (11)

5-0 out of 5 stars An incredibly well-written, fast read. A+
I read this book in one sitting. The pages flew by, faster than any other book in recent memory. Debbie did an excellent job of detailing the ordeal that she and the 4 other crewmen faced on the Trashman and the Zodiac. What originally drew me to this book was the Discovery Channel program "I Shouldn't Be Alive", which chronicled this fiasco. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys nonfiction thrillers, sailing and the ocean. I appreciate the author's brutal honesty, as well as her comprehensive summary of events. She obviously has a very good memory. Good job, Debbie!

5-0 out of 5 stars Amazing book
A real hero and an inspiration. I would have given up.Courage and class!A great read, you will be gripped!

5-0 out of 5 stars loved it
I read this book in two sittings, some parts I was almost too scared to keep reading. The part where they tip over the boat to rinse out all the crap from Meg's leg (bloody infection stuff) and they can't tip it back and the sharks are surely going to smell all that in the water...I almost died just reading it. After reading this I had some burning questions about a lot of things I went to her website and emailed her. She was sooo nice, answered all my questions.
Don't read this on the beach or even in the tub!

3-0 out of 5 stars what happened to Meg Lukens Noonan?
who co-wrote the first book with Ms. Kiley? Why did Ms Kiley write the story over again when the first one was so good? It is a fascinating, if disturbing, story of survival.

5-0 out of 5 stars Very Disturbing Story
After reading this book, I was both very sad and very angry.If there is a God that is fair, then all 5 should have survived or all 5 died.There were no miracles here.It was survival of the fittest.Mark and John were just plain ole alcoholics, and could not deal with reality, let alone a disaster of this magnitude.Their alcohol soaked brains gave into drinking saltwater - Stupid.Meg was unfortunate to get caught in the rigging, so her wounds were too bad to allow her to survive long.Brad and Debbie were lucky that they were not injured or dependent on drugs or alcohol.Yep, it was plain old "survival of the fittest".No miracles.One thing that bothered me, was that none of the men offerred Meg any clothes.Instead they let her sit there for 4 days in nothing but a shirt.(she was not even wearing any underwear).Insensitive, pathetic and cruel!!!If there is a God that is fair, why didn't He perform a miracle to let Meg survive?She seemed the most innocent of the bunch.The reason I gave this book 5 stars is that it was well writen and detailed of the account, and has made me re-examine my own values.I am going to try to enjoy life to the fullest.

Kevin Daugherty ... Read more

83. Shipwreck Hunter: Deep, Dark & Deadly in the Great Lakes
by Gerry Volgenau
Hardcover: 200 Pages (2007-05)
list price: US$24.95
Isbn: 1587264307
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (8)

5-0 out of 5 stars Fascinating wreck penetration story
I found this an exciting and informative book about penetration wreck diving in the Great Lakes.
Although I knew little about the area or its wrecks I found it easy to picture the locations and diving details.
The drawings and information about various wrecks were nicely presented and helped to set the scene for the extreme diving these guys go in for.
If you enjoyed Shadow Divers and the many Andrea Doria books I think you will like this. However, although it is better written than many 'extreme diving' stories, you probably need an interest in technical diving and/or shipwrecks to really enjoy it.

4-0 out of 5 stars The passion, science and dangers of shipwreck hunting in the Great Lakes
Shipwreck Hunter -- Deep, Dark & Deadly In The Great Lakes is about just that, hunting for shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. It's about the dangerous passion of a small, dedicated and very competitive community of divers who search for some of the most famous, and often most remote, wrecks. There are as many as 10,000 of them in the Great Lakes, many beyond reach, but a good number accessible to daring divers willing to brave depth, icy cold water, poor visibility and occasionally rough seas.

Author Gerald Volgenau is a seasoned journalist with decades' worth of experience as a reporter and editor at the Detroit Free Press where he also spent eight years as a globe-trotting travel writer. Volgenau's journalistic credentials mean that Shipwreck Hunter is well written, well edited, well laid out and very polished. I mention that because in this era of self- and alternate publishing, one can no longer take that for granted. Me, I appreciate books that are not only well written, but also shine in layout, typography and editing.

