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61. Electronic Journals - UT Libraries - Alpha & Search Listing Tree planters notes / US Department of agriculture, Forest Service. http//www.treeplantersnotes.net/.Weed science. Western journal of applied forestry. http://www.lib.utk.edu:90/ej/ejsubj.php?sub_code=0201&subject=Agriculture |
62. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, And Related Occupations agriculture, forestry, Fishing, and Related Occupations. Louis libraries Edition,derived and modified by Raleigh Muns July 20, 1996, from http//stats.bls.gov http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/ooh9697/9.htm | |
63. Agriculture Pathfinder SMSU Libraries agriculture Selected Categories Sources of Information from SMSU libraries It coversmaterials relating to all aspects of agriculture, forestry, and animal http://library.smsu.edu/reference/pathfinders/agr.php | |
64. Dairy Promotion / Special Events - Louisiana Dept. Of Agriculture And Forestry libraries and is responsible for numerous other special events, projects and exhibitspromoting milk. The Louisiana Department of agriculture and forestry http://www.ldaf.state.la.us/divisions/marketing/dairypromotion/default.asp | |
65. Urban Forestry, UM Libraries To locate books, search the UM libraries' online Catalog. of agriculture,Forest Service, State Private forestry, 1993. http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/GUIDES/urbanforestry.html | |
66. Libraries Containing Information On Sustainable Agriculture libraries. Library This is a free public library of holistic agriculture. WWW VirtualLibrary forestry The Library Information Services and Information Systems http://www.sustainableag.net/libraries.htm | |
67. CHARM (Mississippi State University) extension service director, while Watson is interim vice president for agriculture,forestry and veterinary medicine. Coleman is dean of university libraries. http://www.ur.msstate.edu/news/stories/2002/charm.asp | |
68. Herald Of The BLA. 1996/3. Belarus Agricultural Library (BelAL) the most representative collection of books in agriculture, forestry, foods, food BelALassociates closely with all big libraries of Belarus, mutually using http://kolas.bas-net.by/engl/H96-3/e_sxb.htm | |
69. Member Libraries Of The Project Member libraries of the project Croatian Sciences Library (Zagreb); Faculty of agriculture Library (Osijek); Faculty of forestry - Library (Zagreb); Faculty of http://prirodo.irb.hr/eng/knjiznic.html | |
70. EUFORIC - Links English Community Forests? libraries and Databases. Resource Centreof Urban agriculture and forestry (RUAF). This site includes http://www.fsl.dk/euforic/links.htm | |
71. Agriculture, Forestry, & Farming The Riley Guide agriculture forestry. Michigan agriculture Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker Program Farmers in Internet access available in most public libraries and state http://www.rileyguide.com/agric.html | |
72. UCL: Agriculture - Library Resources titles to be added to the libraries' collections; Covers all aspects of agricultureand allied sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and http://www.lib.uconn.edu/subjectareas/agric.htm | |
73. MSU Collection Preserves Mississippi's Rural Past (03-03-2003) include the MSU libraries, the Mississippi Agricultural and forestry ExperimentStation, the MSU Extension Service and the College of agriculture and Life. http://msucares.com/news/print/agnews/an03/030303.html | |
74. Forestry Library At ETH Zürich Swiss libraries and catalogues (from SWITCH); Queries about of Göttingen and theforestry college of Database description of the food, agriculture and forestry http://www.waho.ethz.ch/english/Library.html | |
75. Japan Directory:Academia/Education libraries National and Administrative libraries; libraries in Specific Fields; Health,and Pharmaceuticals; Food and Textiles; agriculture, forestry and Fisheries; http://www.jinjapan.org/jd/org/007000000.html | |
76. Forestry Resources Coverage 1970Present. CAB Abstracts. Available through the NCSU libraries Web site.Covers worldwide issues in agriculture, forestry, and allied disciplines. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/staff/jwilliams/Forestry.html | |
77. CSU Libraries: Agriculture Cooperative Extension people by supporting production of agriculture, ensuring a fishery and wildlife biology,forestry, and other Resources Archive at CSU libraries The Colorado http://lib.colostate.edu/research/coopext/ | |
78. The Laurentian Forestry Centre Libraries In Quebec Sciseek, Science online A search engine covering subjects from agricultureand forestry to engineering, chemistry, physics and the environment. http://www.cfl.scf.rncan.gc.ca/bib-lib_internet/sitesscientifiques/e/Databases.h | |
79. The Laurentian Forestry Centre Libraries In Quebec Biotechnology Calendar. Conference on Geospatial Information in Agricultureand forestry. ÉcoRoute Calendrier des événements. http://www.cfl.scf.rncan.gc.ca/bib-lib_internet/sitesscientifiques/e/Congresses. | |
80. Faculty Of Agriculture And Forestry Faculty of agriculture and forestry. Viikki Campus Area. Faculty of agricultureand forestry, Welcome to the Viikki Campus Area Information page. http://honeybee.helsinki.fi/english/campus.htm | |
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