Editorial Review Product Description This collection of essays, originally written as blogs on her own site, details Ashton's insight and mishaps on her journey to thirty. She questions everything from love to singledom, friends and family, even Neanderthals and religion, as she searches for love and spiritual enlightenment in all the wrong places.
My life is an open book. Literally, considering you’re reading this. I write blogs. This doesn’t make me special or cool. Everyone writes blogs nowadays. But several years ago, 2004 to be exact, it was the wave of the future for all of us quick-flapping jibber jabberers who longed to have a voice in this world, even if no one was listening. Luckily, people’s ears perked up when I started spewing my personal relationship sagas and conducting random informal inquests into life, love and the pursuit of men, who more often than not, turned out to be losers. And so I wrote. You responded, and I wrote some more. Hey, someone’s gotta make an ass of themselves in order to be a martyr for the betterment of mankind. Might as well be me.
On my journey to turning thirty, I had a lot of questions and I longed for something more. I was seemingly lost, like most of us are in our late twenties. The sheen of youth begins to fade, our bar-hopping party days come to a screeching halt (mostly because responsibility kicks in, and partly because all of our trusted party companions begin committing and spawning) and if we find ourselves single, we begin to look within for both wisdom and critique.Mostly critique, but who’s counting?
I, personally, am on a constant learning curve. My life is a work in progress, to say the least. This book begins with my divorce and introduces you to The Life of Jen through brief essays, commentary and contemplative thoughts written during the next three years as I balanced motherhood, men, ego and coming to terms with the ridiculous world around me. You will journey through my pain, cynicism, insecurities, humor and heart as I attempt to grow into a woman; reluctantly, if I may add, as I have always possessed a bit of penis envy.
My opinions are not always popular, my outlook on life is not always positive, and there is nothing orthodox about the way I travel my path. However, I do vow to learn from my mistakes, love those dear to me, and...
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I don't advise this book before bed !!!!Normally I can read a book before bed and fall asleep after a few pages BUT not this book... I was literally captivated by the collections of blogs and short stories about Jen Ashton's life.I couldn't put it down and yes finished it in one sitting.. well laying down.So needless to say it was a late night.
This collection is very well written, it's entertaining and funny and had me giggling - reminding me of some of my experiences of the journey to 30.
I found it inspirational and have already decided that one day very soon I am going to go and buy some balloons, attach some affirmations to them and set them into the atmosphere. You will understand after reading it :)
I cried when she wrote about her relationship with her ex husband and family. This book had me laughing one minute and sniffling the next.I am already anticipating the next book of her adventures.
This book is a great read !Two thumbs up!There is something that everyone can relate to in this book male or female.
Clever, Witty, and Inspiring
Okay, I just spent the last two hours completely absorbed in this wonderfully written, observant, and hilarious book. Very, very entertaining. You are a lot of writer, Ms. Ashton.
--J.R. Rain
Keep Writing Jen
Jen Ashton takes us through a years' long journey of growth and turmoil plus some clever musings on such topics as men, tattoos and pushing 30.
She is refreshingly open and candid, bringing her popular blogs of the past to us in one collection.
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