The title Shipwreck Hunter primarily refers to David Trotter, a particularly skilled and determined wreck searcher, and his ever changing and evolving crew. The book covers Trotter's increasingly sophisticated hunt for wrecks of particular historic value, using sidescan sonar, a meticulous work ethic, and considerable diving skills. In it for the hunt and discovery rather than for salvage, trophies or financial gain, Trotter leaves wrecks untouched and keeps their location secret from anyone.

While the 200-page book centers on Trotter's efforts, it is sandwiched by the tragic events that lead to a severe decompression accident with one of Trotter's crew. It's a structure often used when a book is based on actual events, and one that perhaps makes one want to rush through the book too quickly to find out what exactly happened at the end.

Shipwreck Hunter not only covers Trotter's efforts over several decades, but also, in less detail, those of other shipwreck hunters. It also takes fairly detailed looks at Trotter's team members and delves into ancillary topics such as the zebra mussel infestation of the Great Lakes that has had a profound impact on those bodies of water (mostly bad, but also a bit of good in greatly improving visibility in some areas). As a result, Shipwreck Hunter moves back and forth between historical issues, technical matters, and some rather involved background stories on many of the involved parties, making for somewhat uneven reading.

The book is organized into 15 chapters, many of which include very impressive shipwreck sketches by artist Robert McGreevy. They are not only enjoyable, but also greatly help in getting a picture of what those wrecks are like, including current condition, as photographs cannot tell the story due to the darkness and generally poor visibility. I enjoyed reading this well crafted book on wreck diving in the Great Lakes, loved the historic information, but felt it was a bit light on technical issues and a bit long on personal matters ranging from excursions into faith, to speculations on mental makeup, to somewhat chiding commentary on waistlines. -- C. H. Blickenstorfer

4-0 out of 5 stars Midwestern "Shadow Divers"
I can't be very objective when one of the key characters is someone I know; David Trotter who knows his Great Lakes shipwrecks! But maybe the only problem I had was reading it after "Shadow Divers" which was another high energy, drama filled account on a larger scale. So the obvious draw to this book is the midwestern connection or the small town, local aspect, but with some of the same high drama. I think people will relate a little more in the midwest if they are familiar with some of the names mentioned in the book from newspaper accounts or visits to some of the shipwreck museums in the area, etc. It still has the danger that "Shadow Divers" has but more on a local, hometown level. Still worthy of a read!!!

3-0 out of 5 stars A bit one sided and book jumps around,
It was a OK book about the same one sided as you get from someAndreaDoria Diver books. Why doseHe try to glamorize these old men as historians and hero's of the deep when most are not! Most all are just plain salvors and looters of the deep. The book states that one main character in one sentence takes only pictures and in the next breath they are prying a strong box open.And in another Bio he states correctly that one divers problems with the local government (Law) and writes about the one case this diver wonbut forgets to mention about the cases he lost.Was this intentional? In closing it is nice to know how paranoid some of these old salvors are (were) If they were so innocent sharing locations and information would be the norm as some legitimate groups do today. AndI think the author would of done a much better job in including some more facts and interviewing others out of the good old boy network.

4-0 out of 5 stars Engrossing book
This engrossing book is an excellent tale of the Great Lakes, shipwreck hunting, and underwater diving. I personally know, or thought I knew, the main diver profiled, Danny Fader and his wife, Jeanne. Volgenau paints a very thorough, honest portrayal of both. They are two of the most honest, caring, endearing individuals one could ever meet. If there is any fault with the book, it is that the author tends to get too bogged down with the technical details of shipwreck hunting. There is such a thing as too much detail. ... Read more

84. Shipwrecks (Legends of the Sea: Read Me!, Level M)
by Adrian Vigliano
Paperback: 32 Pages (2010-09)
list price: US$7.99 -- used & new: US$6.27
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1410937909
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

This book introduces readers to shipwrecks by explaining how they happen and sharing examples of famous or mysterious shipwrecks.

