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Alaska School Media Centers: more detail |
61. Untitled Other school Library media Web Pages. k12.ak.us/schools/upk/upk.home.html Fairbanks,alaska. Leo Ussak Elementary school Bilingual English and Inuktitut http http://www.libsci.sc.edu/miller/schools.htm | |
62. Subpart 4 - Improving Literacy Through School Libraries improvement, based on the age and condition of school library media resources, includingbook collections, access of school library media centers to advanced http://www.ed.gov/legislation/ESEA02/pg7.html | |
63. The CIRI Foundation Publication & Media List contains many ideas helpful to teachers applying for alaska school Districts and media. changesin the Dena'ina Athabascan village of Tyonek, alaska from 1964 http://www.ciri.com/tcf/publications.htm | |
64. Proof Of The Power: Quality Library Media Programs Affect Academic Achievement Juneau, alaska alaska State Library, 2000. The Impact of school Library MediaCenters on Academic Achievement. Castle Rock, Colorado Hi Willow http://www.infotoday.com/MMSchools/sep01/lance.htm | |
65. A Guide To Networking For K-12 Schools: School Networking Resources local educational agencies, teachers, school library and in K12 classrooms, librarymedia centers, and other state education agencies of alaska, Idaho, Montana http://www.netc.org/network_guide/f.html | |
66. OrlandoSentinel.com: News more often children visited their school library on alaska schools that staffed librarieswith professionals Pennsylvania schools spent on mediacenter programs http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/education/orl-asecread10111002nov10,0,793453 | |
67. Why Is A Library So Important? role of the school librarian media specialist and the relationship between betterschool library services Similar recent studies for alaska and Pennsylvania http://www.cgrove417.org/cghs/ssp.html | |
68. ERIC Logo Department Of Education Seal Studies LRS studies conducted in alaska, Colorado and the American Association ofSchool Librarians http Hot Topics Libraries/media centers Contains links to http://ericit.org/cgi-bin/resprint.cgi/Resources/Librarianship/School_Libraries. | |
69. Comprehensive Centers Network Newsletter performance standards, bullying and harassment in school and ways to help youth becomemedia literate responses to the diverse needs of alaskas students http://www.ccnetwork.org/newsletters/vol1no3/standards.htm |
70. About 3M - Community: Education, 3M Makes Million Dollar Donation To School Libr Select a location. 3M Makes Million Dollar Donation to school Library media centers. http://www.3m.com/about3m/community/edu_library_102500.jhtml | |
71. 3M Library Systems - Press Room United States. November 15, 2001 school library media centers can help http://www.3m.com/market/security/library/press/releases/callforEntries.jhtml | |
72. New Media Center Proposal for our programs and those of other New media centers. K12 Working with the schooldistricts in Anchorage, Mat and Valdez, as well as the alaska Society for http://helenbarrett.com/uaa/NMC96.html | |
73. CDC Media Relations: Released Friday, June 2, 2000 CDC) show that 63.7% of American Indian/alaska Native (AI AI/AN women with less thana high school education were http//www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media/pressrel/r2k0420 http://www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media/pressrel/r2k0602.htm | |
74. School Libraries by a trained school library media specialist helps findings hold true for everyschool and in very dissimilar states of Colorado, Pennsylvania, and alaska. http://reed.senate.gov/schoollibraries/library.htm | |
75. Activate Your FREE SUBSCRIPTION To School Planning & Management - Part Of The Pe Alabama. Transportation Physical Education media centers/Libraries Flooring specialupdates from school Planning http://www.peterli.com/spm/readserv/subformspm.cfm | |
76. Haines Cooperative Libraries schools may be borrowed through the public library or directly from the school mediacenters. was located in a 12' X 12' building at the alaska Steamship Office http://haineslibrary.org/ | |
77. Management Strategies For Librarians together by the Washington Library media Association Acceptable on the impact ofschool libraries on student achievement in Pennsylvania, alaska and Colorado http://www.wtps.org/wths/imc/ProfessionalDevelopment/managment_strategies.htm | |
78. Analysis Of The Job Market In ILS The Competition (school Analysis). The Western area includes Texas, New Mexico,Colorado, Kansas, California, Washington, Hawaii, alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Utah http://www.southernct.edu/departments/ils/ils503/audtay.html | |
79. IAC EXPRESS - Issue #230 The media campaign will include fullpage ads in For further information on alaska'sschool and childcare facility 888) 430-4321 or visit alaska's Division of http://www.immunize.org/genr.d/issue230.htm | |
80. School Librarian Shortage to studies of school library programs in alaska, Colorado, and It discusses how mediaspecialists can provide educational Check This Out school Librarians in http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/jhaberkorn/lis405le/focuspaper.html | |
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