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81. Project SWOOPE - Acid Rain Introduction Project SWOOPE Web Site. acid rain Study Introduction. Project SWOOPE AcidRain Monarch Watch. Final Map of acid rain in USA from Spring 1998 Study. http://www.wvu.edu/~ruralnet/pswoope/acid/ | |
82. Newton's Apple: Teacher's Guides Peggy travels to the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center to learn aboutacid rain. Teacher's Guides Index. acid rain. What causes acid rain? http://www.ktca.org/newtons/9/acdrain.html | |
83. PA DEP BAQ - Acid Rain And Mercury In Rain - Home Page The purpose of this program is to determine how much acid rain isfalling in Pennsylvania for environmental assessment purposes. http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/airwaste/aq/acidrain/acidrain.htm | |
84. Water Pollution acid rain. acid rain. The biggest source of the 'acid rain' chemicalsthat pollute the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels. http://www.zephryus.demon.co.uk/geography/resources/environ/acid.html | |
85. USATODAY.com - Frequently Asked Questions: Air Pollution, Acid Rain Frequently asked questions Air pollution, acid rain. Q Why aren't air qualityreports included in your current weather reports? Q What is acid rain? http://www.usatoday.com/weather/resources/askjack/wfaqair.htm | |
86. Does Acid Rain Hurt Your Car? Information concerning acid rain and its affect on automobiles, especiallythe paint. Does acid rain Hurt your Car? by John Berlau. acid rain http://www.consumeralert.org/issues/enviro/acidrain.htm | |
87. Acid Rain Answer What can you tell me about acid rain? acid rain is caused when certaingases generally created by the burning of sulfur and nitrate http://oscar.cprost.sfu.ca/~rhlogan/acidrain.html | |
88. Acid Rain Acid from the clouds The pH skale; acid rain from prehistoric waste . Other typesof air pollution. Imported pollution Responsibilities; A world wide threatl. http://odin.dep.no/md/html/acid/AcidRainE.html | |
89. Rain Drain Soil Equilibria What Happens to acid rain? Module written by GC Lisensky,R. Hulet, M. Beug, and S. Anthony. Session 1 How is acid rain formed? http://chemistry.beloit.edu/Rain/ | |
90. Ecology 100 Project, The Effect Of Acid Rain, New England And The Planet By Harry J. Kazianis. WHAT IS acid rain? Publications The following is a summationof some of the more important publications about acid rain and its affects. http://members.tripod.com/~Geology100/ | |
91. Acid Rain acid rain Campaign. TU has long been engaged in protecting mountainstreams and lakes in the Appalachian Mountains from acid rain. http://www.tu.org/campaigns/acid_rain.html | |
92. Acid Rain - Conservation Policies - Sierra Club acid rain. The Sierra Club supports a national goal to reduce current levels ofsulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide production by 50% in the next ten years. http://www.sierraclub.org/policy/conservation/acidrain.asp | |
93. ScienceDaily News Release: Damage From Acid Rain Pollution Is Far Worse Than Pre over the EPA and Bush administration's plans to make it easy for power plants, oilrefineries and chemical factories (major sources of acid rain nationwide) to http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/07/020718075630.htm | |
94. Title IV (Acid Rain) Title IV (acid rain). The The acid rain Program focuses on one set ofsources that emit NO x , coalfired electric utility boilers. As http://www.dep.state.wv.us/item.cfm?ssid=8&ss1id=323 |
95. Spring Acid Rain Watch Home The culprit? acid rain. Where does it come from? Spring acid rain Watch a modelof scientific inquiry . This 2 page article encapsulates the project. http://www.qesnrecit.qc.ca/cc/acidrain/ | |
96. Chesapeake Bay Ecological Foundation, Inc. acid rain Overview. acid rain or acidic deposition is the most widelyacknowledged form of atmospheric deposition. This is the process http://www.chesbay.org/acidRain/ | |
97. Acid Rain Works Fast, Study Finds - 3/12/1999 - ENN News - Environmental News Ne acid rain dissolves forest nutrients much faster than previously believed, posinga threat to future forest productivity, according to a study conducted by http://www.enn.com/enn-news-archive/1999/03/031299/acidrn_2113.asp | |
98. USGS Activities To Explore Acid Rain And Building Stones ACTIVITIES TO EXPLORE acid rain AND BUILDING STONES By Elaine S. McGee.Open File Report 95566. What makes rain acid? What is dissolution? http://geology.er.usgs.gov/eastern/acidrain.html | |
99. Monitoring Acid Rain Youth Program Monitoring acid rain Youth Program. Program About Maryp; acid rain; EMAN(Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network). Manual Introduction; http://www.trentu.ca/biology/maryp/ | |
100. Global Issues Primer: Acid Rain acid rain. acid rain has been damaging lakes, streams, forests, human health, animalpopulations, and soils for over fifty years. WHY is acid rain a threat? http://www.osearth.com/resources/recall/acidrain.shtml | |
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