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61. CPC Faculty Fellow nutrition. zohoori@unc.edu. Namvar Zohoori is interested in aging andnutrition, as well as international nutrition issues. Zohoori's http://www.cpc.unc.edu/bios/zohoori.html | |
62. Family & Consumer Sciences for Teachers of 48 Year Olds Adult Development and aging aging with Gusto Food andnutrition nutrition and Wellness Available through Carolyn Dunn Women Living http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/fcs/agents/curriculum.html | |
63. Editorial Board For The Forum For Family And Consumer Issues Columbus; The Impact of Technology on nutrition and aging , May 27,1998, aging Seminar Series, The Ohio State University. Member http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/fcs/pub/board/asaddam.html | |
64. Weblinks General interest sites on nutrition and aging, nutrition Sites for Older Adults,The Jean Mayer USDA Human nutrition Research Center of Tufts University http://www.infoaging.org/l-nutr-13-web.html | |
65. Buy GHR GHR-15 GHR15 during May, new research reveals some startling insights into one of the most essentialyet often overlooked factors to vibrant aging proper nutrition. http://www.hotpursuit-ent.com/ | |
66. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Aging & Nutrition (Nutrition) Looking for the best facts and sites on aging nutrition? HIGH SCHOOL BEYOND Physical Education Sports Fitness nutrition aging nutrition. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Sci | |
67. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Nutrition (Fitness & Exercise) Obesity; Rickets; Scurvy; Beriberi; High Cholesterol; Malnutrition;Pellagra; Pernicious Anemia; Other aging nutrition; Introduction;Physical http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Spo | |
68. Health And Nutrition Articles aging Children Diseases Diet Food nutrition Vitamins Miscellaneous.aging Health and longevity; aging and nutrition; How nutrition changes with age. http://www.essortment.com/in/Health.Nutrition/ | |
69. The Aging Portal.com - The Best Aging Sites! and much more. Excellent resource covering a broad range of topics relatedto aging. nutrition, nutrition Screening Initiative AAFP http://www.theagingportal.com/VPDefault.asp?type=B |
70. Research And Recipes On Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Cancer, Dementia And Healin Healing Broken Bones Current nutritional research. nutrition's rolein increasing the speed of bone healing. Beta carotene and aging. http://www.foodandlife.com/ | |
71. Pennington Biomedical Research Center Breaux Holds Hearing On Healthy aging and nutrition August 13, 2002; Pennington Centerobesity research program to be featured on Discovery Channel May 23, 2002; http://www.pbrc.edu/pressReleases.asp | |
72. Gerontology Institute Aging Geriatrics Health Care & Alzheimer's Information Our vast library of over 100 video tapes on health, nutrition and aging is an excellentinformational resource for professionals in education and health care. http://www.gerontologyinstitute.com/ | |
73. Index For Aging And Long Term Care Resources Alzheimer's Disease. Assisted Living. Bureau of aging Long Term Care Resources.Community Links Project. Community Options Program. Elderly nutrition. Family Care; http://www.dhfs.state.wi.us/aging/ | |
74. Index For Aging And Long Term Care Resources Community Options Program. Elderly nutrition. Family Care; Family CaregiverSupport. Foster Grandparents. Household Help. Links to aging Web Sites. http://www.dhfs.state.wi.us/Aging/ | |
75. Medical College Of Wisconsin Healthlink Topics: Nutrition/Food Journal with articles on nutrition and herbs from physicians and nutritionists for the Medical College Category Health nutrition News and Media...... guidelines than other people, according to a new food guide pyramid developed bythe US Department of Agriculture's Human nutrition Research Center on aging. http://healthlink.mcw.edu/nutrition-and-herbs/ | |
76. HICUP Worksheet for Comparing Medicare Plans National Asian Pacific Centeron aging (NAPCA). nutrition Are You Drinking Enough Water? http://library.med.nyu.edu/patient/hicup/ | |
77. Vegetarian Journal September/October 1999 -- The Vegetarian Resource Group 12 and June 3. The intended audience was individuals involved in the Elderly nutritionProgram, including agency on aging directors, nutrition coordinators and http://www.vrg.org/journal/vj99sep/999scientific.htm | |
78. A Senior's Guide To Good Nutrition -- The Vegetarian Resource Group quite new, and science is giving us new insights into aspects of aging that in Thereis abundant evidence to show that an optimal level of nutrition can extend http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/seniors.htm | |
79. MOWAA National Policy and Resource Center on nutrition and aging Hunger in America 2001The US Administration on aging National aging Information Center The White http://www.projectmeal.org/links.html | |
80. District Of Columbia Office On Aging Meals and nutrition; Needs Assessment; Nursing Home Services; Outreach; SeniorActivities; Service Programs; Transportation. State Agencies. OFFICE ON aging NEWS http://www.dcoa.dc.gov/main.shtm | |
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