Atlas Of Reneweable Energy A collection of maps, currently of Switzerland and Germany, indicating the occurrence of solar radiation, wind, waves, tides and ocean currents, hydropower, biomass, and terrestrial heat. Address lists of companies and organisations active in the field of renewable energy are part of the atlas as well.
Big Frog Mountain Alternative energy supplies such as solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric turbines.
Wind Fund, The Renewable energy investment fund.
CADDET Renewable Energy Providing information on full scale demonstration projects within wind, hydro, waste, solar, photovoltaics, tidal, and biomass.
Solar Commercial site includes technical information on solar, wind, and other renewable technologies and their applicability at different U.S. locations.
CitiPower Online services such as connections, billing and payment, energy efficiency, and education. Also offers renewable energy, including solar, wind, hydro and biomass. Australian company.
Utah Solar Solutions Offers solar energy, wind power electricity, and hydro water power systems.
The Green Store Offers organic clothing, natural bedding, solar and wind home energy systems and alternative health remedies.
Chi Energy Diversified renewables company using resources such as hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, wind, solar, and geothermal, along with other environmentally beneficial services.
Renewable Energy News News from all over the world about wind, solar and water power, and links to renewable energy organizations.
Citizens For Renewable Energy CFRE provides information to promote the use of renewable energy (such as solar and wind), which in turn will decrease the need for nuclear energy and fossil fuels.
Solar And Alternative Energy Systems. wind generators, solar modules and mounting equipment for remote site and home, boats, RV or on grid systems.
Finnish Wind Power Association Suomen tuulivoimayhdistyksen kotisivu. Tietoa tuulivoimasta Suomessa ja muuallakin.Category Science Technology energy Renewable wind Associations
Energy Ideas Clearinghouse Offers contentrich databases for technical information on renewable energy regarding solar, biomass, geothermal, distributed generation, wind, hydro and other renewable resources.
Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistys - Finnish Wind Power Association Information on the Finnish wind Power Association and associated companies. In both Finnish and English.Category Business energy and Environment wind Associationsetusivulle Päivitykset 2.3.03 uutiset, ajankohtaista 24.2.03 tapahtumat, ajankohtaista23.1.03 uutiset, To English pages Updates 5.2.02 board members 21.1.02
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) U.S. DOE facility for renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development, and deployment. (Solar, wind, water power, geothermal, energy from plants.)
Deltec Homes A worldwide supplier of unique circular home packages. Highly wind resistant, energy efficient, and easy to build.
Crystal Pines Alternative Energy Renewable energy catalog for solar electric and thermal, wind turbines, and energy efficient appliances. Design assistance available.