Callan Mulvey Facts and a filmography.Category Arts Celebrities M mulvey, callan, Callan
Acteurs - Callan Mulvey Translate this page acteurs - callan mulvey. FICHE D'IDENTITE. Nom callan Francis mulvey.Date de naissance Le 24 février 1976. Lieu de naissance
Acteurs - Callan Mulvey - Interview Translate this page acteurs - callan mulvey. callan mulvey En France, c'est la pétanque ! Je viensjuste d'apprendre hier, mais pour l'instant, c'est pas terrible ! J'apprends.
Callan Mulvey Pages callan mulvey Pages. Good, no longer updated callan Crazy Good, worth cheking outKelly's callan mulvey Fan Page A really awesome site, you'll like it. Lara Cox.
Cal QUIZ Devoted to callan mulvey. Includes photos, interviews, articles, and sound clips.Category Arts Celebrities M mulvey, callanSite updated 22/04/2000. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!!! People That havemet seen Cal!!! The site has been visited by the man himself callan mulvey.
Extractions: 'Jelena's Drazic Den' was designed by Ric Forster 1999. All credit for the site's content should go to Jelena Stojanovic , Heartbreak High UK. Other contributers - Pete's Complete HBH Site, Del's HBH Site, Tripod, Official HbH website, Read Cal and Lara's online interview at ABC "I was about six and we were in a shopping centre. There were heaps of people. I remember my pants being pulled down and my bum getting the hugest whack from my mum. I was sooo embarrased." On his biggest humiliation "One Christmas I went looking for my present the night before I was supposed to be getting it. I found it and I knew excatly what it was but when I opened it up on Christmas day, I acted really surprised and screamed out, "Wow, I never expected this!" No-one has ever known that I knew what I was getting that day, my mum's gonna kill me!"
Callan Mulvey As Drazic callan mulvey stars in Heartbreak High. Here you'll find pictures,a biog, screensavers, sound files etc . callan mulvey. My
Callan Mulvey Thanks for visiting the Heartbreak High Web site. Here's some informationabout me and my character, Drazic. I was born in Auckland
Extractions: Here's some information about me and my character, Drazic. I was born in Auckland, New Zealand and moved to Australia when I was eight years old - I have lived most of my life on the northern beaches of Sydney. I started blading at school and it ended up being an obsession. I was lucky enough to get sponsored and got to travel around Australia and America doing demonstrations with my friends. I started doing stunt doubling work as well and then ended up in an agency. About two years later I got sent into the audition for Heartbreak and found out what I really wanted to do with myself - act. Now, as Drazic I can combine both my passions, blading and acting. When I was in America, I got my eyebrow pierced and this seems to be a constant point of interest for people. I guess I needed to bust out a bit and try to be different! My character Drazic, has a lot of me in him. I'm right into my skating just like Drazic and I have the mischievous muck around side too. Draz started out as Hartley's self appointed bad boy - from the wrong side of the tracks, his family has never given much support personally or encouraged him with his education. Drazic is interesting as a character because he is so complex, you never know what he is going to do or how he is going to react to a given situation. In my very rare free time, I still love to skate, mix and record music and listen to jazz, hip-hop and percussion. I enjoy snow boarding and skateboarding, and I try to spend as much time as I can with my family.
Heartbreak High Sarah (Nathalie Roy) rebels when she finds out who her father is and is subsequentlysuspended, and Mai (Nina Liu) continues to pursue Drazic (callan mulvey).
Extractions: On Heartbreak High Monday August 18 and Tuesday August 19 at 6.00pm, Nikki's (Fleur Beaupert) naivety lands her in a disappointing situation, Sarah (Nathalie Roy) rebels when she finds out who her father is and is subsequently suspended, and Mai (Nina Liu) continues to pursue Drazic (Callan Mulvey) While busking, Nikki meets Luda (Anya Coleby) , a recording artist who wants to record one of her songs. Nikki, overjoyed, joins Luda in her studio to produce the song, but refuses to take any part in the contractual details of their partnership. When the CD is finished, Nikki ends up with no credit and it appears there is nothing she can do now! This is a hard lesson for her to learn. Sarah, devastated at finding out about her father, lets loose her rebellious streak and finds herself suspended for slapping headmaster, Di (Andrea Moor) . When Kath (Elaine Hudson) threatens her with abuse charges, Sarah decides to take matters into her own hands and marches down to the police station to give herself up throwing Kath into an embarrassing situation. Mai continues to pursue Drazic who is busy finding various excuses to keep them apart. Kurt
Cal QUIZ Devoted to callan mulvey. Includes photos, interviews, articles, and sound clips.
Extractions: 'Jelena's Drazic Den' was designed by Ric Forster 1999. All credit for the site's content should go to Jelena Stojanovic , Heartbreak High UK. Other contributers - Pete's Complete HBH Site, Del's HBH Site, Tripod, Official HbH website, Read Cal and Lara's online interview at ABC "I was about six and we were in a shopping centre. There were heaps of people. I remember my pants being pulled down and my bum getting the hugest whack from my mum. I was sooo embarrased." On his biggest humiliation "One Christmas I went looking for my present the night before I was supposed to be getting it. I found it and I knew excatly what it was but when I opened it up on Christmas day, I acted really surprised and screamed out, "Wow, I never expected this!" No-one has ever known that I knew what I was getting that day, my mum's gonna kill me!"
