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41. Dictionaries And Abbreviations Shams, MarieLise. Acronyms for Health Information Resources. Studyweb. Referenceacronym dictionaries. US government commonly used abbreviations and acronyms. http://web.syr.edu/~jryan/infopro/dict.html | |
42. Australian Education Resources acronym dictionaries. SBF Glossary Electronics and other acronyms The WorldWideWebAcronym and Abbreviation Server. CORDIS RTD Acronyms Database. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~huffpuff/edu-resources.htm | |
43. Unitar Virtual Library Online Reference Compiled by the US Environmental Protection Agency. acronym dictionaries AcronymFinder The Acronym Finder web site is a database of more than 47,000 acronyms http://vlib.unitarklj1.edu.my/reference-sources/dictionaries/ |
44. YourDictionary.com Library: How To Use Dictionaries It is difficult to publish acronym dictionaries by traditional meansbecause they come and go so rapidly. Online acronym dictionaries http://www.yourdictionary.com/library/article003.html | |
45. WebTranslators.com Dictionaries/Glossaries Online GaelicEnglish Dictionary Chemnitz German-English-German Dictionary German-CzechDictionary German-English acronym dictionaries German-Hungarian http://www.webtranslators.com/dict.html | |
46. DICTIONARIES Dictionaries on the Internet acronym dictionaries, Technical Dictionaries/Computing/Hacker's Dictionaries. acronym dictionaries. 25. http://courses.unt.edu/chandler/SLIS5600/infoaccessweb/DICTIONARIES.htm | |
47. On-Line Dictionaries And Thesauri French/English English/French Dictionary Part of the ARTFL project, atChicago. acronym dictionaries. Acronym list. Specialized Dictionaries. http://cal.bemidji.msus.edu/WRC/DictsandOthers.html | |
48. Acronyms Dictionaries, Acronyms Lexicon And Acronyms Words Directory. acronym glossaries and acronym dictionaries. http://www.glossarist.com/glossaries/reference/acronyms.asp?Page=6 |
49. Saills Online dictionaries. acronym dictionaries Akronyme / acronyms deutsch/englishfrom Berlin. Abk rzungsServer/Acronym Dictionary from Hamburg. http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/academic/modlangs/Saills/resources.htm |
50. Logan Library - Dictionaries, Glossaries, Lexicons, & Acronym Lists Dictionaries, Glossaries, Lexicons, Acronym Lists. http://www.rose-hulman.edu/Library/ref/dictionaries_ref.htm | |
51. Initials Acronyms And Abbreviations "S" To "Z" Like to suggest another counselingrelated acronym? Tell us about it. Check otheracronym dictionaries Search this site powered by FreeFind. Or search the Web. http://www.counselingseattle.com/acronyms/tuv.htm | |
52. Starting With "W"--Initials Acronyms And Abbreviations Check other acronym dictionaries. Search this site powered by FreeFind. Or searchthe Web. Like to suggest another counselingrelated acronym? Tell us about it. http://www.counselingseattle.com/acronyms/w.htm | |
53. Refdesk.com - Dictionary/Encyclopedia Search Engines acronym dictionaries; http://www.refdesk.com/dictsrch.html | |
54. Monolingual English Dictionaries And Glossaries - Menu , Monolingual English. +, General Works. +, Thesauri. +, acronym dictionaries. +,Computers Computing. +, Business, Finance Economics. +, Science Technology.+, Music. http://www.traduzioni-inglese.it/english-menu.html | |
55. DINO - Language: Englisch - Reference - Dictionaries - Acronyms 1. Dieser 'externe' Link öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster The Opaui PagesAcronyms, Abbreviations, Initialisms Directory of acronym dictionaries. http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_5e7dc0e12b74cbc6376c8e8e11362342.html | |
56. OGI Library Reference Dictionaries OneLook Dictionaries (Searches several dictionaries at once). Subject Dictionaries.Abbreviation and acronym dictionaries. AGI GIS Dictionary. http://www.ogi.edu/library/dictionaries.shtml | |
57. Open Directory & Pay Per Click Search Engine: Reference/Dictionaries/Acronyms http//www.atomiser.demon.co.uk/abbrev/index.html. The Opaui Pages Acronyms,Abbreviations, Initialisms Directory of acronym dictionaries. http://www.searchpixie.com/Reference/Dictionaries/Acronyms/ | |
58. Hampton University Harvey Library - Virtual Reference Desk Resources TOP OF PAGE. acronym dictionaries Acronym Finder The Acronym Finder website is a database of more than 47,000 acronyms and their meanings. http://www.hamptonu.edu/UniversityServices/library/vrefdictionaries.html | |
59. Stones Cry Out -- Dictionaries acronym dictionaries http//www.ucc.ie/cgibin/acronym Acronyms and Abbreviationswww Ancronym and Abbreviation Server Ancronym Finder - Reverse Search http://www.stonescryout.com/dictionaries.html | |
60. MU Libraries Engineering Library Reference Resources acronym dictionaries. Acronym Expander; Akronyme/Acronyms; WWW Acronym and AbbreviationServer; WorldWideWeb Acronym and Abbreviation Server. Directories. http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/engr/readyrf.html | |
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