... Read more

85. Shipwreck Search: Discovery of the H. L. Hunley (On My Own Science)
by Sally M. Walker
Paperback: 48 Pages (2006-11-30)
list price: US$6.95 -- used & new: US$6.94
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0822564491
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

86. Shipwrecks, Sea Raiders, and Maritime Disasters along the Delmarva Coast, 1632--2004
by Donald G. Shomette
Hardcover: 448 Pages (2007-11-08)
list price: US$62.00 -- used & new: US$31.87
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0801886708
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Nor'easters, blizzards, and hurricanes. Spanish galleons, German U-boats, and presidential yachts. Pirates and privateers. The ephemeral and deadly nature of islands, dunes, inlets, and shoals. The history of the Delmarva Peninsula's Atlantic coast is rich with tales of fantasy and adventure, heroism and tragedy, greed and charity. Claiming more than 2,300 vessels since 1632, it rivals North Carolina's Outer Banks for the infamous title "The Graveyard of the Atlantic."

Maritime historian Donald G. Shomette brings these stories to life. Featuring the accounts of twenty-five ill-starred vessels -- some notorious and some forgotten until now -- this anthology provides a fascinating history of a local maritime culture and charts how the catastrophic events along this shore significantly affected U.S. merchant shipping as a whole. Shomette weaves together history, folklore, and legend in accounts of the tragic loss of the 1750 Spanish treasure fleet, the British blockade of the Delaware in the American Revolution, the depredations of Confederate commerce raiders during the Civil War, the Billy Mitchell affair, the Hurricane of 1933, and the Nazi U-boat offensive of World War II. His appendix provides a complete catalog of all 2,300 recorded wrecks, including coordinates and location descriptions where available.

A vivid montage of seafaring adventures and pivotal events in American history, this volume makes an essential contribution to the library of the history buff, wreck diver, and local adventurer.

... Read more

87. Guide to Shipwreck Diving: North Carolina
by Roderick M. Farb
 Paperback: 120 Pages (1991-03)
list price: US$15.95
Isbn: 1559920300
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Divers of North Carolina waters should gain an insight into maritime history against a background of the Gulf Stream and its sea creatures. This guide offers details of 25 of the best sunken vessels for dives, including Civil War blockade runners, submarines, tankers and passenger liners. ... Read more

88. The Shipwreck of Their Hopes: THE BATTLES FOR CHATTANOOGA (Civil War Trilogy)
by Peter Cozzens
Paperback: 536 Pages (1996-11-01)
list price: US$21.95 -- used & new: US$14.12
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0252065956
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Civil War enthusiasts will welcome a new book by Peter Cozzens, author of two highly praised works on Civil War campaigns--No Better Place to Die: The Battle of Stones River and This Terrible Sound: The Battle of Chickamauga. In The Shipwreck of Their Hopes, Cozzens fully chronicles one of the South's most humiliating defeats. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (15)

5-0 out of 5 stars Another favorite read!
I was eagerly looking forward to this book with great anticipation, especially when I got the first two books written by Peter Cozzens describing the Army of Tennessee in it's campaigns from Stones River to Chickamauga and then finally the terrible fighting at Chattanooga. I think the author needs to keep up his research for other campaigns by this Army in the Civil War, starting with it's first battles at the end of 1861, and on to Shiloh and then the Kentucky campaign. Then I'd be able to truly say that Peter Cozzens is the leading expert on the Army of Tennessee. Especially if he comes out with a book that has the Atlanta campaigns in the same vivid detail that his three books have done. You get to see the men among their regiments on both sides as they deal with their part of the struggle. Good job, and keep up the good work!

4-0 out of 5 stars The Fighting at Chattanooga
After the near disastrous Union defeat at Chickamauga, the northern forces retreated to Chattanooga. Confederate troops encircled the city and held key heights. This book examines the situation from the beginning of the siege to the final Union victory.

