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181. CNN.com In-Depth Specials Indepth Archive CNN.com Sections. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/afghanistan.timeline/ |
182. Om Minorna I Afghanistan 1996 En ess¤ av Peter Englund om minor, och deras anv¤ndning i inb¶rdeskriget. http://www.peterenglund.com/textarkiv/minor_afghanistan.htm |
183. Center For Afghanistan Studies The center at the University of Nebraska at Omaha is exclusively concerned with afghanistan affairs. Objectives, accomplishments, resources and publications. http://www.unomaha.edu/~world/cas/cas.html |
184. Afghan Airline Battles For The Skies afghanistan's national carrier Ariana Airlines used to be one of the finest airlines in the region, but after years of war it is fighting for survival, reports the BBC. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/1705998.stm |
185. Rebuild-Afghanistan A virtual place to discuss, collaborate, and add new ideas in regard to the rebuilding of afghanistan. Features a forum and employment service. http://www.rebuild-afghanistan.com |
186. People's Daily US Strikes Afghanistan Headline news and archives. China. English/Chinese/Japanese/Spanish/Russian/Arabic/French http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/zhuanti/Zhuanti_197.html |
187. Strange Victory A Critical Appraisal Of The Afghanistan War Carl Conetta reviews the 20012002 war in afghanistan and its impact on terrorism, stability, and the humanitarian crisis. Including extensive bibliographies on several issues. http://www.comw.org/pda/0201strangevic.html |
188. Afghanistan-Homepage Der Schweiz Landesinformationen zu Kultur und Ethnien mit Hintergrundberichten und Links. http://www.hal9000.ch/afghanistan/ |
189. Afghanistan Reconstruction Company ARC is a Delaware limited liability company, established in November 2001. It´s aim is to rebuild Afghan economy, business and physical infrastructure. http://www.afghanistanreconstructioncompany.com |
190. Afghanistan Und Seine Nachbarn Arbeitsvorschl¤ge f¼r den Schulunterricht, angeboten von eLisa. http://www.e-lisa.at/linkexpress/archiv/2001/afghanistan.asp |
191. Encarta Encyclopedia Afghanistan Introduces the land and its people. Includes information on the country's past, its current government, and the culture that prevails today. http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?z=1&pg=2&ti=761569370 |
192. About Afghanistan Directory of websites relating to the country. http://www.AboutAfghanistan.com |
193. Internews Afghanistan Offers news and information on the media landscape in the country, and reports on the organisations´ projects to train journalists and provide technical assistance. http://www.internews.org/regions/centralasia/afghanistan.htm |
194. Afghanistan - France Un service d'information sur l'afghanistan et les ONG oeuvrant en afghanistan. Une ©manation du CEREDAF (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Documentaires sur l'afghanistan) et de AFRANE (Amiti© FrancoAfghane). http://perso.club-internet.fr/ceredafr/ |
195. Welcome To Sabawoon Online AfghanPedia Table of Content. Welcome to Afghanpedia. Afghanpediais a new resource service of Sabawoon Online. Afghanpedia is http://www.sabawoon.com/afghanpedia/default.shtm |
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