Editorial Review Product Description This revolutionary book demonstrates that sexual behavior is driven by neither the psyche nor the conscious mind, but by biological imperatives programmed into us millions of years ago. Argues that a man's sexual behavior is based on the expectation that his sperm will have to compete with other men's sperm to fertilize the descending egg, & women are programmed to promote this sperm warfare. Uses a series of fictional scenes involving some form of sexual contact, followed by an interpretation of each scene from the viewpoint of an evolutionary biologist. Provides a strikingly original & fascinating window into sexual behavior.Amazon.com Review If you've ever looked upon sperm as a little army ofwhite-coated soldiers setting off to sack and pillage a barelypregnable fortress . . . well, you'd be right, according to thisfascinating new book. Dr. Robin Baker, who has studied sperm andcervical mucus in much greater detail than anyone would've thoughtnecessary, has come to some startling conclusions: that less than 1percent of sperm is actually designed to fertilize an egg (the restare there to block other men's sperm), and that 4 to 10 percent of allchildren born to married couples are in fact the offspring of othermen, usually of higher socioeconomic status, with whom the mother hada short-term relationship. ... Read more Customer Reviews (32)
Different prespective
This is a great book for people who don't like reading plain out facts.The author went about doing it very creatively and it might offend some people because of the issues being discussed but if you are one of those people than just don't read it.
Overall a great read and a good book to get.
Get the 2006 Version.... this book is poor quality
Although I absolutely LOVE this book, don't waste your money on this version. This version is poor quality (apart from the cover), and an obvious photocopy of the original work.The lack of copyright page is unsettling, and the cost of this book is almost DOUBLE that of the newer 2006 version.
This book was recommended to me from a friend with the rider "it will change how you see the world", i thought - right!!!! Well contrary to my non believing mind, I now look at the world through different eyes. A must read for anyone confused about why we do the things we do, and confirmation of Darwin's second law.
an eye-opener
This book was a real eye-opener to me. It explains in a convincing way many of the less fortunate actions and thinking we have in the interaction between the sexes.
The first 2/3 of the book ranges in the Top10 I have ever read. The last 1/3 looks into the more freaky sides of the subject and had less of my interest.
All in all, this is a book I will recommend to everyone (particularly men).
Interesting Book
My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and I heard about this book through one of my college intructors. This book is really interesting to read if you want to know about this kind of stuff. Very interesting on how the body works!
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