We get a taste of the key figures in the fighting, including the internecine warfare among Confederate generals, with the tension between James Longstreet and Braxton Bragg being a fine example. On the Union side, General Rosecrans, after his defeat at Chickamauga, was finally relieved and General George Thomas ("the rock of Chickamauga" took over). To break the siege, the Union sent forces under Joseph Hooker (two corps from the Army of the Potomac) and forces under William T. Sherman. Overall command? Ulysses Grant was sent to Chattanooga to orchestrate an end to the siege.

The book covers in fine detail the breaking of the Confederate line to open "the Cracker Line" and end the serious food shortage afflicting the Union command. It discusses the near thing, when Hooker allowed his forces to become separated--but recovering to hold their line. Then, we see Sherman's inability to win the struggle at Tunnel Hill; we experience "the battle above the clouds," in which a ragtag force, with troops from a number of commands, capturing Lookout Mountain. Finally, the surge against Missionary Ridge where, seemingly against the odds, Thomas' forces scaled the heights and sent Bragg's army to flight.

Nicely detailed. The writing is functional but does not sing. There are enough maps to give a sense of the layout of the fighting. At the end of the text is the "order of battle," so the reader can keep straight to forces under each command.If interested in the fighting at Chattanooga, this is a good resource.

5-0 out of 5 stars Peter Cozzens brings detail to the fascinating Chattanooga Campaign, 1863
The Chattanooga Campaign in the fall of 1863 was a drawn out campaign that while not seeing the heavy losses of the Battle of Chickamauga was still a key defeat for the Confederacy. Peter Cozzens brings this part of the Western Theater to life as he has done in his previous books. He sketches the dire conditions that the Army of the Cumberland found itself in after the defeat of Chickamauga. The starving of a Union army was pretty unique in the Civil War and Cozzens paints it well with many interesting anecdotes. The Confederates are also expertly sketched from their positions on Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. I especially found interesting the anecdotes that the Confederate artillery was not as effective as it could have been from Lookout Mountain.

The terrible infighting in the Confederates ranks is covered by Cozzens. This is a very interesting part of the book. Braxton Bragg and James Longstreet face off and Jefferson Davis has to come in person to a terribly awkward meeting with his commanders. The dysfunctional leadership of the high command of the Army of Tennessee is brought back to life. On the Union side, there is William Rosecrans 'like a duck hit on the head', the dogged Ulysses S. Grant, fiery William T. Sherman, and extremely able George Thomas. Cozzens sketches these personalities very well and other less known officers like William 'Baldy' Smith. Also there is 'Fighting Joe' Hooker as he leads the reinforcements from the Army of the Potomac.

The battle scenes in Cozzens usual fashion are the best parts of the book. There is night fighting at Wauhatchie, the skirmish to take Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and its tale of two battles- Patrick Cleburne's brilliant defense against William T. Sherman and the unbelievable charge of the Army of the Cumberland plus as a finale the stout defense of Ringgold Gap by Cleburne.

Cozzens is one of the best writers on the Civil War today and I really enjoy his writings. This is another great book. It is a must have for Civil War buffs and Military history buffs. The Western Theater for a long time was not written about as much as the Eastern Theater so I am very glad to see someone like Cozzens bring this level of details to these battles. The men who fought and died at these places deserve it.

Highly recommended!

1-0 out of 5 stars Another author pretending to be a military expert
This book does an average job providing an account of the battle and the previous events, but it is still ponderous reading. This is a carry-on of common Lost Cause type writing.

The author left me with the sense he likes to pretend he is a military expert, which he is not, distracting from the subject. According to his bio, the author is a career State Department worker. Writing about an area he does not work in, might have casued him to overcompensate and write in this somewhat arrogant style; making statements about military errors by the various generals on both sides. I wonder how someone who works for state department claims he is capable of criticizing the actions of these generals. One of the most unqualified statement he makes is "Longstreet was handling his corps poorly." How would you know Mr. Cozzens? How much experience do you have in handling a corps?

