- Vie, energie spirituelle et moralite en pays kabiye, Togo (Culture et cosmologie) (French Edition) by Georges Oulegoh Keyewa, 1997
- Vie, mort et ancestralite chez les Moba du Nord Togo (Culture et cosmologie) (French Edition) by Dominique Banlene Guigbile, 2001
- Executive Report on Strategies in Togo, 2000 edition (Strategic Planning Series) by The Togo Research Group, The Togo Research Group, 2000-11-02
- The Legacies of Transition Governments in Africa: The Cases of Benin and Togo by Jennifer C. Seely, 2009-08-15
- TOGO: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Countries and Their Cultures</i> by BENJAMIN NICHOLAS LAWRANCE, 2001
- Culture Togolaise: Evala, Culture Du Togo, Zémidjan, Fêtes Locales Non Fériées Du Togo, Nouvelles Éditions Africaines, Hip-Hop Togolais, Zem (French Edition)
- Some notes on African languages and cultures: Lome-Togo by Tuleasi Kokou Victor Emmanuel, 1981
- Ewe (for Togo) : communication and culture handbook by Paul R Kozelka, 1980
- Togolese Culture: Ethnic Groups in Togo, Languages of Togo, Museums in Togo, National Symbols of Togo, Religion in Togo, Sport in Togo
- Connaissances et perceptions des violences domestiques a Lome (Togo) [An article from: Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence] by S.K. Dassa, B. Balaka, et all
- Etude sur la maltraitance des enfants dans les familles au Togo et reflexion sur les normes educatives educational norms conception [An article from: Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence] by S.K. Dassa, B. Balaka, et all
- Les Processus de transition à la démocratie: Bénin, Togo, Hongrie, Pologne, République Tchèque, RDA, Roumanie, Russie, Slovaquie by Cultures et Conflits, 2000-05-03
- Cord of Blood: Possession and the Making of Voodoo (Anthropology, Culture and Society) by Nadia Lovell, 2002-11-20
- Determinants of Democratization in Africa: A Comparative Study of Benin and Togo by Mathurin C. Houngnikpo, 2002-01-15