- Distinguished women writers (Essay and general literature index reprint series) by Virginia Moore, 1962
- France and democracy;: An outline in history, (General federation of women's clubs. Dept. of literature and library extension. Bulletin) by Berthe Martin, 1919
- The present situation in China and the student movement (Missionary literature - General Conference Mennonites of North America, Womens Missionary Society) by Edmund George Kaufman, 1925
- Longman Anthology of Women's Literature by Mary K. DeShazer, 2000-12-28
- Women and Literature in Britain, 1700-1800
- The Prentice Hall Anthology of African American Women's Literature by Valerie Lee, 2005-08-14
- The Prentice Hall Anthology of Women's Literature by Deborah H. Holdstein, 1999-11-11
- Images of Women in Literature by Mary Ferguson, Jean Carr, 1990-12-07
- The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Traditions in English (Third Edition)(Vol. 2)
- Textual Mothers/Maternal Texts: Motherhood in Contemporary Womens Literatures
- Norton Anthology of Literature by Women (Boxed set, Volumes 1 and 2)
- The History of Southern Women's Literature (Southern Literary Studies)
- The Cambridge Companion to African American Women's Literature (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
- Trojan Women (Masters of Latin Literature) by Seneca, 1986-10-23