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81. Higher Homework Book (GCSE Maths
82. Vu d'ici
83. Disembodiment and the Total Body:
84. Comments on His Life & Times:
85. Turning Red Lights Green
86. Family Affair (Gold Key Comic
87. The Method Eight III: The Lord
88. Born to Conquer
89. Texte Des Glaubens (German Edition)
90. Year 9: Pupil (Levels 6-8) Bk.
91. Understanding Local Government
92. Word and Image in Ancient Greece
93. Red Mercury
94. Advertising magic!: 'the complete
95. American Ice Hockey Defencemen:
96. Saint Kitts and Nevis International
97. People From Gateshead: Richard
98. Joueur Irlandais de Rugby à Xv:
99. Saint Kitts and Nevis Footballers:
100. Rops: Rops Managers, Rovaniemi

81. Higher Homework Book (GCSE Maths for AQA Linear (A))
by Brian Speed, Keith Gordon, Kevin Evans
 Paperback: 128 Pages (2006-09-20)

Isbn: 0007215843
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

82. Vu d'ici
by Brian Keith Jackson
Paperback: 203 Pages (2001-02-01)
-- used & new: US$62.80
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 2906067628
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

83. Disembodiment and the Total Body: A Response to Enwezor on Contemporary South African Representation - In the Thick of It: David Hammons and Hair Culture in the 1970s - Memories and Memorabilia, Art and Identity: Is Aunt Jemima Really a Black Woman? (Third Text: Third World Perspectives On Contemporary Art & Culture (Incorporating Black Phoenix), Volume 44, Autumn 1998)
by Brian Keith Axel, Kellie Jones, Michael D. Harris, Eddie Chambers, Victoria A-T. Sancho, Raimi Gbadamosi, Jim Mooney, Katya García-Antôn, Niru Ratnam, Et Al
Paperback: 111 Pages (1998)

Asin: B0019R51T8
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Other articles include: "His Catechism: The Art of Donald Rodney," "Respect and Representation: Dawoud Bey's Portraits of Individual Identity," "Am I Black Enough," and "Queer Pickings: The Art of Laci Pittman." ... Read more

84. Comments on His Life & Times: in lyric, narrative and verse
by Brian Keif
Paperback: 285 Pages (2005)

Asin: B003EMKIHQ
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Brian Keif was the stage name of Brian Keith Baldus, who was a philosopher, humorist, poet, critic, humanitarian, environmentalist, and rock & roll musician. He was a keen observer of life and events occurring in his lifetime, which spanned the existence of the Berlin Wall. ... Read more

85. Turning Red Lights Green
by Brian Keith Miller
Paperback: 94 Pages (2009-06-07)
list price: US$14.99 -- used & new: US$13.50
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0615301894
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
In Turning Red Lights Green, Brian Keith Miller takes us inside the extraordinary journey of one ordinary man.These pages chronicle his quest to press through the challenges of life and emerge triumphant.Miller shares with readers some of his Red, Yellow and Green lights and illustrates how they propelled him to the destination at which he wished to be.Turning your own red lights to green, he argues, is the key to peace, prosperity and happiness.As a social entrepreneur, Miller has shared this very same message from the halls of elementary schools andthe forums of collegiate academia to community organizations all over the United States.It doesn't matter if you are a boy scout or a business professional, Turning Red Lights Green will: 1) challenge you to see life in a different light, 2) encourage you to leverage your present to catapult you into your future and 3) inspire you too, to share your story.With its lively layout and energetic writing, Turning Red Lights Green is a perfect pocket guide that will inspire everyone for generations to come. ... Read more

86. Family Affair (Gold Key Comic #4) October 1970
by Brian Keith
Comic: Pages (1970)

Asin: B002ZQ4SY6
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Editorial Review

Product Description
Gold Key 10253-010 ... Read more

87. The Method Eight III: The Lord And The Serpent The Quest For The Sin Box
by Brian Keith West
Hardcover: 160 Pages (2007-04-26)
list price: US$28.88 -- used & new: US$24.81
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1434307441
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The Method Eight continues as the story begins in the world of the Method Eight. Can you imagine growing up and not knowing the true story about life or even not ever hearing about some of the stories in the Bible? Well, in Anaya's generation that's basically what happens, but it is for her own good and the good of all mankind. The Lord and the serpent are on a quest to fulfill the prophecy of the Method Eight and the biblical text. It is a world where a gifted young lady named Anaya is raised to believe in a way that will protect the will of the Lord and the people. While being interfered with by Nathan Howard Hitcock, who is an atheist and wants to rule the world and believes in nothing but himself, someone has to fail. The Method Eight III contains a world that is filled with angels protecting the Lord's will and demons protecting the serpent's plan to find the sin box. When an unfortunate girl grows up to be the queen of the Method Eight and the United States, a world that was hopeless starts to believe again and the kingdom starts to unite. Whose side will you be on and who will you believe in as you read The Method Eight III? Just remember the number-one rule in the Method Eight: what goes around comes around in any form. Will you believe? Remember: Believe and the mind will believe. Will you pass the test? ... Read more

