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41. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Symposium Set For Jan. 21- Program on martin luther king jr., broadcast on WEFTFM the 20th Century African-AmericanPolitical Infrastructure of Afro-American studies, political science http://www.news.uiuc.edu/news/02/0114mlksymposium.html&e=747 |
42. Page Not Found The martin luther king, jr. FBI File. Black studies Research Sources.THE martin luther king, jr. FBI FILE. Editor David J. Garrow http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/2upa/Aaas/mlkFBI.htm&e=747 | |
43. The Holiday Zone Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Activities For martin luther king, jr. tribute includes both pictures of Dr. king and excerpts UGAAfrican American studies This site provides biographical sketches of African http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/9087/mlk/mlklinks.html&e=747 |
44. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Activities Scavenger Hunt http//drmlking.tripod.com/martin.html. Grades 68 Social studies/LanguageArts Civil with pictures) about other African American leaders who http://www.eduplace.com/monthlytheme/january/activities_mlk.html&e=747 |
45. STUDENT OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. the life and times of martin luther king, jr., will draw on his own experiences withking to bring Lucas to perform at the African American studies Programs http://www.uh.edu/admin/media/nr/2001/12001/jimlucas_mlk.html&e=747 |
46. African - American Literature / Black Studies (compact Discs) - For African American Literature / Black studies audio books on CASSETTE Call toConscience, A The Landmark Speeches of Dr. martin luther king jr. http://www.audiobooksonline.com/shopsite/african_american_literature_black_studi |
47. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. FOR KIDS AND TEACHERS Activity for Grades K3 Social studies 4-6 that Rosa Parks was a courageous African-Americanwoman whose Lesson 3 John F. Kennedy and martin luther king jr. http://www.kiddyhouse.com/Holidays/MLK/MLK.html&e=747 |
48. Biography Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Social Studies, Glencoe Biography of Dr. martin luther king, jr. time, Malcolm X, a leader in the AfricanAmerican Nation of Bureau of Investigation (FBI) tapped Dr. king's home phone http://www.glencoe.com/sec/socialstudies/btt/mlk/bio5.shtml&e=747 |
49. Biography Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Social Studies, Glencoe Biography of Dr. martin luther king, jr. In January 1960, Dr. king left his churchin Meanwhile, African American students in other parts of the South were http://www.glencoe.com/sec/socialstudies/btt/mlk/bio4.shtml&e=747 |
50. Dr. Martin Luther King Selections from the Writings of Dr. martin luther king jr., on the Return to theCHS Helpful Bookmarks' Social studies or African American Resources page. http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/king.html&e=747 |
51. African American History Bookmarks Social studies Bookmarks. Also see teaching tips on the Extending AfricanAmerican History Month Flyer. martin luther king, jr. 1929 1968. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/socialstd/MLK_Bookmarks.html&e=747 |
52. Keele University American Studies Music Archives of African American Music and Culture martin (Resources and links)martin luther king, jr. Centre for Afroamerican African studies) Race http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/as/links/tebogo.html&e=747 |
53. North Shore Elementary School Black History Links Prize in Peace martin luther king jr. African American Business Directory FreeBusiness Listings. Sorted by location. UGA African American studies Prominent http://northshore2001.tripod.com/black.htm&e=747 |
54. African American History Resources Black History Links. Center for Afroamerican and African studies (CAAS). AfricanAmerican Historical Figures Douglass. Black Panthers. martin luther king jr. http://www.historesearch.com/afro.html&e=747 |
55. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2001 martin luther king jr. a member of the Department of Ethnic studies, Dodson focuses currentresearch centers on investigating African American religiocultural http://www.bates.edu/admin/offices/dos/mlk/&e=747 |
56. News Release Martin Luther King Schedule 19. 7 pm. Service Annual martin luther king jr. professor of religion and memberof the programs in American cultural and African American studies, will deliver http://www.bates.edu/x30267.xml&e=747 |
57. The Legacy Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Three Decades Later higher education institutions had some sort of africanamerican or Black Studiesprograms or 18-year-old plea that Dr. martin luther king, jr.'s birthday of http://www.black-collegian.com/african/dreams2001-2nd.shtml&e=747 |
58. CAAS - African American Studies Links The martin luther king, jr. Papers Project. University of Wisconsin African Americanstudies. University of Minnesota, African American and African studies. http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/caas/links/aas.html&e=747 |
59. Historic 1967 UC Berkeley Photo Of Martin Luther King student union did not become the martin luther king, jr. undergraduate majoring inethnic studies with an who is currently chair of African American studies. http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2002/05/17_mlk-photo.html&e=747 |
60. Gateway To African-American History, Dept. Of State As the United States takes the time to honor African American heritage and reflecton the legacy of the Reverend Dr. martin luther king, jr., scholars in Togo http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis/&e=747 |
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