Mr. Cozzens must be a Judith Halleck fan! Another author who has not spent a day in the military, but pretends she knows what she is talking about. I always thought it interesting how writers having no military experience, felt capable of criticizing the deployments, tactics, strategies and actions of men trained and fighting in earlier times.

The best books on war are written by those, who even if they do not have military experience, provide what is known in the records. They don't preach, and even if they give their own opinion of what happened, they leave it to the reader to decide.

1-0 out of 5 stars Never Received Product I Ordered
I never received this product from Amazon because they incompetently sent the item back before delivering it to my long standing address (to which they have delivered many items).Their customer service people couldn't give me an answer why this happened.Again, I call that Incompetence with a capital "I". ... Read more

89. Exploring for Shipwrecks (Watts Library: Shipwrecks)
by KC Smith
Paperback: 63 Pages (2000-09)
list price: US$8.95
Isbn: 0531164713
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Introduces the discipline of underwater archaeology and the techniques used to find and study submerged ships. ... Read more

90. Shipwrecks on the Chesapeake: Maritime Disasters on Chesapeake Bay and Its Tributaries, 1608- 1978
by Donald G. Shomette
Paperback: 324 Pages (2007-09)
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$125.83
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0870335979
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (5)

5-0 out of 5 stars Shipwrecks
The book was received in excellent condition and in a very timely manner. I took delivery much sooner than I anticipated.

5-0 out of 5 stars Shipwrecks on the Chesapeake
Arrived as described. Aware of slight use but, actually arrived in almost new condition.

4-0 out of 5 stars Great Detailed History
This is an excellent book - well researched and filled with fascinating stories.If you are looking for a pop book filled with spooky shipwreck stories this is not for you.If you are serious about the subject and wish a detailed and in depth history of Chesapeake shipwrecks and can handle an actual history book - this is the one for you.There is a lack of artwork/photographs.The writing is well done though by the nature of the subject it is a bit jumpy from subject to subject.A wonderful effort - well worth the price !

2-0 out of 5 stars Pedestrian
This is more about ships being scuttled during wars than anything else.Good book to read when you're trying to get to sleep!Not much in the way of pictures.

5-0 out of 5 stars Anyone interested in Md and Va naval history will love this!
Extreamly facinating reading for anyone interested in naval history of theChesapeak Bay.This is a well written book of events that helped shape ournation.From 1608 to 1978, the authorclearly explains the events ofmaritime disasters on the Chesapeak Bay and it tributaries.The author hastaken the best stories of the hundredsof ship wrecks and sinkings on thebay.For the wreck diver researching, this is a must have book.In theback of the book is a listing of several hundred ships lost on the bay.Itlists the type of ship, approximate location, date lost and more. ... Read more

91. Chicago's North Shore Shipwrecks
by Mark S. Braun
 Paperback: 88 Pages (1992-10)
list price: US$17.00 -- used & new: US$17.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0933449186
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Overview of Chicago Maritime History
I've owned this book since the mid 1990s and have often consulted it.It is a short paperback, but contains an amazing amount of info for its size.It provides excellent contextual historical detail on area wrecks and contains a particularly good account of the Lady Elgin disaster....in fact, one of the best accounts I have seen.It is the only place I've seen the original 1860 photo of the Elgin at the dock in Chicago published.The book doesn't delve into details about every area wreck, but concentrates on about a dozen of the best known.However, there is a more detailed listing of historical losses in an appendix at the end.The book is strictly a history book....sorry no info for divers.In short, this little book is still the definitive reference for accurate information on the shipwrecks between Chicago and Kenosha, even 20 years after publication.Despite the importance of this little book for area maritime history, I'm surprised at how few maritime historians are aware of it. ... Read more

92. Shipwrecks in Florida Waters
by Robert F. Marx
 Hardcover: 147 Pages (1985-06)
list price: US$12.50 -- used & new: US$69.94
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0913122513
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

93. Shipwrecks of the Caribbean - A Diver's Guide
by Martha Watkins Gilkes
Paperback: 160 Pages (2003-04-13)
list price: US$21.95 -- used & new: US$12.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 156656476X
Average Customer Review: 2.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
From the earliest days of discovery, the Caribbean has been synonymous with marine adventure. Many vessels and seafarers have met their fate-often in mysterious circumstances-in the Caribbean Sea.