88. Born to Conquer
by Ernest Haycox
 Audio Cassette: Pages (1999-11)
list price: US$5.99 -- used & new: US$3.39
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1552046222
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

89. Texte Des Glaubens (German Edition)
by Lothar Schreyer, Brian Keith-Smith
 Hardcover: 539 Pages (2006-06-30)
list price: US$139.95 -- used & new: US$139.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0773457712
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The twelve texts in this book include introductions and texts that show the writer's developing understanding of his faith, and reveal a process of active commitment and searching independence characteristic of Schreyer's life and style. This work will interest Christian artists, catechetists, clergy and laypeople, and it presents for the first time an account of a further aspect of Schreyer's personal development, especially after the Second World War. ... Read more

90. Year 9: Pupil (Levels 6-8) Bk. 3 (New Maths Frameworking)
by Kevin Evans, Keith Gordon, Brian Speed, Trevor Senior
Paperback: 220 Pages (2008-06-19)
list price: US$20.51 -- used & new: US$23.41
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 000726626X
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Aimed at effectively delivering the 2008 framework, the Pupil Books are packed with functional maths questions and spreads and ensure progression by providing differentiated material for each level.Year 9 Pupil Book 3 is fully levelled with built-in progression helping students to progress with confidence from level 6 to 8 and move up to GCSE.This Pupil Book:/ Guarantees progression with colour-coded levelling and level boosters to help pupils work at the right level and progress with ease./ Enables pupils to develop vital functional skills and put maths into context with the help of the integrated functional maths questions and exciting real-world spreads./ Promotes personalised learning and self assessment using pupil-friendly learning objectives for every chapter./ Eases the class into understanding new concepts with worked examples./ Stretches and challenges the knowledge and skills of pupils using extension activities./ Provides rigorous maths practice with the hundreds of levelled questions./ Captures pupils' attention using the colourful design./ See the Teacher's Pack for more support and answers. ... Read more

91. Understanding Local Government
by Ronald L. Wohlford, Brian Keith Jones
 Mass Market Paperback: 107 Pages (2008-08-01)
list price: US$12.95 -- used & new: US$12.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0981600921
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Understanding Local Government condenses the lessons learned from years of experience in local government. Focusing on the big picture, the author describes the critical steps of being a board member, CEO or a CFO. If you are looking for a fast paced start to Understanding Local Government from a real life perspective, this is the book for you. ... Read more

92. Word and Image in Ancient Greece
by Keith N. Rutter, Brian Sparkes
 Hardcover: 320 Pages (2001-03-15)
list price: US$71.25
Isbn: 0748614060
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This volume of new work by leading scholars explores the ways in which visual and oral communication in Greek culture interact and throws new light on their many and related functions. The subjects include the creation of the Greek myths during the early centuries of the first millennium B.C. when the technique of writing had been lost; the significance of words and images on painted pottery; the relationship between drama on stage and the illustration of the same stories on pottery; and the ways in which stories portrayed in monumental sculpture on temples were understood by the people who came to look at them. Classical Greece produced the beginnings of the tradition of philosophical reflection on the nature and value of images, notably in the work of Plato and Aristotle: the concept of mimesis, concerned with questions both of representation and expression, is directly addressed by several of the authors, and forms an underlying theme of the volume as a whole. The authors are drawn from the historical, archaeological, literary, philosophical, and art historical fields of classical study. ... Read more

93. Red Mercury
by Max Barclay
Audio Cassette: Pages (1996-07)
list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$0.01
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 078710972X
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Since the bloody Munich Massacre at the '72 Summer Games, the Olympics have been a magnet for international terrorists. In this fast-paced thriller set at the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta, Red Mercury takes you behind the scenes of the massive security operations protecting the Olympic Games, and asks the horrifying question, "If nuclear technology fell into the wrong hands, would they be prepared?" 2 cassettes. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

1-0 out of 5 stars Well Researched?
This book was purportedly well researched.Well, maybe while the author was collecting data on weapons of mass destruction, he forgot to read up on how people really speak and act.The characters in this book were overblown caricatures of every other player you've ever read about in the spy-thriller genre: Deranged villain seeking to extract revenge on government for cancelling his top secret research project battles noble, selfless, widower hero who can withstand all injuries to outwit villain and still fall in love with beautiful, gutsy, blackbelt heroine who fights the good 'ol boy network to earn her place on the team.Need I go on?

