Tobey Maguire Online Welcome to tobey maguire ONLINE @ Sunday,7th July, 2002 tobey maguire Online was officially put on the net!
Extractions: Ta stronka jest uklonem w strone moich psiapsiolek, ktore od dluzszego czasu prosily mnie, abym zajela sie Tobeyem ;) Kilka tygodni po polskiej premierze SpiderMana pomyslalam sobie, ze to odpowiedni moment, aby powolac ten pomysl do zycia :) Oby tylko Tobey nie zapomnial o niekomercyjnym kinie i nadal pojawial sie na srebrnym ekranie z takimi cudownymi kreacjami, jak rola Homera w Wbrew regulom :))) Milego klikania! EnKa Wiadomo juz, ze Tobey zagra w drugiej czesci opartego na popularnym komiksie filmu. Co dziwi i denerwuje starsze stazem gwiazdy, za udzial w sequelu dostanie, bagatela, 26 milionow dolarow. Choc Maguire jak ognia unika narkotykow i alkoholu, byl wielokrotnie widywany u boku Leo DiCaprio. Aktorzy razem odwiedzaja spelunki i mordownie Los Angeles. Sz tacy, ktorzy twierdza, ze jestem cholernie dwulicowy. Udaje abstynenta, gdy tymczasem potajemnie pije i cpam. Nie obchodza mnie takie opinie. Ja wiem, ze mo¿na siedziec w knajpie przy wodzie mineralnej.
Extractions: TOBEY-MAGUIRE.COM Welcome back to the better than ever, Fan Site! Over the last few weeks I have been trying to put together some more stuff for you Tobey Fans out there! If you have any contributions for the website then please do not hesitate to get in contact. Alternatively you can leave a message in the discussions or on the old guestbook. Enjoy! Tobey's Films Spiderman Cats and Dogs Wonder Boys Cider House Rules Ride with the Devil Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Pleasantville Deconstructing Harry Ice Storm, The Joyride Don's Plum Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story Duke of Groove Child's Cry for Help, A (TV) Spoils of War (TV) Revenge of the Red Baron S.F.W. This Boy's Life Biography Full Name: Tobias Vincent Maguire Date of Birth: June 27, 1975 Birth Place: Santa Monica, California Current Residence: Los Angeles, California
Tobey Maguire Biography Home Actors M maguire, tobey Biography Related Categories Auctions Address- Articles - Filmography - Games - Interviews - News - Pictures - Videos,_Tobey/Biography/
Extractions: Tobey Maguire CLICK for larger image For Tobey Maguire, bringing Spider-man to the screen was something he was at first hesitant about. Maguire is at the top of every major director's list for young actors to work with, because he is a consummate character actor above all things. Maguire first came onto the scene in Michael Caton-Jones' This Boy's Life, and worked with director Ang Lee in The Ice Storm and Ride With the Devil, Woody Allen's Deconstructing Harry, Gary Ross' Pleasantville, and the multi-nominated film The Cider House Rules which earned two Academy Awards for the Lasse Hallstrom film. Maguire did not have an interest for a big studio film if it was to limit his acting capabilities. "I didn't want to be part of a big film where it was all action at the expense of the story," Maguire said. Then director Sam Raimi, the creator of the
TOBEY MAGUIRE. BIOGRAFIA/FILMOGRAFIA/PROYECTOS/FOTOS Translate this page tobey maguire. Nació el 27 de junio de 1975 en Santa Mónica, CaliforniaAlgunos datos. Su dirección para fans es tobey maguire.
Extractions: A pesar de que él quería convertirse en cocinero como su padre, las ansias artísticas de su madre para que Tobey se convirtiera en actor consiguieron que desde niño apareciese en anuncios publicitarios hasta lograr debutar como actor en 1992 en la serie de televisión "Great Scott" y triunfar en el cine a partir de su encuentro con Ang Lee en "La tormenta de hielo" (1997).
Pleasantville Site officiel fran§ais du film de Gary Ross avec tobey maguire et Reese Witherspoon histoire, bandeannonce, interpr¨tes et fiche technique.
Tobey Maguire Fan Page A tobey maguire FAN PAGE! Updated 7 MAY 1999 For those of you who cant' read Japanese,the katakana spells out tobey maguire for Japanese pronunciation.
Ecran Noir / Tobey Maguire Translate this page Dopé au talent Avec son physique de boy-next-door élevé au hamburger, tobey Maguirea tout d'un américain type. Alors qu'est-ce-qui le rend si différent
Extractions: Home Profile Biography Gallery News ... Links Maguire, Tobey Profile Gender : Male Nationality : U.S. Location : U.S. Place of Birth : U.S. Date of Birth : Chinese Zodiac : Rabbit Star Sign : Cancer Biography Category : Actor Reference News : Lateline News (4 stories) Gallery : MuziGallery (10 photos) Community Discuss : MuziCafe (BBS) Voting Charm no votes yet Talent no votes yet Look no votes yet Figure no votes yet
Tobey Maguire Filmography, biography and photo gallery., Tobey
Beststar : Maguire, Tobey : News eStar. Muzi (English) Beststar Actor maguire, tobey News. Star Search. select. Category,4.shtml
Maguire TOC An area for discussion and polls about the actor.
Extractions: Contents Search Post A poll is being conducted. Who is hotter? Tobey Maguire or Leonardo DiCaprio An overwhelming number of votes are for Maguire. Here's what the voters have to say about him Your Say on Tobey Maguire For fun . Just imagine . If you had a date with Tobey Maguire, What would you wear Back to A Woman's Heart Buy This Poster At Tobey Maguire is an excellent character actor known for his roles as the sensitive young outsider. He is now best known for his role as Spider-man. Note: you may need to reload this page to see the most recent additions. Last changed: March 20, 2003 Sexy clothes Beauty care
Bomis: The Arts/Celebrities/M/Maguire, Tobey Ring Bomis The Arts/Celebrities/M/maguire, tobey ring. Ring Rankings Click to visit theBomis Board for tobey maguire. Ring sites. 1. tobey maguire.
Bomis: The Arts/Celebrities/M/Maguire, Tobey Ring Welcome to the The Arts/Celebrities/M/maguire, tobey ring. The ring manager has setthese requirements for membership The links must be relevant to the topic!