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Alaska Coop Ext Service: more detail |
61. 4-H/Army Liaisons By State/Installation 907474-2427 fnmm@uaf.edu Univerisity of alaska, Fairbanks, Pacific. AL, 970-491-6102970-491-5108 (fax) jcarroll@coop.ext.colostate.edu, Debbie Bowman Ph.D. ext. http://www.usda-army-ydp.org/contact_liaisons.html | |
62. USDA - NRCS - NWMC - CSREES Contacts alaska, Ray Gavalack, Palmer Research Center 533 E. Fireweed Avenue Palmer,AK 99645, pfrgg@uaa.alaska.edu. American Samoa, Guam, Manuel Duguies, coop. ext. http://wmc.ar.nrcs.usda.gov/partner.dir/afos.dir/contacts/csrees.html | |
64. CES Natural Resources & Environmental Management to place and monitor Gypsy moth traps, and some of the Technicians assist USDA ForestService researchers with pest No, alaska. jefferso@coop.ext.colostate.ed. http://www.uga.edu/soforext/natural/1997flags.html | |
65. Communicators Guide/chapter Seven Manager/Editor, University of alaska Sea Grant Manager, Natural Resources ConservationService, US Department of CO 805234050, douglass@coop.ext.colostate.edu http://www.usda.gov/news/pubs/fcn/chapter7.htm | |
66. NASCC - National Association Of Service & Conservation Corps alaska Youth Corps Silver Spring Corps South Texas AmeriCorps Initiative and TXCoop. ext. Southeast Waters AmeriCorps Southwest Youth Corps Spokane service http://www.nascc.org/members.shtml | |
67. REFERENCES HM Galloway, DR Griffith, and JV Mannering. Purdue Univ., coop. ext. Serv. AY210.alaska's Agricultural Potential. 1974. alaska Rural Development Counc. Publ. http://www.irim.com/ssm/ssm00196.htm | |
68. Untitled Document Seifert, *Project Team Member University of alaska PO Box 756180 www.uaf.edu/coopext/faculty/seifert/energy.html. Phoenix,AZ 85040 Phone (602) 470-8086 (ext. http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
69. California Section Of The Society For Range Management John Bryant, University of alaska Fairbanks, Emeritus; and Bob Budd, The Nature Conservancy,Red Canyon Ranch. 430500 Discussion. Tom D. Whitson, coop. ext. http://www.casrm.org/Hawaii02.shtml | |
70. SSM: References 1977. alaska's agricultural potential. American Association of State Highwayand Transportation Officials. 1986. Purdue Univ., coop. ext. Serv. AY210. http://soils.usda.gov/procedures/ssm/references.htm | |
71. NEMO: Nonpoint Education For Municipal National Network - Previous Workshops South Carolina, NOAA Coastal service Center, Meeting. MN Erosion Control Assoc, UMNCoop ext, Training session. June 2000, Oregon alaska - Washington - Idaho, Lower http://nemo.uconn.edu/national/workshops_1.htm | |
72. LVD State Contact List alaska Dr. Anthony T. Nakazawa, CES University of alaskaFairbanks PO Box 756180Fairbanks, AK 99775-6180 Tel (907) 474-7246 Fax (907) 474-6971 coop. ext. http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/lvd/contacts.htm | |
73. Internship List Conserv., Water Quality Div.), Waterbury, VT; alaska Boreal Forest Council, Fairbanks Center,Woodvale Farm, West Greenwich, RI; University of Georgia, coop. ext. http://www.uvm.edu/~envprog/intern.html | |
74. Arctic Goose Joint Venture Resources Division 6924 Tremont Road Dixon, CA USA, 95620 (916) 7561946 ext.626,Fax PERKINS, Alison Montana coop. PERSON, Brian University of alaska Dept. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/npscinfo/arcgoose/alphan-r.htm | |
75. FSCPE Contacts alaska Department of Labor PO Box 25501 Juneau, alaska 998025501 (E,P) (919) 733-7061ext. of State Budget and Management 20321 Mail service Center Raleigh http://www.census.gov/population/www/coop/coop.html | |
76. Colorado State Cooperative Extension Open Positions Listing Asians, 3%; and American Indians and alaska Natives, 1 working with health and humanservice organizations Email Karen Rewinkel karen_r@coop.ext.colostate.edu http://www.ext.colostate.edu/coop/job0303.html | |
77. OR Forage Extension Specialist coop. ext. 600 128th Street SE Pl. Everett, WA 982086353. Tom Jahns alaska cooperativeextension 34924 Kalifornsky Beach Rd., Suite A Soldotna, AK 99669-9728. http://www.forages.css.orst.edu/Oregon/People/OR_Forages_list.html | |
78. PNWFWC Members 34824 Kalifornsky Beach Rd., Suite A Soldotna, AK 99669 Phone 907262-5824 Fax907-262-3939 Email FFTRJ@aurora.alaska.edu. Bob Wilson Whitepine coop. ext. http://www.forages.css.orst.edu/Organizations/Forage/PNWFW/Frames/Home/People/Pe | |
79. USDA Forest Service Landowner Assistance Program Coordinators Website Address www.fs.fed.us/spf/coop/loa.htm. Division of Parks and Outdoor RecreationAlaska Department of Pittsfield, MA 01202 4134428928 ext 33 FAX 413 http://www.lta.org/publicpolicy/fl_contacts.htm | |
80. Adventure GPS Products - Customer List Pennsylvania College of Technology; Pennsylvania State University (coop. ext. IL;University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of alaska Anchorage; http://www.gps4fun.com/contact_customer_list.html | |
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