Also, this may be a nit, but the author lost all credibility with me in the first chapter, when he stated that the weight lifters from Uzbekistan had won several medals at the World Track and Field Championships.Sorry Max, there are no weightlifting events at the World Track and Field Championsips.That error is fairly obvious - Track and Field is not Nuclear Physics - God knows what else he got wrong.

5-0 out of 5 stars An elaborate, well-researched nuclear thrill ride!
I have never been a fan of counter-terrorist typeinternational thrillers, but this novel's intricate plot of potential mass devastation at the Olympic Games is truly riveting. The author combined accessible technical direction with a clearly plausible plot and fallable yet magnetic characters. When coupled against the back dropof one of our most cherished international events, these "improvised nuclear devices" and "pure fusion" concepts are as staggering as they are sobering.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent, fast moving, fictional account of Nuclear Terrori
Red Mercury; Book Review By C. L. Staten - ERRI Senior Analyst (ENN) Another in a series of several excellent counter-terrorist novels recently caught this author's eye and was quickly devoured by this inquiring mind. The book, "RED MERCURY", tells an increasingly more believable tale of fissile material stolen from the super-secret Soviet city of Chelyabinsk-65. It then follows the international trail of the atomic agent as it moves towards Atlanta and a nuclear attack on the Olympic Games. Along the way, we learn about the Nuclear Emergency Response Team (NEST) and our fictional former SpecOps leader, Mack McFall. Add a female karate back-belt as head of a special FBI CT "Javelin" HRU team and mix with some deranged and vindicative paramilitary bombers. Finally, factor in a frantic search for the possibility of a material called "Red Mercury," a pure fusion nuclear material, that could destroy Atlanta and a large part of the Eastern Seaboard. The book is filled with many authentic details (and some purposely fictionalized) about Atlanta, the Olympics and its security arrangements, and the nation's leading counterterrorist forces. It focuses on the fearsome possibility of the use of a improvised nuclear weapon of mass destruction (WMD), which contains the here before illusive "pure fusion" combination of radioactive materials that give it, its name, "RED MERCURY." The book, written by "Max Barclay", a believed pseudonym of an S. California investigative journalist, provides an extensive number of references and the names of resource persons who contributed to the effort. All in all, we would have to give it an A- and recommend it to members of the emergency, military, and intelligence community. Because of its fast pace, it admittedly is one of those books that you could pick up and find hard to put down until the dramatic ending. ... Read more

94. Advertising magic!: 'the complete guide to creating hot ads & sales letters that work!'
by Brian Keith
 Paperback: Pages (1995)

