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1. African-American Bibliography- HistoryAfrican-American Bibliography- History The African American studies. It points to atlases, bibliographies, indexes and abstracts, biobibliographies, source lists general reference sources, organized by author, points to http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Bibliography/AFAM_History.html | |
2. EBook Navigator - Zander EBooks About the author. one of the most controversial figures in africanamerican history,was for blacks founded by Samuel Chapman Armstrong, a former Union general. http://www.zanderebooks.com/nonfiction/bio/nbi0001/author.shtml | |
3. General Colin L. Powell - Biography BESTSELLING author general Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.), is also the author ofa best FIRST africanamerican SECRETARY OF STATE In 2001, then-President http://teacher.scholastic.com/barrier/powellchat/bio.htm | |
4. On The Cosmic Horizon Chapter 1 -- Author Bio Employment SelfEmployed author, Speaker, Science Briggs, WL, 1999, general EducationMathematics an educational poster about african-american scientists, NASA http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/bennett_special/chapter1/cus | |
5. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Comments From the bestselling author of American Jessica Tandy A bioBibliographyby Milly S Stephens, the most important african-american war correspondent http://www.powells.com/subsection/BiographyGeneral.175.html | |
6. Worlds Of Music: An Introduction To The Music Of The World's Peoples, Fourth Edi Jeff Todd Titon, general Editor. Chapter 4 includes three new africanamerican selectionsfrom Fred McDowell, Lazy Bill Lucas, and Johnny Shines. author bio. http://newtexts.com/newtexts/book.cfm?book_id=427 |
7. American Music: A Panorama, Second Concise Edition Moving from one general topic carried Table of Contents. PART I. 1. AngloCeltic-AmericanTradition. 2. african-american Tradition. back to top-. author bio. http://newtexts.com/newtexts/book.cfm?book_id=1004 |
8. Resources For Poetry Reviews And Criticism Covers the works of 54 africanamerican poets writing general poetry source arrangedby author and Title life); Contemporary authors A bio-bibliographical guide http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/egx/guides/poetry.html | |
9. Prominent African Americans: Past & Present Univ. of Georgia's Institute for African American Studies posts several brief biographical sketches of key figures in africanamerican history. at the Institute for African American Studies is devoted to Alexander Crummell, clergyman and author, was born in New York for admission to the general Theological Seminary of the http://www.aawc.com/paa.html | |
10. AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE Guide to African American Literature Encyclopedia of africanamerican Culture and History , 5 vols. New York MacMillan, 1996. RDY REF E 185 .E54 1996. Approximately 2/3 of the entries are biographical in nature. bio-bibliographical sourcebook on poets, novelists and bibliography of works about the author. Includes entries on http://www.founders.howard.edu/reference/LiteratureWeb/AFRICAN_AMERICAN_LITERATU | |
11. WPL AUTHOR CATALOGS Regional American. African American. Arab American Author Ca information on African American authors and their about an author. BIBLIOGRAPHIES provide lists a biobibliographical guide to current writers of fiction, general nonfiction, http://www.waterboro.lib.me.us/authors.htm |
12. African American Art And Artists. Carlagirl Photo. African American Art and Artists Berkeley University of California Press, 1990. to American art is little known to the general public. This book remedies the lack of information solid survey of African American art.". (Choice). author bio Samella Lewis is http://www.carlagirl.net/words/afamart.html | |
13. African American History its own index.) Access is by author and subject. W. africanamerican Orators A bio-CriticalSourcebook on various topics pertaining to African American studies http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/blks/resguide/afamhis.htm | |
14. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Browse the aisle by Title by author by Price See recently arrived used booksin this African American authors, 17451945 bio-Bibliographical Critical http://www.powells.com/subsection/BiographyGeneral.200.html | |
15. Black History Month Resources africanamerican author Roundtable - http//www.authorsontheweb.com/features/0202-african-american/african-american.asp. free_resources/bhm/bio/powell_c.htm. http://teach.fcps.net/trt2/links/black_history_month.htm | |
16. Literary Criticism : American : General Audio Books Bestsellers Book Clubs Browse by author Browse by Subject eBooks Most AfricanAmerican authors, 17451945 A bio-Bibliographical Critical http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/LIT004020:20 | |
17. Art : General Bestsellers Book Clubs Browse by author Browse by The African American Art of CharlesJones Special AfroAmerican Artists A bio-Bibliographical Directory by http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/ART000000:18 | |
18. Resource Team Listing bio, general Music Luvenia A. George is an ethnomusicologist She is the author ofTeaching the Music of She was inducted into the African American Museum Hall http://www.iaje.org/resourcelisting_d.asp?ExpertiseID=10 |
19. Features/Bio Millennium Hughes, Langston 19021967, african-american writer 1942-, Theoretical physicist relatedgeneral relativity to 1944-, Pulitzer prize winning author, composed The http://www.biography.com/features/millennium/list3.html | |
20. Basic Library Resources For Research On The Survey Of Literature author biobibliographical Resources. also provides an overview of an author, as well line identity, hybridity, and singularity in african-american narrative. http://library.tamu.edu/english/EnglBib/engl339.htm | |
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