Now, Martha Watkins Gilkes has traveled the length and breadth of the region to document the shipwrecks. She unravels the mystery behind many of these wrecks-from the infamous disasters to the long forgotten. She also has explored and written about many of the ships that have been deliberately sunk in recent years, offering unique homes for underwater creatures and marine plants.

In this practical and informative guide, the shipwrecks of each island are explored in turn offering history, trivia, advice, and location details. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (2)

2-0 out of 5 stars Shoddy
It is a fact that far too many books about shipwrecks which are aimed directly at the Scuba Diving market are poorly researched. In addition, many writers of such books are only too willing to accept previously published information without checking whether or not the original source was accurate. Unfortunately, this book is no different.

The book contains questionable historic data and some of the photographs are actually blurred. Furthermore, according to the publisher's note on Photo Credits, it is claimed that "all unattributed photographs are by the author - Martha Watkins Gilkes." Two of these include the burning cruise liner Bianca C - a photograph taken in 1961, and a photograph of the Antilles a few years after she was wrecked in 1971. I don't think so!

In order to make this book useful to any scuba diver, somebody would have to check and double-check all the information contained within it's pages and then publish a list of what is factually correct and what is not.

This should have been a four-star product but, because the reader will not know which information may be trusted and which may not, it loses another 2 stars.


2-0 out of 5 stars Shipswreck of the Caribbean
Disapointing, it is not about the Carribbean only about the some of the islands especialy the English speaking islands.
The spanish, french and dutch speaking islands are not in it. ... Read more

94. Farallon: Shipwreck and Survival on the Alaska Shore
by Steve K. Lloyd
Paperback: 224 Pages (2000-08)
list price: US$18.95 -- used & new: US$11.40
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0874221943
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (10)

3-0 out of 5 stars A dry historical account
I guess I'm in the minority by only thinking this book deserves only fair praise.I take off two stars for two reasons:

First, the writing style in not engaging.It is a dry historical account.The author certainly did all of his homework to form a complete story with all background.However, the story is just a retelling of facts and happenings, instead of a narative that draws the readers in and has them feeling the chill of winter in Alaska.

Second, the actual subject matter is only semi-intering.This book can basically be sumed up as: ship strikes reef, everyone abandons the vessel and camps on-shore for a month, and then are rescued by a passing ship looking for them.There really are no gripping, dramatic momments.

Compare this story to better ones, like "Batavia's Graveyard", a story of mutiny, shipwreck, and murder combined with a lively writing style."Farallon" is a good story, but I don't think it certainly rises up to the five star praise that others are heaping onto it.

5-0 out of 5 stars A survival narrative that is not to be missed!
There have been a number of recent books published about disaster and survival in cold places, and Farallon: Shipwreck and Survival on the Alaska Shore is among the best. The Farallon was a wooden steamship that sunk in Alaska in 1910, and this book is the story of the men who were aboard as passengers and crew, and how they survived being cast away in the barren wilderness in midwinter.

The author provides plenty of background on the various mariners and ships that played a part in the events that unfolded while pacing the narrative in a very compelling manner. Lloyd's research (which was clearly extensive) is well-documented, unlike other "true adventure" books I've read where the reader is never sure what actually happened, and what parts represent the author's artistic license.

I would recommend this book to anyone with an interest in history or shipwrecks, and especially to those readers who enjoy a well-told story of man's strength and resolve in times of incredible adversity!

5-0 out of 5 stars Fantastic story!
This book rates right up there with the best books I've read. For me, the only books that are worth reading are those written by an author who knows the subject. It's obvious that Steve Lloyd is a meticulous researcher who's very familiar with his material. His writing style adds greatly to the enjoyment of the book. I can hardly wait for the next one!