Asin: B0045W3KHY
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

95. American Ice Hockey Defencemen: Chris Chelios, Mathieu Schneider, Jonathon Blum, Rory Fitzpatrick, Aaron Miller, Brian Leetch, Keith Carney
Paperback: 786 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$82.80 -- used & new: US$82.80
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1157533477
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Chris Chelios, Mathieu Schneider, Jonathon Blum, Rory Fitzpatrick, Aaron Miller, Brian Leetch, Keith Carney, Andy Hedlund, David Ellett, Derian Hatcher, Brian Rafalski, Rik Wilson, Bryan Berard, Mark Howe, Mike Milbury, Jordan Leopold, Rod Langway, Ron Wilson, Angela Ruggiero, Brian Pothier, Craig Ludwig, Marty Howe, Jeff Jillson, Dwight Parrish, Mark Eaton, Brad Norton, Tom Preissing, Mike Komisarek, Paul Mara, Matt Gilroy, Rob Scuderi, Tom Poti, Ryan Whitney, Matt Greene, Freddy Meyer, Myles Lane, Chris Ahrens, Peter Laviolette, Erik Johnson, Ken Klee, Reed Larson, Jack Johnson, Zach Bogosian, Bret Hedican, Ryan Suter, Matt Carle, Brett Lebda, Danny Richmond, James Wisniewski, Dale Purinton, Nate Guenin, Sean Hill, Andrew Hutchinson, Mike Ramsey, Deron Quint, David Quinn, Aris Brimanis, Joe Corvo, Garrett Stafford, Tom Kurvers, Kevin Shattenkirk, Brian Fahey, Eric Weinrich, John-Michael Liles, Andrew Alberts, Hal Gill, Rick Zombo, Peter Ratchuk, Doug Janik, Brooks Orpik, Ron Hainsey, Alex Dunn, Noah Welch, Lee Fogolin, Jeff Finger, Tom Gilbert, David Hanson, David Tanabe, Francis Bouillon, Clay Wilson, Al Iafrate, Travis Richards, David Hale, Andy Wozniewski, Keith Ballard, Taffy Abel, Chris Tamer, Paul Martin, Matt Lashoff, Mark Stuart, Erik Reitz, David Wilkie, Tim Gleason, Barry Richter, Joe Callahan, Kurt Sauer, Ken Morrow, Grant Lewis, Ben Lovejoy, A. J. Thelen, Alex Goligoski, Mike Ratchuk, Matt Niskanen, Brian White, Chris Harrington, Bobby Sanguinetti, Don Waddell, Greg Brown, Donald Mcsween, Jack Capuano, Todd Richards, T. J. Brennan, Ab Demarco, Jr., Dale Dunbar, John Carlson, Bryce Lampman, Andy Roach, Nigel Williams, John Gruden, Matt Jones, Chris Dahlquist, Matt Hunwick, Dan Trebil, Brandon Rogers, Andy Greene, Nikos Tselios, Todd Reirden, Nick Petrecki, Nate Kiser, Herbert Drury, Bill Baker, Chris Mcalpine, Dinos Stamoulis, Mark Mitera, Michael Sauer, Peter Harrold, Chris Butler, Dallas Eakins, Core...More: http://booksllc.net/?id=664978 ... Read more

96. Saint Kitts and Nevis International Footballers: Calum Willock, Aaron Moses-Garvey, Adam Newton, Sagi Burton, Keith Gumbs, Brian Quailey
Paperback: 68 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$19.99 -- used & new: US$19.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1155394852
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Calum Willock, Aaron Moses-Garvey, Adam Newton, Sagi Burton, Keith Gumbs, Brian Quailey, Kevin Francis, Atiba Harris, Ces Podd, Patrece Liburd, John Queeley, Dean Walling, Michael Crawford, Kyle Collins, Gary Smith, Bobby Bowry, Ian Lake, Lutel James, Akil Byron, Shashi Isaac. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 66. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt:Appearances (Goals). National team caps and goals correct as of 15:13 19 November 2009 (UTC)Calum Daniel Willock (born 29 October 1981 in Lambeth, London) is an English-born Saint Kittitan and Nevisian footballer, who currently plays for Conference National club Cambridge United. A striker, Willock started his career at Fulham, making his professional debut as a substitute in the First Division on 4 November 2000, in a 30 over Huddersfield Town at Craven Cottage. The youngster played no further part in the season. He played two games of the 200102 season, both against Blackburn Rovers, both times the home side winning. In November 2002, he was loaned out to Queens Park Rangers of the Second Division, playing three games. At the start of the 200304 season he joined Fourth Division club Bristol Rovers. In two months he made just five appearances, all as a substitute, though at age 21 he had now played at every level of the Football League. In October 2003, he joined Peterborough United of the Third Division on loan. He scored his first professional goal on 1 November in a 22 draw with Brighton ... Read more

