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1. Africa Interactive Maps, An Educational CD-ROM africa interactive maps is an educational CDROM to learn and teach aboutAfrica. Geographic Welcome to africa interactive maps. Africa http://www.africamaps.com/ | |
2. African Maps | Map Africa An annotated guide to African maps and information about African maps on the internet. http//www.ai.org.za/html/publications. html. africa interactive maps. " educational CDROM software, designed to http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/map.html | |
3. About Africa Interactive Maps africa interactive maps®. AFIM, africa interactive maps® is an innovativeeducational software for studying Africa through its maps. http://www.africamaps.com/description.htm | |
4. Maps Of Africa Reserved. africa interactive maps, an Educational CDROM, Africa InteractiveMaps is an educational CD-ROM to learn and teach about. http://wvlc.uwaterloo.ca/environmentaldata/africa.asp | |
5. Reviews For Africa Interactive Maps "I looked at africa interactive maps (AFIM) with a great interest. http://www.africamaps.com/reviews.htm |
6. Africa Interactive Maps africa interactive maps is an educational software tool, designed to enhance the learning and teaching of basic information on Africa. The program can be used in conjunction with textbooks and lectures, as a selfpaced study aid, or for personal http://www.monkey.org/~nana/indexa.html | |
7. WoYaa Search Engine - Africa References Online - COUNTRIES/MAPS AND PROFILES (31k.. Cool (Added Sat Jul 27 2002 Hits 168 Rating 0.00 Votes0) Rate It. africa interactive maps. africa interactive maps is http://www.woyaaonline.com/links/COUNTRIES/MAPS_AND_PROFILES/ | |
8. WoYaa! Premier Moteur De Recherche Et Répertoire De Sites Internet En Rapport A Translate this page ce site! africa interactive maps africa interactive maps is an educationalCD-ROM to learn and teach about Africa. Geographic and http://www.woyaaonline.com/linksfr/PAYS/CARTES_ET_PROFILES/ | |
9. World - Maps africa interactive maps, an Educational CDROM - Africa InteractiveMaps is an educational CD-ROM to learn and teach about Africa. http://www.somalihome.com/world/maps.shtml | |
10. The African Children's Choir Education Pack 1808 through 1978. africa interactive maps Develops tools for describingthe geography of African nations. Includes sample guides http://www.fitw.com/education_pack/links.htm | |
11. Penn State Maps Library-CD-ROM Collection Atlases call G2801.C7W67 1994 International africa interactive maps CD ROM uses simplemenu buttons to direct the user to both information and testquestions on the http://www.libraries.psu.edu/crsweb/maps/cdatlas.htm |
12. Xttx -- International Development - Areas / Regions - Africa / African Maps WU CD-ROM - AFIM, africa interactive maps - Olin ReferenceTo - WU African and African-American Studies Resources / RC. http://library.wustl.edu/~thkeegan/1991.html | |
13. Document Sans-titre Data to purchase, USGS. Maps GIF format, - Country coverage. Africa, AFIMafrica interactive maps. - Data to purchase. - To contact for further information, http://www.grid.unep.ch/data/other/igdr/mineresourc.htm | |
14. Cornell University - Geoscience Information SystemDepartment Of Geological Scien CNN World News africa provides coverage of the continent, with updates from Sierra Leone as developments occur. JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH africa S. african FM criticized for 'voodoo' comments Weaponry galleries, video, descriptions of forces, interactive maps and more http://atlas.geo.cornell.edu/ |
15. Interactive Maps: Africa africa. africa Facts. Almost 6.8 million square kilometers of africa was originallyforested. 77% of africa's frontier forest are under moderate or high threat. http://www.wri.org/ffi/maps/africa.htm | |
16. Interactive Maps Watch Launched Central africa Forests Central africa Concessions Bushmeat Treaties Settlements www.globalforestwatch.org interactive maps Select Information http://www.wri.org/powerpoints/gfw_2000/sld030.htm | |
17. Maps Of Africa - Thematic Maps South africa interactive Factbook GEOGRAPHY, Flag, Map,Geography, People, Government africa Variety of Map Types, Find a variety of maps detailing political http://wvlc.uwaterloo.ca/environmentaldata/africathematic.asp | |
18. Interactive Maps: Africa Almost 6.8 million square kilometers of africa was originally forested. Only 8% (0.5 million square kilometers) of africa's original forest remains as frontier forest. http://www.igc.apc.org/wri/ffi/maps/africa.htm | |
19. Maps That Teach: U.S. And World Geography Learn US and world geography with interactive maps.Category Science Social Sciences Geography Education K through 12...... to form an enduring mental picture of the US Online interactive maps show thecountries and capitals of a continent or regionAsia, africa, South America http://www.yourchildlearns.com/geography.htm | |
20. Maps Of Africa ABC maps of South africa. ABC maps of South africa; interactive Factbook GEOGRAPHY, Flag, Map Geography, People, http://bordeaux.uwaterloo.ca/environmentaldata/africa.asp | |
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