La Page De Callan Mulvey Translate this page callan mulvey est né le 24 février 1975. Il ya encore quelques années, callanmulvey passait son temps dans les skates-parks américains et australiens.
Les News Translate this page Dans le 1er épisode, on a déjà pu apercevoir, au cours d'apparitionsponctuelles, Lara Cox (Anita) et callan mulvey (Drazic).
Index callan mulvey UNOFFICIAL CZECH FANPAGE! Adresa na DRAZICA a ANITU (callan mulvey/Lara Cox) c/o Morrissey Management, 77 Glebe Point Road, Glebe NSW 2037. NEBO,
Extractions: UNOFFICIAL CZECH FANPAGE! 1. èeská stránka o DRAZICOVI! Chcete vìdìt víc? PLANET d R a Z i C Vítejte na prvních èeských stránkách herce CALLANA MULVEYEHO , pøedstaviteli skejáka a bruslaøe DRAZICA ze seriálu KOLA ZLOMENÝCH SRDCÍ HEARTBREAK HIGH ,najdete zde informace,downloady,obrázky.. týkající se tohoto herce, jestli-e chcete navtívit OFICIALNI stránky KOLY ZLOMENÝCH SRDCÍ ,najdete odkazy v sekci LINKS.
Celebrity Photos And Photographs - Callan Mulvey photos. To find additional fotos including for callan mulvey then checkout our celebrity links to the left. Thanks. callan mulvey. callan
Extractions: The sites below should provide quality resources for finding celebrity photographs and pictures for various actors, actresses, models and more. If you are unable to find a photo of Callan Mulvey you can email one of the sites below for further assistance. The celebrity photographs on any site are subject to change and muchofun is often updated, so please check back often. Thanks. Callan Mulvey - Search for additional photographs. Celebrities World - Includes pictures and profiles on a few actresses and singers such as Alicia Silverstone, Nicole Kidman, Britney Spears, Shania Twain, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Bollywood
The Celebrity Link Directory - Actors - M Mortensen, Viggo, 1. Mortimer, Mark, 1. Moscow, David, 1. Mr. T, 13. Muldoon, Patrick,1. Mulroney, Dermot, 3. mulvey, callan, 1. Mumy, Bill, 1. Murphy, Eddie, 1. Myers,Mike, 2.
Callan Mulvey Affole Les Australiennes Translate this page callan mulvey affole les Australiennes. Mais callan mulvey, la nouvellestar de la série, enregistre actuellement un album hip-hop. Il
Drazic Bogdan (Callan Mulvey) Translate this page fermer. Drazic Bogdan (callan mulvey) Toutes les images de Drazic m'ont été donnéespar Chloé une fan de Drazic. Si vous voulez lui écrire cliquez içi
Extractions: Hartley Rel Hunt (Ryan Scheppers) Rel : " Jouer les mauvais garçons, cest facile pour moi " " Jai fait des études de commerce pendant trois ans à luniversité. Pour gagner ma vie, jai été mannequin en même temps. Mais jétais tellement nul devant lobjectif que mon agent ma plutôt conseillé de faire de la télé. Grâce à lui, jai été engagé dans la série Police Squad . Blue Heelers , une autre série, et dans des tas de publicités. " " A quelques jours de mon examen final, jai décroché le rôle de Ryan dans Hartley. Un vrai coup de chance ! Ryan a deux visages : il peut être ange ou démon. Il adore sa sur et ne peut pas supporter quelle sorte avec Drazic, quil considère comme un idiot. Ryan est un dur mais ce nest pas un problème pour moi : cest facile de jouer les mauvais garçons. Adolescent, jétais moi-même assez dur et indiscipliné. " " Je suis très proche des autres acteurs de la série.
Extractions: "HARTLEY, C'EST FINI !" Tu es célèbre dans plusieurs pays du monde. Le dois-tu aux bonnes fées qui se sont penchées sur ton berceau ? Travailler à la télé, est-ce un job comme un autre ? Es-tu toujours proche de ta famille ? Reçois-tu beaucoup de courrier ? Es-tu conscient de ton immense popularité en France ? Il y a quelques semaines, on a « appris », par Internet, que tu étais mort dans un accident de surf ! Comment as-tu réagis à « la nouvelle » ? Aimes-tu les soirées show-biz ? Pendant deux ans, tu as été élu par les lecteurs de « Dolly » (premier magazine de jeunes en Australie) « Prince de la télé » : comment expliques-tu ce succès ? Et si tu avais un million de dollars, que ferais-tu ? Te trouves-tu sexy ? Oh que non ! Ce sont de longues heures de travail, des réveils très tôt le matin, des soirs entiers à apprendre des scripts Enfin, je ne me plains pas. "Its fun and I love it ! " Quelle est ta principale qualité dans ce métier difficile ?
» Boys... Matthew Perry Matthew Perry Matthew Perry Matthew Perry callan mulvey ( Drazic dans Hartley Coeurs A Vif) callan mulvey ( Drazic dans Hartley Coeurs A Vif).