97. People From Gateshead: Richard Brodie, Paul Gascoigne, Billy Ayre, Chris Swailes, Keith Southern, Brian Johnson, Norman Hunter
Paperback: 338 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$41.29 -- used & new: US$31.38
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 115548147X
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Richard Brodie, Paul Gascoigne, Billy Ayre, Chris Swailes, Keith Southern, Brian Johnson, Norman Hunter, Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, Teddy Davison, Andy Carroll, Graham Onions, Stan Ternent, Lawrie Mcmenemy, Harry Clasper, Michelle Heaton, Don Hutchison, Jill Halfpenny, William Shield, Billy Felton, Sir George Elliot, 1st Baronet, Ray Hudson, James Moore, Joe Mallett, Richard Redmayne, Neil Aspin, Michael Nelson, Tommy Baldwin, David Clelland, James "Tadger" Stewart, Ronnie Starling, Gary Madine, Ian Lucas, Nigel Walker, Sharon Hodgson, John Turner, Thomas Henry Dodds, Samuel Danks Waddy, William Martin Scott, Graeme Jones, Steve Stone, George Ralph Gibson, Joe Allon, John Steel, Charles Curtin, Peter Wilson, Alun Armstrong, Sir William Blackett, 1st Baronet, of Newcastle, Ned Barkas, Marcus Bentley, Taylor Wane, Ian Branfoot, Ernie Coquet, Norman Dodgin, Herbert Bamlett, Bill Dodgin, Sr., Ambrose Crowley, Jack O'donnell, Bill Bainbridge, Steve Lugsden, Nathan Luscombe, John Arrowsmith, Roy Felton, Tommy Robson, Tom Tippett, Craig Harrison, George Nicholson, Sylvia Waugh, Kenny Craddock, Thomas Young, Michael Terry, Cuthbert Ellison, Thomas Wilson, Merry Widow of Windy Nook, Victoria Barr, John Oliver, Joe Robson, Phil Malley, Kevin Arnott, Fred Liddle, Mark Stoneman, Derek Scott, Robert Jones, Ken Norton, William Clarke, George Stewardson Brady, Christopher Hewison. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 337. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt:Appearances (Goals). National team caps and goals correct as of 16:20, 24 April 2010 (UTC)Richard Jon Brodie (born 8 July 1987) is an English footballer who plays for York City as a striker. Brodie started his career with Whickham and, after being their top scorer in the 200506 season, moved to Newcastle Benfield in 2006. He trialled...More: http://booksllc.net/?id=15760481 ... Read more

98. Joueur Irlandais de Rugby à Xv: Liste Des Sélectionnés En Équipe D'irlande de Rugby à Xv, Ronan O'gara, Keith Wood, Brian O'driscoll (French Edition)
Paperback: 612 Pages (2010-07-29)
list price: US$66.74 -- used & new: US$66.74
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1159509700
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Les achats comprennent une adhésion à l'essai gratuite au club de livres de l'éditeur, dans lequel vous pouvez choisir parmi plus d'un million d'ouvrages, sans frais. Le livre consiste d'articles Wikipedia sur : Liste Des Sélectionnés En Équipe D'irlande de Rugby à Xv, Ronan O'gara, Keith Wood, Brian O'driscoll, Andrew Farley, Tomas O'leary, Trevor Brennan, Mike Gibson, Geordan Murphy, John Hayes, Tom Kiernan, Malcolm O'kelly, Anthony Foley, Robin Roe, Karl Mullen, Willie-John Mcbride, Paul O'connell, Mick Galwey, Peter Stringer, Jeremy Staunton, David Wallace, Tommy Bowe, David Humphreys, Leo Cullen, Gordon Wood, Jack Kyle, Jonathan Sexton, Johne Murphy, Andy Ward, Girvan Dempsey, Denis Hickie, Richard Wallace, Jeremy Davidson, Mick O'driscoll, Sean Cronin, Trevor Hogan, Robin Thompson, Ronnie Dawson, Luke Fitzgerald, Kevin Maggs, Victor le Fanu, Tom Crean, Sidney Millar, Louis Magee, Rowan Frost, Daniel Browne, Shane Horgan, Ollie Campbell, Ray Mcloughlin, Lucius Gwynn, Simon Geoghegan, Rob Henderson, Jason Holland, Michael Gibson, Alain Rolland, Glynn Allen, Gordon D'arcy, Fergus Slattery, Tony O'reilly, Keith Earls, Eric Miller, Pierce O'brien-Butler, Phil Orr, Michael Kiernan, Tim Ryan, Jonathan Bell, Edward Campbell, Noël Murphy, Gerry Doran, Tony Ward, Jack Gage, Isaac Boss, Tom Tierney, James Sealy, Simon Easterby, Tom Mcgown, Rob Kearney, Arthur Mcmaster, Ronan Mccormack, James Kavanagh, Shane Byrne, Kenneth William Kennedy, Tony Buckley, Brendan Mullin, Tyrone Howe, Ian Davidson, Justin Fitzpatrick, Donal Lenihan, Sam Lee, Basil Mclear, Ellie Allen, Ian Humphreys, Nick Popplewell, Bill Mckay, Robert Warren, John O'driscoll, Simon Best, Paul Burke, Moss Keane, Paddy Wallace, Willie Anderson, Tom Court, James Allison, George Stephenson, Victor Costello, Frankie Sheahan, Guy Easterby, Kieron Dawson, Jamie Heaslip, Michael Bradley (Rugby, 1962), Paul Wallace, Willie Duggan, William Byron, Bertie O'hanlon, Jim Mccarthy, ...http://booksllc.net/?l=fr ... Read more

