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African Explorers General Resources: more detail |
41. ENC: Curriculum Resources: The Faces Of Science (ENC-003104, Full Record) explorers. Review of Faces of science african Americans in science. Netconnect. ( http//www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio/cool/general.html ) Additional http://www.enc.org/resources/records/full/0,1240,003104,00.shtm | |
42. LearningSpace: History Resources be different without the contributions of african American scientists Abraham Lincoln,Jefferson Davis, general Ulysses S 18 The explorers This is an excellent http://teach.fcps.net/trt20/subject_search.asp?subject=History |
43. Internet Resources For Africana And African American Studies Internet resources for africana and african American Studies = oncampus access only. BMC students, faculty and staff away from the Tri-College campuses please try the new Off-Campus Access page. (2) Women Travelers, explorers, and Missionaries to http://www.brynmawr.edu/Library/Docs/africana.html | |
45. Cape Henry Collegiate School - Perry Library general Sites Voyage of Exploration Discovering New Horizons Presents to the biographiesand accomplishments of african American explorers in science http://www.capehenry.org/Academics/Library/ClassResources/links.php?main_id=6&su |
46. Africa: General References Africa general References. freely disseminate information from two african studiesdatabases Women's Database; (2) Women Travelers, explorers, and Missionaries http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/About_African/ww_genrl.html | |
47. Histroy - General Sites links are grouped under headings from african Studies and secondary sources, a listof explorers who died Major categories are general Articles, the Romans and http://www.psd.k12.co.us/schools/phs/media2/historygen.htm |
48. Web Resources For Student Projects Web resources for 6th8th Grades. of explorers as well as biographies on differentexplorers. Excerpts from times in history where african Americans rebelled http://www.my-ecoach.com/resources/webresources6-8.html | |
49. Mary Scroggs Media Links Endangered Species (Information about plants and animals). Zoo in the Wild (Goodfor african species. Renewable Energy (general Information). explorers. http://www.chccs.k12.nc.us/scroggs/media/media_links.htm | |
50. CCPL: Homework Help Links Biography general web site, provides brief biographies of various african Americans. GaleGroup-Free resources-Women's History Month-Biographies Biographical http://www.carmel.lib.in.us/child/chlinks/homework.cfm?linksub=biography |
51. Kenosha Public Library - Biographies region and by group such as africanAmerican, women guide to sites relating to worldexplorers through history as well as links to a few general history resources http://www.kenosha.lib.wi.us/links/biographies2.html | |
52. Literature Links: General Resources the people they encountered as explorers and missionaries A Brief Chronology of AfricanAmerican Literature last accessed August 2002 general Humanities Studies http://www.cocc.edu/humanities/HIR/Links/literature.htm | |
53. Resources About Women & Gender explorers to Africa (Women Travelers, explorers and Missionaries In addition to Africanhistory titles, we select the Internet for women's studies in general. http://www.wougnet.org/Links/aboutwomen.html | |
54. Texas History Texas Indians Links links for general sites as well as explorers of Texas; explorers- English, French and Spanish; Texas african Americans in the Texas War of http://www.roundrockisd.org/academics/SocialScience/texashis.htm | |
55. General History Links the Polar Regions, and NonWestern explorers. organized in these categories general/Overview,the Women's Right Movement, Politics, african-American Women http://www.nksd.wednet.edu/schools/nkhigh/Library/general_history_links.htm | |
56. Kids --- Biographies It contains short biographies on africanAmericans who have made significant explorersof the World explorers of land, ideas, sky and Biographies in general. http://oceancounty.lib.nj.us/Kids/biographies.htm | |
57. Classroom And Curriculum Multicultural Education Resources general Multicultural Education resources. offers five activities for learning aboutAfrican American history. Each spring, a team of five explorers meets with http://matcmadison.edu/multicul/curriculum.html | |
58. SOS: Social Studies general resources 1492 An Ongoing Exhibit learn about America before Europeanexplorers arrived. african American Directory - links to sites that http://www.sos-fosternet.org/socstudy.html | |
59. Kids Online Resources - Explorers, Vikings, English, Conquistadors Pg 2 Periplus On the Web Directory of pages about the explorer Hanno of Carthage andhis african expedition. European explorers resources - on the World Wide Web. http://www.kidsolr.com/history/page2.html | |
60. The Halls Of Academia african/african American resources. of Hispanic Americans in congress and a generalhistory of between Native Americans and European explorers, conquerors and http://www.tenet.edu/halls/history.html | |
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