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61. Plant Protection Major of the program focus on general education requirements economics, computers, biology,and introductory courses in agriculture courses directed primarily at http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/instruct/mcclean/ag_www/pl_protect/pl-protect_desc.htm | |
62. Virginia Tech Undergraduate Catalog The following required courses should be completed by the end in both the Collegeof agriculture and Life of Biology Lab; BIOL 2604 general Microbiology; BIOL http://www.vt.edu/academics/ugcat/ucdBchm.html | |
63. FOSHAN UNIVERSITY thousand in general courses and others in training courses and advanced study courses.They ae distributed mainly in the lines and units of agriculture and http://www.fosu.edu.cn/ehtml/e_nmfy.html | |
64. College Of Science & Engineering Programme: General Information College of Science Engineering Programme general information. Biological Sciences,Ecological Science, Forestry, agriculture courses, Chemistry, Computer http://www.cpa.ed.ac.uk/calendar/sciengh/regs/005.html | |
65. UC Davis General Catalog: GE Themes general Education theme options are sets of GE this option group of courses, studentscan include holistic approaches to agriculture; international migration http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/UCDWebCatalog/GEthemes.html | |
66. Institute Of International Agriculture Home Page of International agriculture (IIA) which is involved with international developmentprojects and research, training and short courses which serve the general Category Reference Education Michigan State University Research http://www.iia.msu.edu/ | |
67. Blackhawk Technical College Site Map general Education Certificate. general Education courses. Administrative AssistantOffice Technology Emphasis courses. agriculture Implement Servicing, http://www.blackhawk.edu/sitemap.htm | |
68. General Catalog 1993-95 major Undergraduate majors must complete the general education requirements as describedin the College of agriculture section of the catalog. courses in four http://catalog.arizona.edu/1993-95/arec.html | |
69. Purdue Ag Academic Programs - Curricula, Courses & Counselors agriculture Three undergraduate majors in the School of agriculture are great takeat least four courses in biology, two courses in general chemistry, two http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/oap/premed.html | |
70. Institute Of Land And Food Resources - TAFE Courses In Agriculture - Apprentices For further information on the courses and apprenticeship II IV in agriculture (PoultryProduction). on Apprenticeships / Traineeships in general, visit http http://www.landfood.unimelb.edu.au/courses/tafe/attp.html | |
71. Agricultural And Resource Economics AREC Courses - Graduate Catalog Spring 2002 Graduate courses for AREC agriculture and Resource of production economics in agricultureand resource development, agricultural trade and general economic and http://www.gradschool.umd.edu/catalog/courses/AREC.html | |
72. General Catalog - Plant Biology Courses Changing patterns of agriculture in relation to population growth, the biology andsocial impact of plant disease Upper Division courses. general Microbiology. http://sis450.berkeley.edu:4500/catalog/gcc_list_crse_req?p_dept_name=Plant Biol |
73. Graduate Level Courses GRADUATE courses. trade theory and policy in partial and general equilibrium and in ARE202. Production, Industrial Organization, and Regulation in agriculture. http://are.berkeley.edu/mason/gradstudy/courses.html | |
74. OACC HOME general. OACC) is dedicated to enhancing the environmental and social integrityof agriculture. and the public through this web site and web based courses. http://www.organicagcentre.ca/ | |
75. Programs Offered (by Type) - Spokane Community College Experiential Learning Program general Studies Government Accounting agriculture AnthropologyBiological Science Business Campus Resources courses and Programs http://www.scc.spokane.cc.wa.us/programs.htm | |
76. Graduate Handbook For The University Of Florida Entomology And Nematology Depart requirements Completion of Degree Requirements general Requirements for All COURSEDESCRIPTIONS agriculture courses (AGG) Entomology Undergraduate courses (ENY http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/handbook.html | |
77. Faculty Of Agriculture Initially, it provided shortterm courses in general agriculture for personnel ofthe Ministry of agriculture until January 1958 when the courses were upgraded http://www.knust.edu.gh/Academics/Agriculture/ | |
78. UNL | Masters Degree In Agriculture The Master of agriculture degree requirements include At least 36 hours total ofgraduate coursework (with 12 credit hours of courses open only for graduate http://advance.unl.edu/distance/degrees/agriculture.html | |
79. Frequently Asked Questions and the Ontario Ministry of agriculture and Food. There are about 450 grower certificationcourses each year. still is current and for general questions about http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/faq.html | |
80. Start Page ECPA And ECPLF The courses provide first class introductions into latest developments and toolsfor research and scientific studies on most topics in precision agriculture. http://www.ecpa-berlin.org/index.php?go=courseintro |
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