3-0 out of 5 stars Reads like a text book.
An interesting story, well documented but written in a manner that will allow you to read about three pages before you start to nod off.The adventure of 'writing the book' would probably make a great story as long as the author leaves out all of the footnotes.

5-0 out of 5 stars Shipwreck Story Success!
I love this book! It was well-researched, yet as exciting to read as any adventure novel. Clive Cussler's glowing recommendation caught my eye and I was not disappointed. It is an amazing true life story! ... Read more

95. Shipwreck or Shangri-La? (Reed's Maritime Library)
by Peter Lickfold
Paperback: 336 Pages (2001-05-01)
list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$8.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1574091425
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Peter Lickfold and his wife Tina decided to follow their dream of buying a boat and sailing from their home in South Africa to the Salomon Island in the Indian Ocean. Shipwreck or Shangri-la? tells the story of their adventures. ... Read more

96. Lost at Sea: Great Shipwrecks of History (Journeys Into the Past)
by Ronald Pearsall
Hardcover: 128 Pages (1998-11-01)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$9.97
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1880908522
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Book Description
From the myths and legends of the ancient world to the verfied historical records of modern times, these inspiring volumes provide a window onto the past, enabling the reader to understand previous eras and the men and women who created them.

From ancient times to the present day, marine disasters have been a fact of everyday life. Journeying far and wide, this volume covers the multitude of stories behind these catastrophes and examines naval design throughout the ages. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars An excellent portrayal of the history of shipwrecks.
Man has been shipwrecked ever since he first went to sea in some form of rude craft and this book tells the reader all about it. Yes, the Titanic is in here - and if ever a famous shipwreck is used in books where it does not belong the Titanic "is" that ship.BUT!, for once, she actually belongs in this book as part of world folklore on shipwrecks.

This is an outsize book in which the author has carefully provided the reader with photographs and illustrations of both the ancient and modern. From early Egyptian and Greek vessels right through to the damage caused by the modern super-tanker, we have a history of ships through the eyes of those that were wrecked.

Some excellent paintings, graphics and photography make this a first class book which will be of interest to all those with an interest in ships - especially those that were lost.


... Read more

97. Tropical Shipwrecks: A Vacationing Diver's Guide to the Bahamas and Caribbean
by Daniel Berg, Denise Berg
 Paperback: 150 Pages (1989-09-01)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$156.98
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0961616725
Average Customer Review: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Besides loving the sport of Scuba diving, the authors Daniel and Denise Berg have a genuine interest in the history of shipwrecks. They have travelled extensively in search of great wreck diving adventures and spent countless hours researching each site in order to compile this text.Tropical Shipwrecks conatins a wealth if information such as; aquatic life, currents, bottom composition, depth, visability and the history and present condition of 135 shipwrecks spread over 35 tropical islands. This text includes 127 illustrations comprised of color photos, Black and white historical images, maps, and drawings which combined with an informative text paint a complete picture of each wreck site. Many of these rare photos have never before been published. Divers, snokelers, marine historians, armchair sailore or anyone with a general interset in history, diving or the sea will surely find this book fascinating and the perfact addition to their library. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

1-0 out of 5 stars A complete waste of paper!
In recent weeks I have become most concerned about 2 books by Capt. Dan Berg because the content simply does not match their titles.

I have been an active diver for well over 30 years and am regarded as something of a shipwreck authority within the UK. In short, I study and then write about shipwrecks for a living. I do not, however, claim to know anything about any shipwreck - anywhere in the world, which I have not studied in great detail. Sadly, the modern shipwreck diver is being openly ripped off by so-called authors who get into print without checking every single fact before so doing.

The work of this author is full of factual, grammatical and other errors. Even the names given to several species of fish are simply wrong.

Any person purchasing a book with the title; "Tropical Shipwrecks: A Vacationing Diver's Guide to the Bahamas and Caribbean," would expect to learn far more than is provided by this so-called author. Truth is, he appears to have rushed into print with a little information picked up from somebody who heard it from someone else who got the whole story from yet another person.

