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1. Coverpageforwebsite Students pursuing degrees in African studies can take language courses in Shona and Zulu. Read about the faculty and the Black studies Library. African American and African studies at The Ohio State University is the proud product of the 1960s Black to the Bachelor of arts and Master of arts degrees. Our comprehensive http://aaas.ohio-state.edu/ | |
2. California State University, Northridge The Religious studies Department at California State University, Northridge offers a Bachelor of arts in Religious studies. The Department encourages students to draw upon a variety of fields and disciplines for africanamerican studies, Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology. A major will be able to interpret religious texts, think both empathetically and critically about conflicting religious claims, acquire knowledge of the history of more than one major religious tradition, apply intercultural methods to religious inquiry and analysis, and articulate a perception of one's role in society, in both career and public service options. http://www.csun.edu/religious.studies/ | |
3. K-12: African-American Resources by Dr. Carolyn L. Holmes, Supervisor of African and African American studies (Mrs.Dianne S africanamerican History through the arts Resources includes http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/K-12/menu_EduAFAM.html | |
4. BU | Summer Term | Course Listings AFRICAN AMERICAN studies. College of arts and Sciences. (Visit Department).CAS AA 310 History of the Civil Rights Movement Explores http://www.bu.edu/summer/courses/african-american.html | |
5. African American Resources - Black Studies - Social Studies- History Resource provided by this educational CDROM offers a large collection of links to information about african-american history. Black History Quest. african-american History, Culture, and Black studies Resources This site explains Nubian culture, arts and society in the different periods of their history. http://blackquest.com/link.htm | |
6. UGA African American Studies Read about the programs at this North Carolina school. Find faculty profiles and course descriptions. The African africanamerican studies Program is designed to establish coordinated interdisciplinary social sciences, but from the arts and professions while taking advantage of http://www.uga.edu/~iaas | |
7. Columbia College Bulletin Students should consider a major in africanamerican studies if they are interestedin careers where strong liberal arts preparation is needed, such as fields http://www.college.columbia.edu/students/academics/depts/african.php | |
8. Quick Reference - Arts & Humanities - African-American Studies Quick Reference arts Humanities - african-american studies. AfricanAmerican Odyssey Selected presentations and collections of http://www.lib.unc.edu/reference/quick/?display=print_items&item_id=115 |
9. College Of Arts & Sciences - 2001 & 2002 Undergraduate Catalog university. Degree Requirements. Degree offered Bachelor of arts Majorin africanamerican studies. Pre-education concentration. Majors http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwreg/ugcat2002/asaas.htm | |
10. College Of Liberal Arts: African-American Studies College of Liberal arts africanamerican studies. Study the legacy of Africaand the African Diaspora and explore other issues concerning race and class. http://www2.mercer.edu/Liberalarts/Sciences/African_American/ | |
11. African American Themes - Teaching Resources For Martin Luther King, Jr., Harrie africanamerican studies. African arts and Culture Grades K-4 - This unit presentsseveral lessons designed to familiarize students with Africa, its art and its http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/themes/mlk.shtml | |
12. Arts & Sciences (African-American Studies - Communication) The College of arts and Sciences offers a minor in africanamerican Studiesconsisting of a minimum of 18 semester hours. Program Requirements http://www.ucf.edu/catalog/9697/art_science2.html | |
13. African American Art On The Internet africanamericans in the Visual arts A Historical Dr. Maude Wahlman Ethnic studies,Art Department PBS Series; Museum of african-american History Detroit http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/aavawww.htm | |
14. Wheelock College Undergraduate American Studies Major AST XXX. Internship in American studies*. LIT 356. africanamerican Women Writers.LIT358. arts and Sciences Home Page . Wheelock College Home Page http://www.wheelock.edu/artsci/arscamer.asp | |
15. Programs In African-American Studies At Princeton University Morgan State University, Master of arts in africanamerican studies.North Carolina A T State University, MA African American Literature. http://www.princeton.edu/~aasprog/aasps.htm | |
16. NVCC 2002-2003 Catalog - Liberal Arts - AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES Career Studies NVCC 20022003 Catalog Instructional Programs. LIBERAL arts. AFRICAN-AMERICANstudies Career studies Certificate AL, NVCC Home Page http://www.nv.cc.va.us/catalog/cat2002/programs/libart6.htm | |
17. African-American Studies , University Of New Mexico Bachelor of arts in africanamerican studies. The interdisciplinarymajor in African American studies approaches the study of the http://www.unm.edu/~afamstds/degree.htm | |
18. The Committee On African And African-American Studies> Students seeking an AM degree based upon a specialization in African or AfricanAmericanstudies may apply to the Master of arts Program in the Social Sciences http://catalogs.uchicago.edu/divisions/african.html | |
19. African American World Studies Home Page University of Iowa College of Liberal arts Sciences. Welcome to.africanamerican World studies. Welcome. african-american World http://www.uiowa.edu/~afriam/ | |
20. Colby | Course Catalogue | African American Studies Patrick Brancaccio (English and Performing arts), Cedric Bryant (English), HenryGemery (Economics), Gilkes (africanamerican studies and Sociology), Thomas RW http://www.colby.edu/catalogue/0001/AA.shtml | |
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