99. Saint Kitts and Nevis Footballers: Calum Willock, Aaron Moses-Garvey, Adam Newton, Sagi Burton, Keith Gumbs, Brian Quailey, Kevin Francis
Paperback: 68 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$19.99 -- used & new: US$19.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1157475329
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Calum Willock, Aaron Moses-Garvey, Adam Newton, Sagi Burton, Keith Gumbs, Brian Quailey, Kevin Francis, Keith Walwyn, Matthew Berkeley, Atiba Harris, Ces Podd, Patrece Liburd, John Queeley, Dean Walling, Michael Crawford, Kyle Collins, Gary Smith, Bobby Bowry, Ian Lake, Lutel James, Akil Byron, Shashi Isaac. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 66. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt:Appearances (Goals). National team caps and goals correct as of 15:13 19 November 2009 (UTC)Calum Daniel Willock (born 29 October 1981 in Lambeth, London) is an English-born Saint Kittitan and Nevisian footballer, who currently plays for Conference National club Cambridge United. A striker, Willock started his career at Fulham, making his professional debut as a substitute in the First Division on 4 November 2000, in a 30 over Huddersfield Town at Craven Cottage. The youngster played no further part in the season. He played two games of the 200102 season, both against Blackburn Rovers, both times the home side winning. In November 2002, he was loaned out to Queens Park Rangers of the Second Division, playing three games. At the start of the 200304 season he joined Fourth Division club Bristol Rovers. In two months he made just five appearances, all as a substitute, though at age 21 he had now played at every level of the Football League. In October 2003, he joined Peterborough United of the Third Division on loan. He scored his first professional goal on 1 November in a 22 draw with Brighton ... Read more

100. Rops: Rops Managers, Rovaniemi Ps Players, Keith Armstrong, Brian Greenhoff, Daniel Bauer, Stuart Douglas, Dejan Godar, Mika Kottila
Paperback: 132 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$22.16 -- used & new: US$22.16
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1158204426
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Rops Managers, Rovaniemi Ps Players, Keith Armstrong, Brian Greenhoff, Daniel Bauer, Stuart Douglas, Dejan Godar, Mika Kottila, Zeddy Saileti, Graham Williams, Lee Jenkins, Mika Nurmela, Christian Gyan, Jani Viander, Chanda Mwaba, Kwon Jung-Hyuk, Anton Shokh, Stephen Kunda, Tom Saintfiet, Jon Burklo, Etchu Tabe, Jukka Ikäläinen, Jeremiah Ani, Chileshe Chibwe, Raphael Edereho, César Pellegrín, Whiteson Simwanza, Echiabhi Okodugha, Vasili Karatayev, Nchimunya Mweetwa, Aleksey Zhukov, Jarkko Hurme, Tibor Márkus, Ismo Lius, Aleksandr Kulik, Marko Koivuranta, Norbert Kerényi, Janne Turpeenniemi, Jari Europaeus, Tuomo Könönen, Jarno Tenkula, Ville Wallén, Joonas Ikäläinen, Jari Ilola, Erfan Zeneli, Mika Lahtinen, Tero Taipale, Mika Hänninen, Rovaniemen Keskuskenttä, Abeiku Adams, Mykola Pavlenko, Petri Jalava, Christopher Musonda, Kimmo Tauriainen, Godfrey Chibanga, Zbigniew Wachowicz, Mika-Matti Maisonvaara, Juuso Majava. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 131. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Rovaniemen Palloseura (or RoPS) is a Finnish football club, founded in 1950 and based in the town of Rovaniemi. In 2009 RoPS played in the Finnish Premier Division (Veikkausliiga) but got relegated to Ykkönen after being the lowest-placed team in the end of the season. Club plays home games at Keskuskenttä downtown Rovaniemi. In Finland, RoPS has achieved the 3rd place in the Finnish Premier Division in 1988 and 1989. In total, the forthcoming season is the 23rd for the club at Finnish premier level. RoPS has also won the Finnish cup in 1986. The club's most notable international achievement is reaching the quarter-finals of the European Cup-Winners' Cup in 1987/88. Current National League ranking (Previous year rank in italics) Note: Flags indicate national team as has been defined under...More: http://booksllc.net/?id=2038278 ... Read more

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