Instead of using this product as an opportunity to "teach" the vulnerable diver (i.e. the diver who is hungry for information) something about the subject, Mr Berg has revealed his complete lack of knowledge by simply repeating false details which may have been published elsewhere. I would suggest Mr Berg's time would have been better spent in learning something about the basic fundamentals of shipwreck research.


2-0 out of 5 stars A Coffee Table Book
This book had some nice photos and did include a bit of information on the wrecks and dive sites, but is definitely not a book for a serious wreck diver.For example, no information is given on the locations of the wrecks so anyone interested in seeing the wrecks is forced to find a local dive operation.Since most local dive trips cater to casual, recreational divers who normally follow the recommendations of the operator and have little input on the destination anyway one wonders about the usefulness or potential audience for this book.

4-0 out of 5 stars A good book to wet your appetite!
I have read almost all of the Bergs books and those penned by Daniel Berg solo. The Bergs are well known wreck divers.The book has many really exellent photos and hits most of the highlights of Island wreck diving. It is broken down by Islands and gives a little blurb about history andconditions for each wreck.What the book lacks are, the exact locations ofthe wrecks and the accessability, e.g. shore dive, dive charter, 1 hr. tripor 2 hr. trip?A good photo book to get psyched up for your vacation. ... Read more

98. Shipwrecks Around Cape Cod
by William P. Quinn
 Paperback: 240 Pages (1973-06)
list price: US$30.00
Isbn: 0936972017
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Nautical Marvel about Cape Cod Seafaring Past
Bill Quinn has written eight books about Cape Cod, mostly ones with a nautical theme. This was the first, and arguably the best. Filled with his own photographs taken from the shore and the air, he is equally adept atunearthing rare old prints of ship wrecks of long ago. A must buy for CapeCod enthusiasts. ... Read more

99. Ships And Shipwrecks Of The Au Sable Shores Region Of Western Lake Huron (Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan)
by John M. O'Shea
Paperback: 116 Pages (2004-09-01)
list price: US$28.00 -- used & new: US$28.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0915703572
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Focusing on this area of coastline particularly known for vessel strandings, this volume includes: histories of over 50 lost vessels; a description of remains of vessels and wreckage documented during archaeological research in the area; an analysis of shoreline change in the last 150 years and a model for matching wreckage to lost ships. This book will be of interest to archaeologists, historians and anyone who loves the Great Lakes. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars A Great, Comprehensive Study
This book gives an excellent study of the historical wrecks of the Oscoda/Tawas area of Lake Huron with very good photos, maps and archeological analysis of the area's wrecks. The historical accounts are also very accurate and complete. This is one of the best new books on Great Lakes wrecks I've seen in a LONG time.The author has done excellent, original research and presents a thorough and interesting overview for the serious researcher or the casual enthusiast. - Brendon Baillod, Great Lakes Shipwreck Research ... Read more

100. Outrageous Seas: Shipwreck and Survival in the Waters Off Newfoundland, 1583T1893 (Carleton Library)
by Rainer K. Edited By: Baehre
Paperback: 392 Pages (1999-11-30)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$18.85
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0886293197
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
There was a time in history when the sea was as important as the land for defining a country's social and cultural identity. "Outrageous Seas" is about that time, and about the harrowing, almost mythic, experience of shipwreck, near-shipwreck, and survival in waters off Newfoundland. Travellers from many walks of life - explorers and missionaries, traders, fishers and mariners, Native Peoples, aristocrats and immigrants - have left rare and fascinating first-hand accounts of such disasters. Their narratives span four centuries and touch many historical sub-themes such as the appeal of religion in times of crisis, gender roles, and the ocean-as-workplace. Apart from its obvious scholarly appeal, this collection evokes psychic responses to calamity and brushes with death, perhaps the most universal experience of all. Rainer K. Baehre is a member of the historical studies program at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial University of Newfoundland. ... Read more

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